12/03 17:36:24 ========================================================================================= 12/03 17:36:24 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/03 17:36:24 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/03 17:36:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/03 17:36:24 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/03 17:36:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/03 17:36:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/03 17:36:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:36:25 Timer 2 called 12/03 17:36:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:36:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:36:25 Exception - - Can't find setting CRASERVERTIMER in section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Default value = 1 12/03 17:36:25 Inserting Value with default value 12/03 17:36:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER successfully updated at ini file. New value: 1 12/03 17:36:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:36:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:36:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:36:32 Timer 3 called 12/03 17:36:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:36:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:36:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:36:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:36:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:37:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/03 17:37:36 here! 12/03 17:37:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnCheckMaster 12/03 17:37:38 OnCheckMaster m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/03 17:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonStart 12/03 17:37:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/03 17:37:39 Setting Master successfully updated at ini file. New value: Y 12/03 17:37:39 Setting Backup successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/03 17:37:39 Setting EnableSBNClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/03 17:37:39 Setting EnableSoftguardClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/03 17:37:39 Setting EnableSIMSClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/03 17:37:39 Setting EnableManitouClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/03 17:37:39 OnBnClickedButtonStart m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE. daview.ini updated 12/03 17:37:39 Setting EnableMASterMindClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/03 17:37:39 Setting EnableSIAClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/03 17:37:39 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/03 17:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::InitActionsOfMaster 12/03 17:37:39 Don't call verified 12/03 17:37:39 Changing Web Service... 12/03 17:37:39 executing: c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ConfigureWebService.bat 21000 C:\Davantis\craserver c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ 12/03 17:37:39 ok! 12/03 17:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::StartDownloadVideos 12/03 17:37:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:37:39 Starting thread CRAServerDWN 12/03 17:37:39 Setting CRAServerDWN read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:37:39 Thread CRAServerDWN started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_craserverDWN" 12/03 17:37:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::MoveOldOpenAlarms 12/03 17:37:39 [D] Query(86ms)[0 rows] = SELECT "IDALARMCRA","IDDISPOSITION","IDUSER","IDEVENT","IDSITE","IDALARM","IPORIGIN","PORTORIGIN","CAMCODE","DESCRIPTION","STARTED","ENDED","SEVERITY","STATE","VIDEONAME","SNAPSHOT","IDMACHINE","IDRULE","IDCAMERA","ACK","RESOLUTION","DATEOPEN","DATECLOSE","FEATURES","DATECRAOK","VIDEOFILESIZE","TRANSMSEC","BBOX","IDMAIL","VIDEONAMESUP","MACHINENAMESUP","ACKR","VIDEOFILESIZESUP" FROM "dbo"."ALARMSCRA" WHERE STATE = 'NEW' OR STATE = 'VWD' ORDER BY IDALARMCRA DESC 12/03 17:37:39 0 alarms to be moved from AlarmsCRA to AlarmsOPEN 12/03 17:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::SendCMSInfoToAllSites 12/03 17:37:39 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 170 12/03 17:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::SendToAllCustomers 12/03 17:37:39 [D] Query(32ms)[1 rows] = SELECT "IDSITE","SITENAME","IP","PORT","MAP","HEARTBEAT","FTPPORT","PASSWORD","MESSAGE","MESSAGESTATE","DATESTART","DATEEND","SITECODE","IDINSTALLER","DNI","ADDRESS","POSTALCODE","CITY","COMMENT","SITESTARTDATE","SITESTOPDATE","LAUNCHEVENT","COMMENTRELE1","COMMENTRELE2","COMMENTRELE3","COMMENTRELE4","EVENTTYPE","COMMENTLIGHT","COMMENTSOUND","COMMENTWATER","COMMENTOTHER","VERSION","VNCPORT","VNCPWD","CONNECTED","EMAIL","WEBLOGIN","WEBPWD","IDSCHEDULER","TYPE","PRODUCT","ENABLE_AGAIN","WNOTARMED","AUDIOPORT","MESSAGEPOPUP","LASTBACKUPTIME","RECORDERHTTP","VIDEOFORMAT","AUTODOWNLOADVIDEOS","UPDATEIP","LASTIPTIME" FROM "dbo"."SITES" WHERE IDSITE <> 0 12/03 17:37:39 [D] Query(3ms)[1 rows] = SELECT "IDSITE","SITENAME","IP","PORT","MAP","HEARTBEAT","FTPPORT","PASSWORD","MESSAGE","MESSAGESTATE","DATESTART","DATEEND","SITECODE","IDINSTALLER","DNI","ADDRESS","POSTALCODE","CITY","COMMENT","SITESTARTDATE","SITESTOPDATE","LAUNCHEVENT","COMMENTRELE1","COMMENTRELE2","COMMENTRELE3","COMMENTRELE4","EVENTTYPE","COMMENTLIGHT","COMMENTSOUND","COMMENTWATER","COMMENTOTHER","VERSION","VNCPORT","VNCPWD","CONNECTED","EMAIL","WEBLOGIN","WEBPWD","IDSCHEDULER","TYPE","PRODUCT","ENABLE_AGAIN","WNOTARMED","AUDIOPORT","MESSAGEPOPUP","LASTBACKUPTIME","RECORDERHTTP","VIDEOFORMAT","AUTODOWNLOADVIDEOS","UPDATEIP","LASTIPTIME" FROM "dbo"."SITES" WHERE IDSITE <> 0 12/03 17:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/03 17:37:39 here! 12/03 17:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/03 17:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/03 17:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/03 17:37:39 here! 12/03 17:37:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:37:49 Timer 12 called 12/03 17:37:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:37:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:37:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:37:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:37:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:38:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:38:09 Timer 9 called 12/03 17:38:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:38:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:38:09 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:38:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:38:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:39:28 ========================================================================================= 12/03 17:39:28 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/03 17:39:28 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/03 17:39:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/03 17:39:28 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/03 17:39:28 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/03 17:39:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/03 17:39:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:39:29 Timer 2 called 12/03 17:39:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:39:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:39:29 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:39:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:39:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:39:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/03 17:39:31 here! 12/03 17:39:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/03 17:39:31 here! 12/03 17:39:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/03 17:39:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/03 17:39:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:39:36 Timer 3 called 12/03 17:39:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:39:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:39:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:39:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:39:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:39:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:39:41 Timer 12 called 12/03 17:39:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:39:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:39:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:39:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:39:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:40:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:40:01 Timer 9 called 12/03 17:40:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:40:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:40:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:40:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:40:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:46:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupExit 12/03 17:46:06 OnPopupExit 12/03 17:46:07 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 12/03 17:46:07 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/03 17:46:09 CCRAServerDlg::CheckPassword 12/03 17:46:09 Good password 12/03 17:46:09 Setting Master read from section BackupDatabase. Value = Y 12/03 17:46:09 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 12/03 17:46:09 Exception - - Can't find setting LANG in section VIEWCLIENT. Default value = CA 12/03 17:46:09 Inserting Value with default value 12/03 17:46:09 Setting LANG successfully updated at ini file. New value: CA 12/03 17:46:10 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 12/03 17:46:10 Waiting LOOP for end 12/03 17:46:11 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:12 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:13 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:14 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:15 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:16 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:17 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:18 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:19 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:20 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:21 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:22 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:23 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:24 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:25 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:26 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:27 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:28 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:29 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:30 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:31 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:32 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:33 Waiting Securize for end 12/03 17:46:34 CCRAServerDlg::MyEndProcess 12/03 17:46:34 MyEndProcess DOWNLOADVIDEOS 12/03 17:46:34 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread exit code before stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 12/03 17:46:34 MyEndProcess step 0 12/03 17:46:34 Something else signaled 12/03 17:46:34 Throwing other messages away 12/03 17:46:34 Throwing other messages away 12/03 17:46:34 End thread signaled 12/03 17:46:34 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread ended smoothly 12/03 17:46:34 thread exit code after stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 12/03 17:46:34 MyEndProcess end 12/03 17:46:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/03 17:46:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/03 17:46:34 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/03 17:48:03 ========================================================================================= 12/03 17:48:03 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/03 17:48:04 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/03 17:48:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/03 17:48:04 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/03 17:48:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/03 17:48:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/03 17:48:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:48:05 Timer 2 called 12/03 17:48:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:48:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:48:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:48:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:48:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/03 17:48:07 here! 12/03 17:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/03 17:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/03 17:48:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:48:12 Timer 3 called 12/03 17:48:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:48:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:48:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:48:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:48:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:48:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:48:17 Timer 12 called 12/03 17:48:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:48:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:48:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:48:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:48:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:48:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/03 17:48:37 Timer 9 called 12/03 17:48:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/03 17:48:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/03 17:48:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/03 17:48:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/03 17:48:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/03 07:11:21 ========================================================================================= 15/03 07:11:21 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 15/03 07:11:21 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 15/03 07:11:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/03 07:11:21 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 15/03 07:11:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/03 07:11:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/03 07:11:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/03 07:11:22 Timer 2 called 15/03 07:11:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/03 07:11:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/03 07:11:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/03 07:11:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/03 07:11:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/03 07:11:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/03 07:11:25 here! 15/03 07:11:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/03 07:11:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/03 07:11:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/03 07:11:30 Timer 3 called 15/03 07:11:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/03 07:11:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/03 07:11:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/03 07:11:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/03 07:11:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/03 07:11:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/03 07:11:35 Timer 12 called 15/03 07:11:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/03 07:11:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/03 07:11:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/03 07:11:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/03 07:11:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/03 07:11:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/03 07:11:55 Timer 9 called 15/03 07:11:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/03 07:11:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/03 07:11:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/03 07:11:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/03 07:11:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 13:26:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 16/03 13:26:44 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/03 13:26:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/03 13:26:44 here! 16/03 13:26:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/03 13:26:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/03 13:26:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 16/03 13:26:46 Cancel Dlg by User 16/03 13:26:46 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/03 13:26:46 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 171 16/03 13:26:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/03 13:26:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/03 13:26:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/03 13:26:46 here! 16/03 13:26:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/03 13:26:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/03 14:37:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupExit 16/03 14:37:55 OnPopupExit 16/03 14:37:55 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 16/03 14:37:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/03 14:37:58 CCRAServerDlg::CheckPassword 16/03 14:37:58 Good password 16/03 14:37:58 Setting Master read from section BackupDatabase. Value = Y 16/03 14:37:58 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 16/03 14:37:58 Setting LANG read from section VIEWCLIENT. Value = CA 16/03 14:37:59 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 16/03 14:37:59 Waiting LOOP for end 16/03 14:38:00 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:01 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:02 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:03 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:04 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:05 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:06 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:07 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:08 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:09 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:10 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:11 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:12 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:13 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:14 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:15 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:16 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:17 Waiting Securize for end 16/03 14:38:18 CCRAServerDlg::MyEndProcess 16/03 14:38:18 MyEndProcess DOWNLOADVIDEOS 16/03 14:38:18 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread exit code before stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 16/03 14:38:18 MyEndProcess step 0 16/03 14:38:18 Something else signaled 16/03 14:38:18 Throwing other messages away 16/03 14:38:18 Throwing other messages away 16/03 14:38:18 End thread signaled 16/03 14:38:18 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread ended smoothly 16/03 14:38:18 thread exit code after stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 16/03 14:38:18 MyEndProcess end 16/03 14:38:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/03 14:38:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 16/03 14:38:18 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 16/03 14:38:35 ========================================================================================= 16/03 14:38:35 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/03 14:38:35 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/03 14:38:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/03 14:38:35 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/03 14:38:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/03 14:38:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/03 14:38:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/03 14:38:36 Timer 2 called 16/03 14:38:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 14:38:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/03 14:38:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/03 14:38:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/03 14:38:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 14:38:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/03 14:38:39 here! 16/03 14:38:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/03 14:38:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/03 14:38:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/03 14:38:44 Timer 3 called 16/03 14:38:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 14:38:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/03 14:38:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/03 14:38:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/03 14:38:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 14:38:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/03 14:38:49 Timer 12 called 16/03 14:38:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 14:38:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/03 14:38:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/03 14:38:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/03 14:38:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 14:39:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/03 14:39:09 Timer 9 called 16/03 14:39:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 14:39:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/03 14:39:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/03 14:39:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/03 14:39:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/03 08:59:35 ========================================================================================= 24/03 08:59:35 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 24/03 08:59:35 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 24/03 08:59:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/03 08:59:35 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 24/03 08:59:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 24/03 08:59:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/03 08:59:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/03 08:59:36 Timer 2 called 24/03 08:59:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/03 08:59:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/03 08:59:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/03 08:59:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/03 08:59:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/03 08:59:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 24/03 08:59:39 here! 24/03 08:59:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 24/03 08:59:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 24/03 08:59:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/03 08:59:44 Timer 3 called 24/03 08:59:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/03 08:59:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/03 08:59:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/03 08:59:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/03 08:59:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/03 08:59:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/03 08:59:49 Timer 12 called 24/03 08:59:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/03 08:59:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/03 08:59:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/03 08:59:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/03 08:59:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/03 09:00:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/03 09:00:09 Timer 9 called 24/03 09:00:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/03 09:00:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/03 09:00:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/03 09:00:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/03 09:00:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 17:03:57 ========================================================================================= 06/04 17:03:57 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 06/04 17:03:57 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 06/04 17:03:57 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/04 17:03:57 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 06/04 17:03:57 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/04 17:03:57 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/04 17:03:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 17:03:58 Timer 2 called 06/04 17:03:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 17:03:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 17:03:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 17:03:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 17:03:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 17:04:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/04 17:04:01 here! 06/04 17:04:01 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/04 17:04:01 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/04 17:04:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 17:04:06 Timer 3 called 06/04 17:04:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 17:04:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 17:04:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 17:04:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 17:04:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 17:04:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 17:04:11 Timer 12 called 06/04 17:04:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 17:04:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 17:04:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 17:04:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 17:04:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 17:04:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 17:04:31 Timer 9 called 06/04 17:04:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 17:04:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 17:04:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 17:04:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 17:04:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/04 09:12:32 ========================================================================================= 16/04 09:12:32 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/04 09:12:32 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/04 09:12:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/04 09:12:32 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/04 09:12:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/04 09:12:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/04 09:12:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/04 09:12:33 Timer 2 called 16/04 09:12:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/04 09:12:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/04 09:12:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/04 09:12:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/04 09:12:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/04 09:12:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/04 09:12:38 here! 16/04 09:12:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/04 09:12:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/04 09:12:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/04 09:12:43 Timer 3 called 16/04 09:12:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/04 09:12:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/04 09:12:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/04 09:12:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/04 09:12:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/04 09:12:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/04 09:12:48 Timer 12 called 16/04 09:12:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/04 09:12:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/04 09:12:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/04 09:12:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/04 09:12:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/04 09:13:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/04 09:13:08 Timer 9 called 16/04 09:13:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/04 09:13:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/04 09:13:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/04 09:13:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/04 09:13:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 07:42:09 ========================================================================================= 14/05 07:42:10 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 14/05 07:42:10 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 14/05 07:42:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/05 07:42:10 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 14/05 07:42:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/05 07:42:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/05 07:42:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/05 07:42:11 Timer 2 called 14/05 07:42:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 07:42:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/05 07:42:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/05 07:42:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/05 07:42:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 07:42:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/05 07:42:14 here! 14/05 07:42:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/05 07:42:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/05 07:42:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/05 07:42:19 Timer 3 called 14/05 07:42:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 07:42:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/05 07:42:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/05 07:42:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/05 07:42:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 07:42:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/05 07:42:24 Timer 12 called 14/05 07:42:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 07:42:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/05 07:42:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/05 07:42:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/05 07:42:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 07:42:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/05 07:42:44 Timer 9 called 14/05 07:42:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 07:42:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/05 07:42:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/05 07:42:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/05 07:42:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/05 18:53:40 ========================================================================================= 17/05 18:53:40 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 17/05 18:53:41 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 17/05 18:53:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 17/05 18:53:41 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 17/05 18:53:41 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 17/05 18:53:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 17/05 18:53:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/05 18:53:42 Timer 2 called 17/05 18:53:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/05 18:53:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/05 18:53:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/05 18:53:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/05 18:53:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/05 18:53:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 17/05 18:53:47 here! 17/05 18:53:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 17/05 18:53:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 17/05 18:53:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/05 18:53:52 Timer 3 called 17/05 18:53:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/05 18:53:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/05 18:53:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/05 18:53:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/05 18:53:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/05 18:53:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/05 18:53:57 Timer 12 called 17/05 18:53:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/05 18:53:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/05 18:53:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/05 18:53:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/05 18:53:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/05 18:54:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/05 18:54:17 Timer 9 called 17/05 18:54:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/05 18:54:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/05 18:54:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/05 18:54:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/05 18:54:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/05 16:03:19 ========================================================================================= 18/05 16:03:20 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/05 16:03:20 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/05 16:03:20 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/05 16:03:20 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/05 16:03:20 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/05 16:03:20 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/05 16:03:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/05 16:03:21 Timer 2 called 18/05 16:03:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/05 16:03:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/05 16:03:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/05 16:03:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/05 16:03:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/05 16:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/05 16:03:26 here! 18/05 16:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/05 16:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/05 16:03:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/05 16:03:31 Timer 3 called 18/05 16:03:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/05 16:03:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/05 16:03:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/05 16:03:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/05 16:03:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/05 16:03:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/05 16:03:36 Timer 12 called 18/05 16:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/05 16:03:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/05 16:03:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/05 16:03:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/05 16:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/05 16:03:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/05 16:03:56 Timer 9 called 18/05 16:03:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/05 16:03:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/05 16:03:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/05 16:03:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/05 16:03:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 13:50:30 ========================================================================================= 22/05 13:50:30 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/05 13:50:30 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/05 13:50:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/05 13:50:30 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/05 13:50:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/05 13:50:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/05 13:50:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 13:50:31 Timer 2 called 22/05 13:50:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 13:50:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 13:50:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 13:50:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 13:50:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 13:50:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/05 13:50:35 here! 22/05 13:50:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/05 13:50:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/05 13:50:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 13:50:40 Timer 3 called 22/05 13:50:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 13:50:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 13:50:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 13:50:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 13:50:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 13:50:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 13:50:45 Timer 12 called 22/05 13:50:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 13:50:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 13:50:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 13:50:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 13:50:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 13:51:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 13:51:05 Timer 9 called 22/05 13:51:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 13:51:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 13:51:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 13:51:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 13:51:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 14:53:20 ========================================================================================= 22/05 14:53:21 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/05 14:53:21 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/05 14:53:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/05 14:53:21 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/05 14:53:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/05 14:53:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/05 14:53:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 14:53:22 Timer 2 called 22/05 14:53:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 14:53:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 14:53:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 14:53:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 14:53:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 14:53:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/05 14:53:27 here! 22/05 14:53:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/05 14:53:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/05 14:53:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 14:53:32 Timer 3 called 22/05 14:53:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 14:53:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 14:53:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 14:53:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 14:53:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 14:53:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 14:53:37 Timer 12 called 22/05 14:53:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 14:53:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 14:53:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 14:53:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 14:53:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 14:53:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 14:53:57 Timer 9 called 22/05 14:53:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 14:53:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 14:53:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 14:53:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 14:53:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:41:34 ========================================================================================= 22/05 18:41:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/05 18:41:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/05 18:41:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/05 18:41:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/05 18:41:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/05 18:41:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/05 18:41:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 18:41:35 Timer 2 called 22/05 18:41:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:41:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 18:41:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 18:41:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 18:41:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:41:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/05 18:41:39 here! 22/05 18:41:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/05 18:41:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/05 18:42:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 18:42:49 Timer 3 called 22/05 18:42:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:42:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 18:42:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 18:42:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 18:42:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:42:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 18:42:49 Timer 12 called 22/05 18:42:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:42:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 18:42:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 18:42:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 18:42:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:42:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 18:42:49 Timer 9 called 22/05 18:42:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:42:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 18:42:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 18:42:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 18:42:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:43:40 ========================================================================================= 22/05 18:43:40 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/05 18:43:40 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/05 18:43:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/05 18:43:40 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/05 18:43:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/05 18:43:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/05 18:43:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 18:43:41 Timer 2 called 22/05 18:43:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:43:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 18:43:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 18:43:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 18:43:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:43:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/05 18:43:43 here! 22/05 18:43:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/05 18:43:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/05 18:43:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 18:43:48 Timer 3 called 22/05 18:43:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:43:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 18:43:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 18:43:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 18:43:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:43:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 18:43:53 Timer 12 called 22/05 18:43:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:43:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 18:43:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 18:43:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 18:43:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:44:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 18:44:13 Timer 9 called 22/05 18:44:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 18:44:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 18:44:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 18:44:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 18:44:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 15:54:32 ========================================================================================= 23/05 15:54:32 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 23/05 15:54:32 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 23/05 15:54:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/05 15:54:32 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 23/05 15:54:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/05 15:54:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/05 15:54:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/05 15:54:33 Timer 2 called 23/05 15:54:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 15:54:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/05 15:54:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/05 15:54:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/05 15:54:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 15:54:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 23/05 15:54:36 here! 23/05 15:54:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 23/05 15:54:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 23/05 15:54:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/05 15:54:41 Timer 3 called 23/05 15:54:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 15:54:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/05 15:54:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/05 15:54:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/05 15:54:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 15:54:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/05 15:54:46 Timer 12 called 23/05 15:54:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 15:54:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/05 15:54:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/05 15:54:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/05 15:54:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 15:55:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/05 15:55:06 Timer 9 called 23/05 15:55:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 15:55:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/05 15:55:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/05 15:55:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/05 15:55:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/05 08:00:59 ========================================================================================= 24/05 08:00:59 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 24/05 08:00:59 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 24/05 08:00:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/05 08:00:59 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 24/05 08:00:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 24/05 08:00:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/05 08:01:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/05 08:01:00 Timer 2 called 24/05 08:01:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/05 08:01:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/05 08:01:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/05 08:01:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/05 08:01:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/05 08:01:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 24/05 08:01:03 here! 24/05 08:01:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 24/05 08:01:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 24/05 08:01:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/05 08:01:08 Timer 3 called 24/05 08:01:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/05 08:01:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/05 08:01:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/05 08:01:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/05 08:01:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/05 08:01:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/05 08:01:13 Timer 12 called 24/05 08:01:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/05 08:01:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/05 08:01:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/05 08:01:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/05 08:01:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/05 08:01:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/05 08:01:33 Timer 9 called 24/05 08:01:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/05 08:01:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/05 08:01:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/05 08:01:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/05 08:01:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/05 08:36:59 ========================================================================================= 25/05 08:36:59 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 25/05 08:36:59 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 25/05 08:36:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/05 08:36:59 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 25/05 08:36:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 25/05 08:36:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/05 08:37:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/05 08:37:00 Timer 2 called 25/05 08:37:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/05 08:37:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/05 08:37:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/05 08:37:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/05 08:37:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/05 08:37:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 25/05 08:37:03 here! 25/05 08:37:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 25/05 08:37:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 25/05 08:37:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/05 08:37:08 Timer 3 called 25/05 08:37:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/05 08:37:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/05 08:37:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/05 08:37:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/05 08:37:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/05 08:37:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/05 08:37:13 Timer 12 called 25/05 08:37:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/05 08:37:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/05 08:37:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/05 08:37:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/05 08:37:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/05 08:37:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/05 08:37:33 Timer 9 called 25/05 08:37:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/05 08:37:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/05 08:37:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/05 08:37:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/05 08:37:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 09:25:56 ========================================================================================= 29/05 09:25:56 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/05 09:25:56 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/05 09:25:56 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/05 09:25:56 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/05 09:25:56 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/05 09:25:56 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/05 09:25:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/05 09:25:57 Timer 2 called 29/05 09:25:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 09:25:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/05 09:25:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/05 09:25:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/05 09:25:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 09:26:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/05 09:26:00 here! 29/05 09:26:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/05 09:26:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/05 09:26:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/05 09:26:05 Timer 3 called 29/05 09:26:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 09:26:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/05 09:26:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/05 09:26:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/05 09:26:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 09:26:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/05 09:26:10 Timer 12 called 29/05 09:26:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 09:26:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/05 09:26:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/05 09:26:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/05 09:26:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 09:26:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/05 09:26:30 Timer 9 called 29/05 09:26:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 09:26:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/05 09:26:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/05 09:26:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/05 09:26:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/06 08:37:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 12/06 08:37:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/06 08:37:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/06 08:37:29 here! 12/06 08:37:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/06 08:37:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/06 08:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 12/06 08:37:39 Cancel Dlg by User 12/06 08:37:39 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/06 08:37:39 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 171 12/06 08:37:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/06 08:37:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/06 08:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/06 08:37:39 here! 12/06 08:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/06 08:37:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/06 08:37:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 12/06 08:37:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/06 08:37:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/06 08:37:46 here! 12/06 08:37:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/06 08:37:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/06 08:37:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 12/06 08:37:51 Cancel Dlg by User 12/06 08:37:51 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/06 08:37:51 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 171 12/06 08:37:51 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/06 08:37:51 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/06 08:37:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/06 08:37:51 here! 12/06 08:37:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/06 08:37:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/06 08:40:09 ========================================================================================= 12/06 08:40:09 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/06 08:40:09 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/06 08:40:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/06 08:40:09 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/06 08:40:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/06 08:40:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/06 08:40:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/06 08:40:10 Timer 2 called 12/06 08:40:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/06 08:40:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/06 08:40:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/06 08:40:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/06 08:40:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/06 08:40:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/06 08:40:14 here! 12/06 08:40:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/06 08:40:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/06 08:40:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/06 08:40:19 Timer 3 called 12/06 08:40:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/06 08:40:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/06 08:40:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/06 08:40:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/06 08:40:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/06 08:40:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/06 08:40:24 Timer 12 called 12/06 08:40:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/06 08:40:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/06 08:40:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/06 08:40:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/06 08:40:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/06 08:40:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/06 08:40:44 Timer 9 called 12/06 08:40:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/06 08:40:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/06 08:40:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/06 08:40:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/06 08:40:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/06 15:30:08 ========================================================================================= 16/06 15:30:09 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/06 15:30:09 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/06 15:30:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/06 15:30:09 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/06 15:30:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/06 15:30:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/06 15:30:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/06 15:30:10 Timer 2 called 16/06 15:30:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/06 15:30:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/06 15:30:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/06 15:30:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/06 15:30:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/06 15:30:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/06 15:30:12 here! 16/06 15:30:12 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/06 15:30:12 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/06 15:30:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/06 15:30:17 Timer 3 called 16/06 15:30:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/06 15:30:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/06 15:30:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/06 15:30:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/06 15:30:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/06 15:30:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/06 15:30:22 Timer 12 called 16/06 15:30:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/06 15:30:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/06 15:30:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/06 15:30:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/06 15:30:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/06 15:30:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/06 15:30:42 Timer 9 called 16/06 15:30:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/06 15:30:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/06 15:30:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/06 15:30:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/06 15:30:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/06 21:05:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 16/06 21:05:50 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/06 21:05:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/06 21:05:50 here! 16/06 21:05:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/06 21:05:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/06 21:05:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 16/06 21:05:59 Cancel Dlg by User 16/06 21:05:59 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/06 21:05:59 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 171 16/06 21:05:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/06 21:05:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/06 21:05:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/06 21:05:59 here! 16/06 21:05:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/06 21:05:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/06 15:50:15 ========================================================================================= 19/06 15:50:15 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 19/06 15:50:15 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 19/06 15:50:15 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/06 15:50:15 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 19/06 15:50:15 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/06 15:50:16 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/06 15:50:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/06 15:50:16 Timer 2 called 19/06 15:50:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:50:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/06 15:50:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/06 15:50:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/06 15:50:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:50:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/06 15:50:19 here! 19/06 15:50:19 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/06 15:50:19 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/06 15:52:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 19/06 15:52:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/06 15:52:20 ========================================================================================= 19/06 15:52:20 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 19/06 15:52:20 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 19/06 15:52:20 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/06 15:52:20 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 19/06 15:52:20 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/06 15:52:20 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/06 15:52:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/06 15:52:21 Timer 2 called 19/06 15:52:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:52:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/06 15:52:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/06 15:52:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/06 15:52:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:52:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/06 15:52:24 here! 19/06 15:52:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/06 15:52:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/06 15:54:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/06 15:54:34 Timer 3 called 19/06 15:54:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:54:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/06 15:54:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/06 15:54:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/06 15:54:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:54:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/06 15:54:34 Timer 12 called 19/06 15:54:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:54:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/06 15:54:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/06 15:54:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/06 15:54:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:54:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/06 15:54:34 Timer 9 called 19/06 15:54:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:54:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/06 15:54:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/06 15:54:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/06 15:54:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:56:44 ========================================================================================= 19/06 15:56:44 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 19/06 15:56:44 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 19/06 15:56:44 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/06 15:56:44 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 19/06 15:56:44 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/06 15:56:44 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/06 15:56:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/06 15:56:45 Timer 2 called 19/06 15:56:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:56:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/06 15:56:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/06 15:56:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/06 15:56:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:56:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/06 15:56:49 here! 19/06 15:56:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/06 15:56:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/06 15:56:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/06 15:56:54 Timer 3 called 19/06 15:56:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:56:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/06 15:56:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/06 15:56:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/06 15:56:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:56:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/06 15:56:59 Timer 12 called 19/06 15:56:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:56:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/06 15:56:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/06 15:56:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/06 15:56:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:57:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/06 15:57:19 Timer 9 called 19/06 15:57:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/06 15:57:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/06 15:57:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/06 15:57:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/06 15:57:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/06 11:12:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 20/06 11:12:16 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/06 11:12:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 20/06 11:12:16 here! 20/06 11:12:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/06 11:12:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 20/06 11:12:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 20/06 11:12:22 Cancel Dlg by User 20/06 11:12:22 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/06 11:12:22 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 171 20/06 11:12:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/06 11:12:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/06 11:12:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 20/06 11:12:22 here! 20/06 11:12:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/06 11:12:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 20/06 11:32:23 ========================================================================================= 20/06 11:32:23 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 20/06 11:32:23 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 20/06 11:32:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/06 11:32:23 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 20/06 11:32:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/06 11:32:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/06 11:32:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/06 11:32:24 Timer 2 called 20/06 11:32:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/06 11:32:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/06 11:32:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/06 11:32:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/06 11:32:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/06 11:32:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 20/06 11:32:28 here! 20/06 11:32:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/06 11:32:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 20/06 11:32:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/06 11:32:33 Timer 3 called 20/06 11:32:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/06 11:32:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/06 11:32:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/06 11:32:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/06 11:32:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/06 11:32:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/06 11:32:38 Timer 12 called 20/06 11:32:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/06 11:32:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/06 11:32:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/06 11:32:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/06 11:32:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/06 11:32:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/06 11:32:58 Timer 9 called 20/06 11:32:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/06 11:32:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/06 11:32:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/06 11:32:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/06 11:32:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 17:30:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupExit 27/06 17:30:23 OnPopupExit 27/06 17:30:23 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 27/06 17:30:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/06 17:30:26 CCRAServerDlg::CheckPassword 27/06 17:30:26 Good password 27/06 17:30:26 Setting Master read from section BackupDatabase. Value = Y 27/06 17:30:26 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 27/06 17:30:26 Setting LANG read from section VIEWCLIENT. Value = CA 27/06 17:30:27 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 27/06 17:30:27 Waiting LOOP for end 27/06 17:30:28 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:29 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:30 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:31 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:32 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:33 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:34 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:35 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:36 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:37 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:38 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:39 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:40 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:41 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:42 Waiting Securize for end 27/06 17:30:43 CCRAServerDlg::MyEndProcess 27/06 17:30:43 MyEndProcess DOWNLOADVIDEOS 27/06 17:30:43 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread exit code before stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 27/06 17:30:43 MyEndProcess step 0 27/06 17:30:43 Something else signaled 27/06 17:30:43 Throwing other messages away 27/06 17:30:43 Throwing other messages away 27/06 17:30:43 Throwing other messages away 27/06 17:30:43 End thread signaled 27/06 17:30:43 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread ended smoothly 27/06 17:30:43 thread exit code after stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 27/06 17:30:43 MyEndProcess end 27/06 17:30:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/06 17:30:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 27/06 17:30:43 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 27/06 17:31:02 ========================================================================================= 27/06 17:31:02 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/06 17:31:02 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/06 17:31:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/06 17:31:02 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/06 17:31:02 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/06 17:31:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/06 17:31:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 17:31:03 Timer 2 called 27/06 17:31:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 17:31:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 17:31:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 17:31:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 17:31:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 17:31:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/06 17:31:05 here! 27/06 17:31:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/06 17:31:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/06 17:31:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 17:31:10 Timer 3 called 27/06 17:31:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 17:31:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 17:31:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 17:31:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 17:31:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 17:31:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 17:31:15 Timer 12 called 27/06 17:31:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 17:31:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 17:31:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 17:31:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 17:31:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 17:31:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 17:31:35 Timer 9 called 27/06 17:31:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 17:31:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 17:31:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 17:31:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 17:31:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/07 21:13:11 ========================================================================================= 02/07 21:13:11 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/07 21:13:11 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 02/07 21:13:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/07 21:13:11 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/07 21:13:11 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/07 21:13:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/07 21:13:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/07 21:13:12 Timer 2 called 02/07 21:13:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/07 21:13:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/07 21:13:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/07 21:13:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/07 21:13:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/07 21:13:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/07 21:13:16 here! 02/07 21:13:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/07 21:13:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/07 21:13:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/07 21:13:21 Timer 3 called 02/07 21:13:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/07 21:13:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/07 21:13:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/07 21:13:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/07 21:13:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/07 21:13:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/07 21:13:26 Timer 12 called 02/07 21:13:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/07 21:13:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/07 21:13:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/07 21:13:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/07 21:13:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/07 21:13:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/07 21:13:46 Timer 9 called 02/07 21:13:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/07 21:13:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/07 21:13:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/07 21:13:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/07 21:13:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 12:58:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 24/07 12:58:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/07 12:58:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 24/07 12:58:18 here! 24/07 12:58:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 24/07 12:58:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 24/07 12:58:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 24/07 12:58:20 here! 24/07 12:58:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 24/07 12:58:28 Cancel Dlg by User 24/07 12:58:28 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/07 12:58:28 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 173 24/07 12:58:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/07 12:58:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/07 12:58:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 24/07 12:58:28 here! 24/07 12:58:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 24/07 12:58:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/07 16:01:32 ========================================================================================= 27/07 16:01:32 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/07 16:01:32 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/07 16:01:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/07 16:01:32 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/07 16:01:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/07 16:01:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/07 16:01:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/07 16:01:33 Timer 2 called 27/07 16:01:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:01:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/07 16:01:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/07 16:01:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/07 16:01:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:01:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/07 16:01:38 here! 27/07 16:01:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/07 16:01:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/07 16:05:39 ========================================================================================= 27/07 16:05:39 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/07 16:05:39 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/07 16:05:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/07 16:05:39 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/07 16:05:39 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/07 16:05:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/07 16:05:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/07 16:05:40 Timer 2 called 27/07 16:05:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:05:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/07 16:05:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/07 16:05:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/07 16:05:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:05:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/07 16:05:42 here! 27/07 16:05:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/07 16:05:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/07 16:05:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/07 16:05:47 Timer 3 called 27/07 16:05:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:05:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/07 16:05:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/07 16:05:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/07 16:05:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:05:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/07 16:05:52 Timer 12 called 27/07 16:05:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:05:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/07 16:05:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/07 16:05:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/07 16:05:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:06:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/07 16:06:12 Timer 9 called 27/07 16:06:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:06:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/07 16:06:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/07 16:06:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/07 16:06:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:20:02 ========================================================================================= 27/07 16:20:02 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/07 16:20:02 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/07 16:20:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/07 16:20:02 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/07 16:20:02 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/07 16:20:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/07 16:20:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/07 16:20:03 Timer 2 called 27/07 16:20:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:20:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/07 16:20:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/07 16:20:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/07 16:20:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:20:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/07 16:20:07 here! 27/07 16:20:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/07 16:20:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/07 16:20:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/07 16:20:12 Timer 3 called 27/07 16:20:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:20:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/07 16:20:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/07 16:20:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/07 16:20:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:20:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/07 16:20:17 Timer 12 called 27/07 16:20:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:20:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/07 16:20:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/07 16:20:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/07 16:20:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:20:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/07 16:20:37 Timer 9 called 27/07 16:20:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07 16:20:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/07 16:20:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/07 16:20:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/07 16:20:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/08 16:27:23 ========================================================================================= 02/08 16:27:23 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/08 16:27:23 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 02/08 16:27:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/08 16:27:24 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/08 16:27:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/08 16:27:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/08 16:27:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/08 16:27:25 Timer 2 called 02/08 16:27:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/08 16:27:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/08 16:27:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/08 16:27:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/08 16:27:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/08 16:27:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/08 16:27:27 here! 02/08 16:27:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/08 16:27:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/08 16:27:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/08 16:27:32 Timer 3 called 02/08 16:27:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/08 16:27:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/08 16:27:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/08 16:27:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/08 16:27:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/08 16:27:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/08 16:27:37 Timer 12 called 02/08 16:27:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/08 16:27:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/08 16:27:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/08 16:27:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/08 16:27:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/08 16:27:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/08 16:27:57 Timer 9 called 02/08 16:27:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/08 16:27:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/08 16:27:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/08 16:27:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/08 16:27:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/08 11:59:25 ========================================================================================= 27/08 11:59:25 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/08 11:59:25 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/08 11:59:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/08 11:59:25 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/08 11:59:25 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/08 11:59:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/08 11:59:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/08 11:59:26 Timer 2 called 27/08 11:59:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/08 11:59:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/08 11:59:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/08 11:59:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/08 11:59:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/08 11:59:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/08 11:59:36 here! 27/08 11:59:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/08 11:59:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/08 11:59:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/08 11:59:41 Timer 3 called 27/08 11:59:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/08 11:59:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/08 11:59:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/08 11:59:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/08 11:59:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/08 11:59:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 27/08 11:59:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/08 11:59:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/08 11:59:41 here! 27/08 11:59:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/08 11:59:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/08 11:59:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/08 11:59:46 Timer 12 called 27/08 11:59:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/08 11:59:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/08 11:59:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/08 11:59:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/08 11:59:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/08 11:59:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 27/08 11:59:46 Cancel Dlg by User 27/08 11:59:46 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/08 11:59:46 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 173 27/08 11:59:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/08 11:59:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/08 11:59:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/08 11:59:46 here! 27/08 11:59:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/08 11:59:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/08 12:00:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/08 12:00:06 Timer 9 called 27/08 12:00:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/08 12:00:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/08 12:00:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/08 12:00:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/08 12:00:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:12 ========================================================================================= 14/09 10:10:12 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 14/09 10:10:12 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 14/09 10:10:12 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/09 10:10:12 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 14/09 10:10:12 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/09 10:10:12 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/09 10:10:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/09 10:10:13 Timer 2 called 14/09 10:10:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/09 10:10:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/09 10:10:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/09 10:10:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/09 10:10:17 here! 14/09 10:10:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/09 10:10:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/09 10:10:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/09 10:10:33 Timer 3 called 14/09 10:10:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/09 10:10:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/09 10:10:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/09 10:10:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/09 10:10:33 Timer 12 called 14/09 10:10:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/09 10:10:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/09 10:10:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/09 10:10:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:40 ========================================================================================= 14/09 10:10:40 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 14/09 10:10:40 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 14/09 10:10:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/09 10:10:40 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 14/09 10:10:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/09 10:10:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/09 10:10:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/09 10:10:41 Timer 2 called 14/09 10:10:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/09 10:10:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/09 10:10:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/09 10:10:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/09 10:10:43 here! 14/09 10:10:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/09 10:10:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/09 10:10:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/09 10:10:48 Timer 3 called 14/09 10:10:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/09 10:10:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/09 10:10:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/09 10:10:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/09 10:10:53 Timer 12 called 14/09 10:10:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:10:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/09 10:10:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/09 10:10:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/09 10:10:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:11:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/09 10:11:13 Timer 9 called 14/09 10:11:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:11:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/09 10:11:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/09 10:11:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/09 10:11:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/09 10:11:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 14/09 10:11:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/09 10:11:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/09 10:11:13 here! 14/09 10:11:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/09 10:11:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/09 10:11:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/09 10:11:18 here! 14/09 10:12:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 14/09 10:12:08 Cancel Dlg by User 14/09 10:12:08 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/09 10:12:08 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 173 14/09 10:12:08 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/09 10:12:08 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/09 10:12:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/09 10:12:08 here! 14/09 10:12:08 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/09 10:12:08 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/09 14:17:17 ========================================================================================= 21/09 14:17:17 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 21/09 14:17:17 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 21/09 14:17:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/09 14:17:17 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 21/09 14:17:17 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/09 14:17:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/09 14:17:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/09 14:17:18 Timer 2 called 21/09 14:17:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 14:17:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/09 14:17:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/09 14:17:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/09 14:17:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 14:17:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/09 14:17:22 here! 21/09 14:17:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/09 14:17:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/09 14:17:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/09 14:17:27 Timer 3 called 21/09 14:17:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 14:17:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/09 14:17:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/09 14:17:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/09 14:17:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 14:17:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/09 14:17:32 Timer 12 called 21/09 14:17:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 14:17:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/09 14:17:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/09 14:17:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/09 14:17:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 14:17:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/09 14:17:52 Timer 9 called 21/09 14:17:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 14:17:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/09 14:17:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/09 14:17:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/09 14:17:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 14:18:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 21/09 14:18:07 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/09 14:18:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/09 14:18:07 here! 21/09 14:18:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/09 14:18:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/09 14:18:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 21/09 14:18:10 Cancel Dlg by User 21/09 14:18:10 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/09 14:18:10 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 173 21/09 14:18:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/09 14:18:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/09 14:18:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/09 14:18:10 here! 21/09 14:18:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/09 14:18:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/10 10:01:04 ========================================================================================= 15/10 10:01:04 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 15/10 10:01:04 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 15/10 10:01:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 10:01:04 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 15/10 10:01:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/10 10:01:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 10:01:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 10:01:05 Timer 2 called 15/10 10:01:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 10:01:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 10:01:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 10:01:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 10:01:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 10:01:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/10 10:01:09 here! 15/10 10:01:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/10 10:01:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/10 10:01:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 10:01:14 Timer 3 called 15/10 10:01:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 10:01:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 10:01:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 10:01:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 10:01:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 10:01:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 15/10 10:01:16 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 10:01:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/10 10:01:16 here! 15/10 10:01:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/10 10:01:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/10 10:01:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 15/10 10:01:18 Cancel Dlg by User 15/10 10:01:18 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 10:01:18 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 173 15/10 10:01:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 10:01:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 10:01:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/10 10:01:18 here! 15/10 10:01:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/10 10:01:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/10 10:01:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 10:01:19 Timer 12 called 15/10 10:01:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 10:01:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 10:01:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 10:01:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 10:01:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 10:01:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 10:01:39 Timer 9 called 15/10 10:01:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 10:01:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 10:01:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 10:01:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 10:01:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/11 10:45:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 19/11 10:45:20 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/11 10:45:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/11 10:45:20 here! 19/11 10:45:20 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/11 10:45:20 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/11 10:45:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 19/11 10:45:22 Cancel Dlg by User 19/11 10:45:22 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/11 10:45:22 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 173 19/11 10:45:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/11 10:45:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/11 10:45:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/11 10:45:22 here! 19/11 10:45:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/11 10:45:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/11 11:47:32 ========================================================================================= 19/11 11:47:32 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 19/11 11:47:32 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 19/11 11:47:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/11 11:47:32 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 19/11 11:47:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/11 11:47:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/11 11:47:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/11 11:47:33 Timer 2 called 19/11 11:47:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/11 11:47:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/11 11:47:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/11 11:47:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/11 11:47:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/11 11:47:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/11 11:47:38 here! 19/11 11:47:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/11 11:47:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/11 11:47:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/11 11:47:43 Timer 3 called 19/11 11:47:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/11 11:47:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/11 11:47:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/11 11:47:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/11 11:47:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/11 11:47:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/11 11:47:48 Timer 12 called 19/11 11:47:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/11 11:47:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/11 11:47:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/11 11:47:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/11 11:47:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/11 11:48:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/11 11:48:08 Timer 9 called 19/11 11:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/11 11:48:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/11 11:48:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/11 11:48:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/11 11:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/11 13:53:48 ========================================================================================= 26/11 13:53:49 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 26/11 13:53:49 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 26/11 13:53:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/11 13:53:49 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 26/11 13:53:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 26/11 13:53:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/11 13:53:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/11 13:53:50 Timer 2 called 26/11 13:53:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/11 13:53:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/11 13:53:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/11 13:53:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/11 13:53:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/11 13:53:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 26/11 13:53:54 here! 26/11 13:53:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 26/11 13:53:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 26/11 13:53:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/11 13:53:59 Timer 3 called 26/11 13:53:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/11 13:53:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/11 13:53:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/11 13:53:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/11 13:53:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/11 13:54:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 26/11 13:54:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/11 13:54:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 26/11 13:54:02 here! 26/11 13:54:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 26/11 13:54:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 26/11 13:54:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/11 13:54:04 Timer 12 called 26/11 13:54:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/11 13:54:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/11 13:54:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/11 13:54:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/11 13:54:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/11 13:54:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 26/11 13:54:09 Cancel Dlg by User 26/11 13:54:09 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/11 13:54:09 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 173 26/11 13:54:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/11 13:54:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/11 13:54:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 26/11 13:54:09 here! 26/11 13:54:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 26/11 13:54:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 26/11 13:54:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/11 13:54:24 Timer 9 called 26/11 13:54:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/11 13:54:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/11 13:54:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/11 13:54:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/11 13:54:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 08:38:59 ========================================================================================= 29/11 08:38:59 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/11 08:38:59 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/11 08:38:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/11 08:38:59 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/11 08:38:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/11 08:39:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/11 08:39:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/11 08:39:00 Timer 2 called 29/11 08:39:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 08:39:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/11 08:39:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/11 08:39:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/11 08:39:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 08:39:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/11 08:39:05 here! 29/11 08:39:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/11 08:39:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/11 08:39:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/11 08:39:10 Timer 3 called 29/11 08:39:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 08:39:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/11 08:39:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/11 08:39:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/11 08:39:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 08:39:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/11 08:39:15 Timer 12 called 29/11 08:39:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 08:39:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/11 08:39:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/11 08:39:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/11 08:39:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 08:39:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/11 08:39:35 Timer 9 called 29/11 08:39:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 08:39:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/11 08:39:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/11 08:39:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/11 08:39:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/11 17:19:07 ========================================================================================= 30/11 17:19:07 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 30/11 17:19:07 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 30/11 17:19:07 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/11 17:19:07 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 30/11 17:19:07 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/11 17:19:08 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/11 17:19:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/11 17:19:08 Timer 2 called 30/11 17:19:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/11 17:19:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/11 17:19:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/11 17:19:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/11 17:19:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/11 17:19:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 30/11 17:19:12 here! 30/11 17:19:12 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/11 17:19:12 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 30/11 17:19:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/11 17:19:17 Timer 3 called 30/11 17:19:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/11 17:19:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/11 17:19:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/11 17:19:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/11 17:19:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/11 17:19:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/11 17:19:22 Timer 12 called 30/11 17:19:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/11 17:19:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/11 17:19:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/11 17:19:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/11 17:19:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/11 17:19:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/11 17:19:42 Timer 9 called 30/11 17:19:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/11 17:19:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/11 17:19:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/11 17:19:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/11 17:19:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 09:59:17 ========================================================================================= 06/12 09:59:18 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 06/12 09:59:18 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 06/12 09:59:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/12 09:59:18 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 06/12 09:59:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/12 09:59:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/12 09:59:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/12 09:59:19 Timer 2 called 06/12 09:59:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 09:59:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/12 09:59:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/12 09:59:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/12 09:59:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 09:59:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/12 09:59:23 here! 06/12 09:59:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/12 09:59:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/12 09:59:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/12 09:59:28 Timer 3 called 06/12 09:59:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 09:59:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/12 09:59:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/12 09:59:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/12 09:59:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 09:59:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/12 09:59:33 Timer 12 called 06/12 09:59:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 09:59:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/12 09:59:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/12 09:59:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/12 09:59:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 09:59:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/12 09:59:53 Timer 9 called 06/12 09:59:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 09:59:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/12 09:59:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/12 09:59:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/12 09:59:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/12 09:03:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/12 09:03:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 28/12 09:03:58 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 28/12 09:04:25 ========================================================================================= 28/12 09:04:25 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/12 09:04:25 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/12 09:04:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/12 09:04:25 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/12 09:04:25 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/12 09:04:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/12 09:04:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/12 09:04:26 Timer 2 called 28/12 09:04:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/12 09:04:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/12 09:04:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/12 09:04:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/12 09:04:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/12 09:04:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/12 09:04:29 here! 28/12 09:04:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/12 09:04:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/12 09:04:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/12 09:04:34 Timer 3 called 28/12 09:04:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/12 09:04:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/12 09:04:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/12 09:04:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/12 09:04:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/12 09:04:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/12 09:04:39 Timer 12 called 28/12 09:04:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/12 09:04:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/12 09:04:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/12 09:04:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/12 09:04:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/12 09:04:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/12 09:04:59 Timer 9 called 28/12 09:04:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/12 09:04:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/12 09:04:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/12 09:04:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/12 09:04:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:12:14 ========================================================================================= 04/01 17:12:14 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 04/01 17:12:14 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 04/01 17:12:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/01 17:12:14 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 04/01 17:12:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/01 17:12:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/01 17:12:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 17:12:15 Timer 2 called 04/01 17:12:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:12:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 17:12:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 17:12:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 17:12:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:12:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 04/01 17:12:18 here! 04/01 17:12:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 04/01 17:12:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 04/01 17:12:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 17:12:23 Timer 3 called 04/01 17:12:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:12:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 17:12:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 17:12:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 17:12:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:12:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 17:12:28 Timer 12 called 04/01 17:12:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:12:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 17:12:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 17:12:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 17:12:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:12:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 17:12:48 Timer 9 called 04/01 17:12:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:12:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 17:12:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 17:12:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 17:12:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:34:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 04/01 17:34:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 04/01 17:34:50 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 04/01 17:35:20 ========================================================================================= 04/01 17:35:20 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 04/01 17:35:20 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 04/01 17:35:20 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/01 17:35:20 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 04/01 17:35:20 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/01 17:35:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/01 17:35:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 17:35:21 Timer 2 called 04/01 17:35:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:35:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 17:35:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 17:35:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 17:35:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:35:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 04/01 17:35:24 here! 04/01 17:35:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 04/01 17:35:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 04/01 17:35:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 17:35:29 Timer 3 called 04/01 17:35:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:35:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 17:35:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 17:35:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 17:35:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:35:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 17:35:34 Timer 12 called 04/01 17:35:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:35:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 17:35:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 17:35:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 17:35:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:35:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 17:35:54 Timer 9 called 04/01 17:35:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 17:35:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 17:35:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 17:35:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 17:35:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:55:54 ========================================================================================= 09/01 11:55:54 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/01 11:55:54 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/01 11:55:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 11:55:54 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/01 11:55:54 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/01 11:55:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 11:55:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:55:55 Timer 2 called 09/01 11:55:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:55:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:55:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:55:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:55:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:55:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/01 11:55:59 here! 09/01 11:55:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/01 11:55:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/01 11:56:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:56:04 Timer 3 called 09/01 11:56:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:56:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:56:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:56:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:56:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:56:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:56:09 Timer 12 called 09/01 11:56:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:56:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:56:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:56:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:56:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:56:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:56:29 Timer 9 called 09/01 11:56:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:56:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:56:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:56:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:56:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/01 16:09:38 ========================================================================================= 21/01 16:09:38 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 21/01 16:09:38 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 21/01 16:09:38 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/01 16:09:38 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 21/01 16:09:38 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/01 16:09:38 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/01 16:09:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/01 16:09:39 Timer 2 called 21/01 16:09:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/01 16:09:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/01 16:09:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/01 16:09:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/01 16:09:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/01 16:09:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/01 16:09:44 here! 21/01 16:09:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/01 16:09:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/01 16:09:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/01 16:09:49 Timer 3 called 21/01 16:09:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/01 16:09:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/01 16:09:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/01 16:09:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/01 16:09:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/01 16:09:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/01 16:09:54 Timer 12 called 21/01 16:09:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/01 16:09:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/01 16:09:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/01 16:09:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/01 16:09:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/01 16:10:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/01 16:10:14 Timer 9 called 21/01 16:10:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/01 16:10:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/01 16:10:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/01 16:10:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/01 16:10:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/01 16:12:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 21/01 16:12:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/01 16:12:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/01 16:12:33 here! 21/01 16:12:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/01 16:12:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/01 16:12:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 21/01 16:12:35 Cancel Dlg by User 21/01 16:12:35 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/01 16:12:35 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 173 21/01 16:12:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/01 16:12:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/01 16:12:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/01 16:12:35 here! 21/01 16:12:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/01 16:12:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/02 16:02:08 ========================================================================================= 22/02 16:02:08 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/02 16:02:08 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/02 16:02:08 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/02 16:02:08 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/02 16:02:08 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/02 16:02:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/02 16:02:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/02 16:02:09 Timer 2 called 22/02 16:02:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 16:02:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/02 16:02:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/02 16:02:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/02 16:02:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 16:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/02 16:02:14 here! 22/02 16:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/02 16:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/02 16:02:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/02 16:02:19 Timer 3 called 22/02 16:02:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 16:02:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/02 16:02:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/02 16:02:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/02 16:02:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 16:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/02 16:02:24 Timer 12 called 22/02 16:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 16:02:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/02 16:02:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/02 16:02:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/02 16:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 16:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/02 16:02:44 Timer 9 called 22/02 16:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 16:02:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/02 16:02:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/02 16:02:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/02 16:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 13:59:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 25/02 14:00:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 25/02 14:00:58 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 25/02 14:38:59 ========================================================================================= 25/02 14:38:59 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 25/02 14:38:59 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 25/02 14:39:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/02 14:39:59 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 25/02 14:39:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 25/02 14:41:38 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/02 14:41:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 14:41:38 Timer 2 called 25/02 14:41:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 14:41:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 14:41:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 14:41:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 14:41:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 14:41:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 25/02 14:41:41 here! 25/02 14:41:41 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 25/02 14:41:41 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 25/02 16:27:01 ========================================================================================= 25/02 16:27:01 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 25/02 16:27:01 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 25/02 16:27:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/02 16:27:01 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 25/02 16:27:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 25/02 16:27:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/02 16:27:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 16:27:02 Timer 2 called 25/02 16:27:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 16:27:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 16:27:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 16:27:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 16:27:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 16:27:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 25/02 16:27:04 here! 25/02 16:27:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 25/02 16:27:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 25/02 16:27:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 16:27:09 Timer 3 called 25/02 16:27:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 16:27:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 16:27:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 16:27:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 16:27:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 16:27:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 16:27:14 Timer 12 called 25/02 16:27:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 16:27:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 16:27:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 16:27:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 16:27:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 16:27:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 16:27:34 Timer 9 called 25/02 16:27:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 16:27:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 16:27:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 16:27:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 16:27:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 17:56:19 ========================================================================================= 18/03 17:56:19 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/03 17:56:19 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/03 17:56:19 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/03 17:56:19 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/03 17:56:19 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/03 17:56:19 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/03 17:56:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/03 17:56:20 Timer 2 called 18/03 17:56:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 17:56:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/03 17:56:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/03 17:56:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/03 17:56:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 17:56:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/03 17:56:23 here! 18/03 17:56:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/03 17:56:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/03 17:56:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/03 17:56:28 Timer 3 called 18/03 17:56:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 17:56:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/03 17:56:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/03 17:56:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/03 17:56:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 17:56:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/03 17:56:33 Timer 12 called 18/03 17:56:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 17:56:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/03 17:56:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/03 17:56:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/03 17:56:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 17:56:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/03 17:56:53 Timer 9 called 18/03 17:56:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 17:56:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/03 17:56:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/03 17:56:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/03 17:56:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:20:34 ========================================================================================= 05/04 18:20:35 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 05/04 18:20:35 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 05/04 18:20:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/04 18:20:35 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 05/04 18:20:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/04 18:20:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/04 18:20:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 18:20:36 Timer 2 called 05/04 18:20:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:20:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 18:20:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 18:20:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 18:20:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:20:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 05/04 18:20:39 here! 05/04 18:20:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 05/04 18:20:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 05/04 18:20:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 18:20:44 Timer 3 called 05/04 18:20:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:20:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 18:20:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 18:20:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 18:20:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:20:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 18:20:49 Timer 12 called 05/04 18:20:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:20:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 18:20:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 18:20:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 18:20:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:21:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 18:21:09 Timer 9 called 05/04 18:21:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:21:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 18:21:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 18:21:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 18:21:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:43:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 05/04 18:43:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 05/04 18:43:40 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 05/04 18:43:46 ========================================================================================= 05/04 18:43:47 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 05/04 18:43:47 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 05/04 18:43:47 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/04 18:43:47 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 05/04 18:43:47 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/04 18:43:47 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/04 18:43:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 18:43:48 Timer 2 called 05/04 18:43:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:43:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 18:43:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 18:43:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 18:43:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:43:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 05/04 18:43:50 here! 05/04 18:43:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 05/04 18:43:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 05/04 18:43:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 18:43:55 Timer 3 called 05/04 18:43:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:43:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 18:43:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 18:43:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 18:43:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:44:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 18:44:00 Timer 12 called 05/04 18:44:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:44:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 18:44:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 18:44:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 18:44:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:44:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 18:44:20 Timer 9 called 05/04 18:44:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 18:44:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 18:44:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 18:44:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 18:44:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 16:43:49 ========================================================================================= 06/04 16:43:49 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 06/04 16:43:49 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 06/04 16:43:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/04 16:43:49 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 06/04 16:43:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/04 16:43:50 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/04 16:43:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 16:43:50 Timer 2 called 06/04 16:43:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 16:43:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 16:43:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 16:43:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 16:43:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 16:43:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/04 16:43:53 here! 06/04 16:43:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/04 16:43:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/04 16:43:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 16:43:58 Timer 3 called 06/04 16:43:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 16:43:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 16:43:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 16:43:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 16:43:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 16:44:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 16:44:03 Timer 12 called 06/04 16:44:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 16:44:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 16:44:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 16:44:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 16:44:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 16:44:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 16:44:23 Timer 9 called 06/04 16:44:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 16:44:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 16:44:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 16:44:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 16:44:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/04 15:06:58 ========================================================================================= 09/04 15:06:58 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/04 15:06:58 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/04 15:06:58 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/04 15:06:58 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/04 15:06:58 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/04 15:06:58 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/04 15:06:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/04 15:06:59 Timer 2 called 09/04 15:06:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/04 15:06:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/04 15:06:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/04 15:06:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/04 15:06:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/04 15:07:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/04 15:07:03 here! 09/04 15:07:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/04 15:07:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/04 15:07:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/04 15:07:08 Timer 3 called 09/04 15:07:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/04 15:07:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/04 15:07:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/04 15:07:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/04 15:07:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/04 15:07:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/04 15:07:13 Timer 12 called 09/04 15:07:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/04 15:07:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/04 15:07:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/04 15:07:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/04 15:07:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/04 15:07:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/04 15:07:33 Timer 9 called 09/04 15:07:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/04 15:07:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/04 15:07:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/04 15:07:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/04 15:07:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:32:13 ========================================================================================= 12/04 13:32:13 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 13:32:13 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 13:32:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 13:32:13 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 13:32:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 13:32:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 13:32:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 13:32:14 Timer 2 called 12/04 13:32:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:32:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 13:32:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 13:32:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 13:32:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:32:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 13:32:23 here! 12/04 13:32:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 13:32:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 13:56:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 13:56:22 Timer 3 called 12/04 13:56:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:56:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 13:56:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 13:56:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 13:56:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:56:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 13:56:26 ========================================================================================= 12/04 13:56:26 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 13:56:26 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 13:56:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 13:56:26 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 13:56:26 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 13:56:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 13:56:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 13:56:27 Timer 2 called 12/04 13:56:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:56:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 13:56:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 13:56:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 13:56:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:56:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 13:56:29 here! 12/04 13:56:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 13:56:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 13:56:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 13:56:34 Timer 3 called 12/04 13:56:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:56:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 13:56:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 13:56:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 13:56:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:56:37 ========================================================================================= 12/04 13:56:37 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 13:56:37 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 13:56:37 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 13:56:37 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 13:56:37 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 13:56:37 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 13:56:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 13:56:38 Timer 2 called 12/04 13:56:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:56:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 13:56:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 13:56:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 13:56:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:56:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 13:56:40 here! 12/04 13:56:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 13:56:41 here! 12/04 13:56:41 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 13:56:41 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 13:56:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 13:56:46 Timer 3 called 12/04 13:56:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:56:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 13:56:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 13:56:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 13:56:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:57:26 ========================================================================================= 12/04 13:57:26 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 13:57:26 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 13:57:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 13:57:26 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 13:57:26 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 13:57:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 13:57:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 13:57:27 Timer 2 called 12/04 13:57:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:57:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 13:57:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 13:57:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 13:57:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:57:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 13:57:29 here! 12/04 13:57:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 13:57:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 13:57:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 13:57:34 Timer 3 called 12/04 13:57:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:57:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 13:57:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 13:57:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 13:57:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:57:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 13:57:39 Timer 12 called 12/04 13:57:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:57:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 13:57:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 13:57:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 13:57:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:57:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 13:57:59 Timer 9 called 12/04 13:57:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 13:57:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 13:57:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 13:57:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 13:57:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:18:27 ========================================================================================= 12/04 15:18:27 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 15:18:27 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 15:18:27 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:18:27 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 15:18:27 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 15:18:27 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:18:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:18:28 Timer 2 called 12/04 15:18:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:18:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:18:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:18:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:18:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:18:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 15:18:31 here! 12/04 15:18:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 15:18:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 15:18:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:18:36 Timer 3 called 12/04 15:18:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:18:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:18:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:18:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:18:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:18:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:18:51 Timer 12 called 12/04 15:18:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:18:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:18:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:18:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:18:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:19:27 ========================================================================================= 12/04 15:19:27 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 15:19:27 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 15:19:27 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:19:27 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 15:19:27 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 15:19:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:19:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:19:28 Timer 2 called 12/04 15:19:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:19:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:19:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:19:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:19:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:19:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 15:19:31 here! 12/04 15:19:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 15:19:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 15:19:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:19:48 Timer 3 called 12/04 15:19:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:19:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:19:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:19:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:19:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:19:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:20:28 ========================================================================================= 12/04 15:20:28 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 15:20:28 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 15:20:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:20:28 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 15:20:28 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 15:20:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:20:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:20:29 Timer 2 called 12/04 15:20:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:20:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:20:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:20:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:20:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:20:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 15:20:31 here! 12/04 15:20:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 15:20:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 15:20:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:20:36 Timer 3 called 12/04 15:20:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:20:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:20:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:20:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:20:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:20:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:20:41 Timer 12 called 12/04 15:20:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:20:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:20:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:20:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:20:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:21:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:21:01 Timer 9 called 12/04 15:21:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:21:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:21:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:21:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:21:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:44:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 15:44:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 15:44:02 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 15:44:28 ========================================================================================= 12/04 15:44:28 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 15:44:28 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 15:44:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:44:28 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 15:44:28 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 15:44:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:44:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:44:29 Timer 2 called 12/04 15:44:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:44:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:44:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:44:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:44:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:44:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 15:44:32 here! 12/04 15:44:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 15:44:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 15:48:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:48:39 Timer 3 called 12/04 15:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:48:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:49:29 ========================================================================================= 12/04 15:49:29 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 15:49:29 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 15:49:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:49:29 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 15:49:29 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 15:49:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:49:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:49:30 Timer 2 called 12/04 15:49:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:49:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:49:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:49:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:49:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:49:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 15:49:32 here! 12/04 15:49:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 15:49:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 15:50:29 ========================================================================================= 12/04 15:50:29 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 15:50:29 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 15:50:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:50:29 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 15:50:29 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 15:50:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:50:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:50:30 Timer 2 called 12/04 15:50:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:50:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:50:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:50:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:50:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:50:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 15:50:33 here! 12/04 15:50:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 15:50:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 15:51:30 ========================================================================================= 12/04 15:51:30 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 15:51:30 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 15:51:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:51:30 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 15:51:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 15:51:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 15:51:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 15:51:31 Timer 2 called 12/04 15:51:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:51:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 15:51:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 15:51:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 15:51:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 15:51:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 15:51:33 here! 12/04 15:51:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 15:51:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:03:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:03:30 Timer 3 called 12/04 16:03:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:03:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:03:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:03:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:03:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:03:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:03:30 Timer 12 called 12/04 16:03:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:03:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:03:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:03:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:03:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:04:30 ========================================================================================= 12/04 16:04:30 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 16:04:30 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 16:04:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:04:30 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 16:04:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 16:04:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:04:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:04:31 Timer 2 called 12/04 16:04:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:04:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:04:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:04:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:04:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:04:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 16:04:34 here! 12/04 16:04:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:04:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:04:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:04:49 Timer 3 called 12/04 16:04:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:04:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:04:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:04:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:04:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:04:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:04:49 Timer 12 called 12/04 16:04:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:04:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:04:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:04:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:04:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:05:30 ========================================================================================= 12/04 16:05:31 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 16:05:31 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 16:05:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:05:31 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 16:05:31 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 16:05:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:05:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:05:32 Timer 2 called 12/04 16:05:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:05:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:05:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:05:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:05:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:05:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 16:05:34 here! 12/04 16:05:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:05:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:05:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:05:39 Timer 3 called 12/04 16:05:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:05:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:05:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:05:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:05:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:05:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:05:44 Timer 12 called 12/04 16:05:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:05:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:05:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:05:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:05:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:06:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:06:04 Timer 9 called 12/04 16:06:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:06:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:06:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:06:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:06:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:28:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:28:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 16:28:04 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 16:28:31 ========================================================================================= 12/04 16:28:31 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 16:28:31 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 16:28:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:28:31 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 16:28:31 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 16:28:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:28:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:28:32 Timer 2 called 12/04 16:28:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:28:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:28:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:28:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:28:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:28:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 16:28:34 here! 12/04 16:28:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:28:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:29:31 ========================================================================================= 12/04 16:29:31 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 16:29:31 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 16:29:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:29:31 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 16:29:31 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 16:29:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:29:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:29:32 Timer 2 called 12/04 16:29:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:29:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:29:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:29:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:29:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:29:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 16:29:35 here! 12/04 16:29:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:29:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:30:32 ========================================================================================= 12/04 16:30:32 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 16:30:32 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 16:30:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:30:32 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 16:30:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 16:30:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:30:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:30:33 Timer 2 called 12/04 16:30:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:30:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:30:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:30:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:30:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:30:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 16:30:35 here! 12/04 16:30:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:30:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:31:32 ========================================================================================= 12/04 16:31:32 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 16:31:32 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 16:31:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:31:32 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 16:31:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 16:31:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:31:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:31:33 Timer 2 called 12/04 16:31:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:31:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:31:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:31:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:31:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:31:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 16:31:36 here! 12/04 16:31:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:31:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:31:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:31:41 Timer 3 called 12/04 16:31:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:31:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:31:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:31:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:31:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:31:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:31:46 Timer 12 called 12/04 16:31:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:31:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:31:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:31:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:31:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:32:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:32:06 Timer 9 called 12/04 16:32:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:32:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:32:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:32:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:32:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:54:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:54:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 16:54:06 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 16:54:33 ========================================================================================= 12/04 16:54:33 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 16:54:33 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 16:54:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:54:33 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 16:54:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 16:54:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:54:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:54:34 Timer 2 called 12/04 16:54:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:54:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:54:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:54:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:54:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:54:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 16:54:36 here! 12/04 16:54:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:54:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:55:33 ========================================================================================= 12/04 16:55:33 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 16:55:33 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 16:55:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:55:33 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 16:55:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 16:55:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:55:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:55:34 Timer 2 called 12/04 16:55:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:55:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:55:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:55:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:55:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:55:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 16:55:37 here! 12/04 16:55:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:55:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:55:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:55:42 Timer 3 called 12/04 16:55:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:55:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:55:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:55:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:55:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:55:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:55:47 Timer 12 called 12/04 16:55:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:55:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:55:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:55:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:55:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:56:33 ========================================================================================= 12/04 16:56:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 16:56:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 16:56:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:56:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 16:56:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 16:56:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:56:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:56:35 Timer 2 called 12/04 16:56:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:56:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:56:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:56:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:56:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:56:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 16:56:37 here! 12/04 16:56:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:56:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:57:34 ========================================================================================= 12/04 16:57:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 16:57:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 16:57:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:57:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 16:57:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 16:57:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:57:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:57:35 Timer 2 called 12/04 16:57:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:57:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:57:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:57:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:57:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:57:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 16:57:37 here! 12/04 16:57:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:57:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:58:34 ========================================================================================= 12/04 16:58:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 16:58:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 16:58:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:58:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 16:58:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 16:58:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 16:58:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:58:35 Timer 2 called 12/04 16:58:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:58:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:58:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:58:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:58:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:58:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 16:58:38 here! 12/04 16:58:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 16:58:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 16:58:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:58:43 Timer 3 called 12/04 16:58:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:58:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:58:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:58:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:58:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:58:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:58:48 Timer 12 called 12/04 16:58:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:58:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:58:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:58:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:58:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:59:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 16:59:08 Timer 9 called 12/04 16:59:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 16:59:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 16:59:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 16:59:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 16:59:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:02:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupExit 12/04 18:02:32 OnPopupExit 12/04 18:02:32 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 12/04 18:02:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::CheckPassword 12/04 18:02:35 Good password 12/04 18:02:35 Setting Master read from section BackupDatabase. Value = Y 12/04 18:02:35 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 12/04 18:02:35 Setting LANG read from section VIEWCLIENT. Value = CA 12/04 18:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 12/04 18:02:36 Waiting LOOP for end 12/04 18:02:37 Waiting Securize for end 12/04 18:02:38 Waiting Securize for end 12/04 18:02:39 Waiting Securize for end 12/04 18:02:40 Waiting Securize for end 12/04 18:02:41 Waiting Securize for end 12/04 18:02:42 Waiting Securize for end 12/04 18:02:43 Waiting Securize for end 12/04 18:02:44 Waiting Securize for end 12/04 18:02:45 Waiting Securize for end 12/04 18:02:46 Waiting Securize for end 12/04 18:02:47 Waiting Securize for end 12/04 18:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::MyEndProcess 12/04 18:02:48 MyEndProcess DOWNLOADVIDEOS 12/04 18:02:48 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread exit code before stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 12/04 18:02:48 MyEndProcess step 0 12/04 18:02:48 Something else signaled 12/04 18:02:48 Throwing other messages away 12/04 18:02:48 Throwing other messages away 12/04 18:02:48 End thread signaled 12/04 18:02:48 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread ended smoothly 12/04 18:02:48 thread exit code after stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 12/04 18:02:48 MyEndProcess end 12/04 18:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 18:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 18:21:13 ========================================================================================= 12/04 18:21:13 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 18:21:13 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 18:21:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:21:13 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 18:21:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:21:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:21:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:21:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:21:14 Timer 2 called 12/04 18:21:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:21:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:21:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:21:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:21:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:21:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 18:21:16 here! 12/04 18:21:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:21:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 18:21:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 12/04 18:21:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:21:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 18:21:21 here! 12/04 18:21:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:21:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 18:21:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:21:21 Timer 3 called 12/04 18:21:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:21:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:21:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:21:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:21:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:21:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:21:26 Timer 12 called 12/04 18:21:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:21:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:21:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:21:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:21:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:21:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:21:46 Timer 9 called 12/04 18:21:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:21:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:21:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:21:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:21:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:30:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonStart 12/04 18:30:51 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:30:51 Setting Master successfully updated at ini file. New value: Y 12/04 18:30:51 Setting Backup successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/04 18:30:51 Setting EnableSBNClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/04 18:30:51 Setting EnableSoftguardClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/04 18:30:51 Setting EnableSIMSClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/04 18:30:51 Setting EnableManitouClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/04 18:30:51 OnBnClickedButtonStart m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE. daview.ini updated 12/04 18:30:51 Setting EnableMASterMindClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/04 18:30:51 Setting EnableSIAClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/04 18:30:51 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 12/04 18:30:51 CCRAServerDlg::InitActionsOfMaster 12/04 18:30:51 Don't call verified 12/04 18:30:51 Changing Web Service... 12/04 18:30:51 executing: c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ConfigureWebService.bat 21000 C:\Davantis\craserver c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ 12/04 18:30:51 ok! 12/04 18:30:51 CCRAServerDlg::StartDownloadVideos 12/04 18:30:51 Don't use DownloadVideos 12/04 18:30:51 CCRAServerDlg::MoveOldOpenAlarms 12/04 18:30:51 [D] Query(24ms)[0 rows] = SELECT "IDALARMCRA","IDDISPOSITION","IDUSER","IDEVENT","IDSITE","IDALARM","IPORIGIN","PORTORIGIN","CAMCODE","DESCRIPTION","STARTED","ENDED","SEVERITY","STATE","VIDEONAME","SNAPSHOT","IDMACHINE","IDRULE","IDCAMERA","ACK","RESOLUTION","DATEOPEN","DATECLOSE","FEATURES","DATECRAOK","VIDEOFILESIZE","TRANSMSEC","BBOX","IDMAIL","VIDEONAMESUP","MACHINENAMESUP","ACKR","VIDEOFILESIZESUP" FROM "dbo"."ALARMSCRA" WHERE STATE = 'NEW' OR STATE = 'VWD' ORDER BY IDALARMCRA DESC 12/04 18:30:51 0 alarms to be moved from AlarmsCRA to AlarmsOPEN 12/04 18:30:51 CCRAServerDlg::SendCMSInfoToAllSites 12/04 18:30:51 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 178 12/04 18:30:51 CCRAServerDlg::SendToAllCustomers 12/04 18:30:51 [D] Query(105ms)[1 rows] = SELECT "IDSITE","SITENAME","IP","PORT","MAP","HEARTBEAT","FTPPORT","PASSWORD","MESSAGE","MESSAGESTATE","DATESTART","DATEEND","SITECODE","IDINSTALLER","DNI","ADDRESS","POSTALCODE","CITY","COMMENT","SITESTARTDATE","SITESTOPDATE","LAUNCHEVENT","COMMENTRELE1","COMMENTRELE2","COMMENTRELE3","COMMENTRELE4","EVENTTYPE","COMMENTLIGHT","COMMENTSOUND","COMMENTWATER","COMMENTOTHER","VERSION","VNCPORT","VNCPWD","CONNECTED","EMAIL","WEBLOGIN","WEBPWD","IDSCHEDULER","TYPE","PRODUCT","ENABLE_AGAIN","WNOTARMED","AUDIOPORT","MESSAGEPOPUP","LASTBACKUPTIME","RECORDERHTTP","VIDEOFORMAT","AUTODOWNLOADVIDEOS","UPDATEIP","LASTIPTIME" FROM "dbo"."SITES" WHERE IDSITE <> 0 12/04 18:30:51 [D] Query(5ms)[1 rows] = SELECT "IDSITE","SITENAME","IP","PORT","MAP","HEARTBEAT","FTPPORT","PASSWORD","MESSAGE","MESSAGESTATE","DATESTART","DATEEND","SITECODE","IDINSTALLER","DNI","ADDRESS","POSTALCODE","CITY","COMMENT","SITESTARTDATE","SITESTOPDATE","LAUNCHEVENT","COMMENTRELE1","COMMENTRELE2","COMMENTRELE3","COMMENTRELE4","EVENTTYPE","COMMENTLIGHT","COMMENTSOUND","COMMENTWATER","COMMENTOTHER","VERSION","VNCPORT","VNCPWD","CONNECTED","EMAIL","WEBLOGIN","WEBPWD","IDSCHEDULER","TYPE","PRODUCT","ENABLE_AGAIN","WNOTARMED","AUDIOPORT","MESSAGEPOPUP","LASTBACKUPTIME","RECORDERHTTP","VIDEOFORMAT","AUTODOWNLOADVIDEOS","UPDATEIP","LASTIPTIME" FROM "dbo"."SITES" WHERE IDSITE <> 0 12/04 18:30:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 18:30:51 here! 12/04 18:30:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:30:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 18:30:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 18:30:51 here! 12/04 18:31:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:31:01 Timer 12 called 12/04 18:31:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:31:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:31:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:31:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:31:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:31:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:31:21 Timer 9 called 12/04 18:31:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:31:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:31:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:31:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:31:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:33:17 ========================================================================================= 12/04 18:33:17 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 18:33:17 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 18:33:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:33:17 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 18:33:17 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:33:17 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:33:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:33:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:33:18 Timer 2 called 12/04 18:33:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:33:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:33:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:33:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:33:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:33:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 18:33:21 here! 12/04 18:33:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:33:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 18:33:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:33:26 Timer 3 called 12/04 18:33:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:33:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:33:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:33:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:33:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:33:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:33:31 Timer 12 called 12/04 18:33:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:33:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:33:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:33:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:33:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:33:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:33:51 Timer 9 called 12/04 18:33:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:33:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:33:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:33:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:33:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:36:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:36:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 18:36:51 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 18:37:18 ========================================================================================= 12/04 18:37:18 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 18:37:18 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 18:37:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:37:18 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 18:37:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:37:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:37:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:37:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:37:19 Timer 2 called 12/04 18:37:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:37:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:37:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:37:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:37:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:37:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 18:37:21 here! 12/04 18:37:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:37:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 18:37:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:37:26 Timer 3 called 12/04 18:37:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:37:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:37:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:37:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:37:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:37:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:37:31 Timer 12 called 12/04 18:37:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:37:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:37:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:37:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:37:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:37:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:37:51 Timer 9 called 12/04 18:37:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:37:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:37:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:37:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:37:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:40:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:40:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 18:40:52 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 18:41:18 ========================================================================================= 12/04 18:41:19 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 18:41:19 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 18:41:19 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:41:19 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 18:41:19 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:41:19 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:41:19 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:41:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:41:20 Timer 2 called 12/04 18:41:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:41:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:41:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:41:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:41:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:41:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 18:41:22 here! 12/04 18:41:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:41:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 18:41:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:41:27 Timer 3 called 12/04 18:41:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:41:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:41:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:41:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:41:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:41:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:41:32 Timer 12 called 12/04 18:41:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:41:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:41:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:41:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:41:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:41:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:41:52 Timer 9 called 12/04 18:41:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:41:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:41:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:41:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:41:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:44:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:44:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 18:44:52 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 18:45:19 ========================================================================================= 12/04 18:45:19 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 18:45:19 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 18:45:19 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:45:19 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 18:45:19 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:45:19 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:45:19 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:45:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:45:20 Timer 2 called 12/04 18:45:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:45:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:45:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:45:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:45:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:45:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 18:45:23 here! 12/04 18:45:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:45:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 18:45:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:45:28 Timer 3 called 12/04 18:45:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:45:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:45:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:45:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:45:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:45:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:45:33 Timer 12 called 12/04 18:45:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:45:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:45:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:45:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:45:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:45:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:45:53 Timer 9 called 12/04 18:45:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:45:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:45:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:45:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:45:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:48:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:48:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 18:48:53 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 18:49:20 ========================================================================================= 12/04 18:49:20 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 18:49:20 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 18:49:20 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:49:20 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 18:49:20 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:49:20 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:49:20 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:49:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:49:21 Timer 2 called 12/04 18:49:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:49:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:49:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:49:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:49:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:49:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 18:49:23 here! 12/04 18:49:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:49:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 18:49:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:49:28 Timer 3 called 12/04 18:49:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:49:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:49:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:49:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:49:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:49:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:49:33 Timer 12 called 12/04 18:49:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:49:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:49:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:49:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:49:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:49:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:49:53 Timer 9 called 12/04 18:49:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:49:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:49:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:49:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:49:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:52:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:52:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 18:52:54 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 18:53:20 ========================================================================================= 12/04 18:53:21 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 18:53:21 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 18:53:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:53:21 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 18:53:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:53:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:53:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:53:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:53:22 Timer 2 called 12/04 18:53:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:53:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:53:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:53:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:53:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:53:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 18:53:24 here! 12/04 18:53:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:53:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 18:53:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:53:29 Timer 3 called 12/04 18:53:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:53:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:53:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:53:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:53:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:53:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:53:34 Timer 12 called 12/04 18:53:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:53:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:53:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:53:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:53:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:53:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:53:54 Timer 9 called 12/04 18:53:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:53:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:53:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:53:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:53:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:56:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:56:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 18:56:55 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 18:57:21 ========================================================================================= 12/04 18:57:21 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 18:57:21 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 18:57:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:57:21 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 18:57:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:57:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 18:57:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 18:57:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:57:22 Timer 2 called 12/04 18:57:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:57:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:57:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:57:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:57:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:57:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 18:57:25 here! 12/04 18:57:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 18:57:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 18:57:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:57:30 Timer 3 called 12/04 18:57:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:57:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:57:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:57:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:57:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:57:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:57:35 Timer 12 called 12/04 18:57:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:57:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:57:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:57:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:57:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:57:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 18:57:55 Timer 9 called 12/04 18:57:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 18:57:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 18:57:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 18:57:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 18:57:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:00:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:00:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:00:55 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:01:22 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:01:22 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:01:22 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:01:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:01:22 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:01:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:01:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:01:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:01:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:01:23 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:01:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:01:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:01:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:01:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:01:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:01:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:01:25 here! 12/04 19:01:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:01:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:01:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:01:30 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:01:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:01:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:01:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:01:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:01:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:01:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:01:35 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:01:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:01:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:01:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:01:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:01:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:01:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:01:55 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:01:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:01:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:01:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:01:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:01:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:08:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:08:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:08:11 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:08:22 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:08:22 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:08:22 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:08:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:08:22 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:08:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:08:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:08:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:08:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:08:23 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:08:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:08:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:08:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:08:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:08:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:08:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:08:26 here! 12/04 19:08:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:08:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:08:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:08:31 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:08:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:08:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:08:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:08:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:08:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:08:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:08:36 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:08:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:08:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:08:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:08:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:08:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:08:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:08:56 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:08:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:08:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:08:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:08:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:08:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:11:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:11:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:11:58 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:12:23 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:12:23 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:12:23 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:12:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:12:23 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:12:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:12:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:12:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:12:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:12:24 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:12:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:12:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:12:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:12:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:12:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:12:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:12:27 here! 12/04 19:12:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:12:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:12:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:12:32 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:12:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:12:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:12:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:12:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:12:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:12:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:12:37 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:12:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:12:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:12:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:12:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:12:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:12:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:12:57 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:12:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:12:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:12:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:12:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:12:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:15:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:15:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:15:57 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:16:24 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:16:24 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:16:24 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:16:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:16:24 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:16:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:16:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:16:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:16:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:16:25 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:16:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:16:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:16:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:16:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:16:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:16:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:16:27 here! 12/04 19:16:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:16:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:16:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:16:32 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:16:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:16:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:16:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:16:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:16:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:16:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:16:37 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:16:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:16:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:16:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:16:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:16:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:16:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:16:57 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:16:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:16:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:16:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:16:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:16:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:19:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:19:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:19:58 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:20:24 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:20:24 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:20:24 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:20:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:20:24 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:20:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:20:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:20:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:20:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:20:25 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:20:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:20:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:20:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:20:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:20:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:20:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:20:28 here! 12/04 19:20:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:20:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:20:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:20:33 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:20:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:20:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:20:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:20:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:20:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:20:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:20:38 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:20:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:20:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:20:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:20:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:20:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:20:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:20:58 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:20:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:20:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:20:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:20:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:20:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:23:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:23:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:23:59 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:24:25 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:24:25 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:24:25 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:24:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:24:25 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:24:25 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:24:25 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:24:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:24:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:24:26 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:24:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:24:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:24:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:24:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:24:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:24:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:24:28 here! 12/04 19:24:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:24:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:24:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:24:33 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:24:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:24:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:24:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:24:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:24:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:24:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:24:38 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:24:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:24:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:24:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:24:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:24:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:24:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:24:58 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:24:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:24:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:24:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:24:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:24:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:27:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:27:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:27:59 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:28:26 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:28:26 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:28:26 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:28:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:28:26 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:28:26 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:28:26 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:28:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:28:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:28:27 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:28:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:28:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:28:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:28:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:28:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:28:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:28:30 here! 12/04 19:28:30 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:28:30 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:28:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:28:35 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:28:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:28:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:28:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:28:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:28:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:28:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:28:40 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:28:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:28:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:28:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:28:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:28:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:29:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:29:00 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:29:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:29:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:29:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:29:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:29:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:32:01 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:32:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:32:01 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:32:31 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:32:31 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:32:31 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:32:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:32:31 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:32:31 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:32:31 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:32:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:32:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:32:32 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:32:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:32:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:32:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:32:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:32:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:32:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:32:36 here! 12/04 19:32:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:32:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:32:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:32:41 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:32:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:32:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:32:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:32:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:32:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:32:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:32:46 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:32:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:32:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:32:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:32:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:32:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:33:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:33:06 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:33:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:33:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:33:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:33:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:33:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:36:08 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:36:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:36:08 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:36:32 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:36:32 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:36:32 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:36:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:36:32 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:36:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:36:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:36:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:36:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:36:33 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:36:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:36:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:36:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:36:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:36:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:36:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:36:35 here! 12/04 19:36:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:36:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:36:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:36:40 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:36:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:36:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:36:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:36:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:36:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:36:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:36:45 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:36:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:36:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:36:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:36:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:36:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:37:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:37:05 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:37:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:37:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:37:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:37:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:37:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:40:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:40:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:40:06 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:40:32 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:40:33 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:40:33 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:40:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:40:33 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:40:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:40:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:40:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:40:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:40:34 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:40:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:40:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:40:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:40:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:40:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:40:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:40:36 here! 12/04 19:40:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:40:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:40:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:40:41 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:40:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:40:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:40:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:40:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:40:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:40:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:40:46 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:40:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:40:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:40:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:40:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:40:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:41:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:41:06 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:41:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:41:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:41:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:41:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:41:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:44:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:44:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:44:07 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:44:33 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:44:33 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:44:33 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:44:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:44:33 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:44:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:44:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:44:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:44:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:44:34 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:44:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:44:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:44:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:44:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:44:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:44:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:44:37 here! 12/04 19:44:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:44:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:44:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:44:42 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:44:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:44:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:44:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:44:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:44:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:44:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:44:47 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:44:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:44:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:44:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:44:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:44:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:45:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:45:07 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:45:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:45:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:45:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:45:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:45:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:48:34 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:48:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:48:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:48:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:48:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:48:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:48:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:48:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:48:35 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:48:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:48:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:48:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:48:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:48:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:48:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:48:37 here! 12/04 19:48:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:48:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:48:42 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:48:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:48:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:48:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:48:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:48:47 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:48:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:48:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:48:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:49:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:49:07 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:49:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:49:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:49:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:49:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:49:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:52:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:52:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:52:23 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:52:35 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:52:35 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:52:35 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:52:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:52:35 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:52:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:52:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:52:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:52:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:52:36 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:52:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:52:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:52:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:52:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:52:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:52:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:52:38 here! 12/04 19:52:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:52:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:52:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:52:43 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:52:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:52:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:52:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:52:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:52:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:52:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:52:48 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:52:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:52:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:52:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:52:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:52:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:53:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:53:08 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:53:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:53:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:53:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:53:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:53:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:56:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:56:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 19:56:09 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 19:56:36 ========================================================================================= 12/04 19:56:36 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 19:56:36 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 19:56:36 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:56:36 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 19:56:36 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:56:36 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 19:56:36 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 19:56:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:56:37 Timer 2 called 12/04 19:56:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:56:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:56:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:56:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:56:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:56:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 19:56:40 here! 12/04 19:56:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 19:56:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 19:56:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:56:45 Timer 3 called 12/04 19:56:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:56:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:56:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:56:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:56:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:56:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:56:50 Timer 12 called 12/04 19:56:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:56:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:56:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:56:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:56:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:57:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 19:57:10 Timer 9 called 12/04 19:57:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 19:57:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 19:57:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 19:57:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 19:57:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:00:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 20:00:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 20:00:10 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 20:00:36 ========================================================================================= 12/04 20:00:37 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 20:00:37 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 20:00:37 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 20:00:37 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 20:00:37 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 20:00:37 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 20:00:37 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 20:00:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 20:00:38 Timer 2 called 12/04 20:00:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:00:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 20:00:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 20:00:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 20:00:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:00:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 20:00:40 here! 12/04 20:00:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 20:00:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 20:00:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 20:00:45 Timer 3 called 12/04 20:00:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:00:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 20:00:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 20:00:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 20:00:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:00:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 20:00:50 Timer 12 called 12/04 20:00:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:00:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 20:00:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 20:00:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 20:00:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:01:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 20:01:10 Timer 9 called 12/04 20:01:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:01:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 20:01:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 20:01:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 20:01:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:04:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 20:04:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/04 20:04:10 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/04 20:04:24 ========================================================================================= 12/04 20:04:24 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/04 20:04:24 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/04 20:04:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 20:04:24 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/04 20:04:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 20:04:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/04 20:04:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/04 20:04:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 20:04:25 Timer 2 called 12/04 20:04:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:04:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 20:04:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 20:04:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 20:04:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:04:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/04 20:04:27 here! 12/04 20:04:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/04 20:04:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/04 20:04:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 20:04:32 Timer 3 called 12/04 20:04:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:04:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 20:04:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 20:04:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 20:04:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:04:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 20:04:37 Timer 12 called 12/04 20:04:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:04:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 20:04:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 20:04:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 20:04:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:04:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/04 20:04:57 Timer 9 called 12/04 20:04:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04 20:04:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/04 20:04:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/04 20:04:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/04 20:04:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/04 00:33:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupExit 14/04 00:33:17 OnPopupExit 14/04 00:33:17 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 14/04 00:33:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/04 10:02:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupExit 15/04 10:02:02 OnPopupExit 15/04 10:02:02 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 15/04 10:02:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/04 10:02:05 CCRAServerDlg::CheckPassword 15/04 10:02:05 Good password 15/04 10:02:05 Setting Master read from section BackupDatabase. Value = Y 15/04 10:02:05 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 15/04 10:02:05 Setting LANG read from section VIEWCLIENT. Value = CA 15/04 10:02:06 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 15/04 10:02:06 Waiting LOOP for end 15/04 10:02:07 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:08 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:09 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:10 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:11 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:12 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:13 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:14 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:15 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:16 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:17 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:18 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:19 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:20 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:21 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:22 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:23 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:24 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:25 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:26 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:27 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:28 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:29 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:30 Waiting Securize for end 15/04 10:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::MyEndProcess 15/04 10:02:31 MyEndProcess DOWNLOADVIDEOS 15/04 10:02:31 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread exit code before stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 15/04 10:02:31 MyEndProcess step 0 15/04 10:02:31 Something else signaled 15/04 10:02:31 Throwing other messages away 15/04 10:02:31 Throwing other messages away 15/04 10:02:31 Throwing other messages away 15/04 10:02:31 End thread signaled 15/04 10:02:31 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread ended smoothly 15/04 10:02:31 thread exit code after stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 15/04 10:02:31 MyEndProcess end 15/04 10:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/04 10:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 15/04 10:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 15/04 10:05:18 ========================================================================================= 15/04 10:05:18 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 15/04 10:05:18 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 15/04 10:05:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/04 10:05:18 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 15/04 10:05:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/04 10:05:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/04 10:05:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/04 10:05:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/04 10:05:19 Timer 2 called 15/04 10:05:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/04 10:05:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/04 10:05:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/04 10:05:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/04 10:05:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/04 10:05:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/04 10:05:21 here! 15/04 10:05:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/04 10:05:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/04 10:05:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/04 10:05:26 Timer 3 called 15/04 10:05:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/04 10:05:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/04 10:05:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/04 10:05:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/04 10:05:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/04 10:05:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/04 10:05:31 Timer 12 called 15/04 10:05:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/04 10:05:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/04 10:05:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/04 10:05:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/04 10:05:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/04 10:05:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/04 10:05:51 Timer 9 called 15/04 10:05:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/04 10:05:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/04 10:05:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/04 10:05:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/04 10:05:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/04 12:09:22 ========================================================================================= 17/04 12:09:22 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 17/04 12:09:22 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 17/04 12:09:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 17/04 12:09:22 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 17/04 12:09:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 17/04 12:09:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 17/04 12:09:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 17/04 12:09:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/04 12:09:23 Timer 2 called 17/04 12:09:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/04 12:09:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/04 12:09:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/04 12:09:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/04 12:09:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/04 12:09:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/04 12:09:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 17/04 12:09:27 here! 17/04 12:09:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 17/04 12:09:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 17/04 12:09:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/04 12:09:32 Timer 3 called 17/04 12:09:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/04 12:09:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/04 12:09:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/04 12:09:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/04 12:09:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/04 12:09:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/04 12:09:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/04 12:09:37 Timer 12 called 17/04 12:09:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/04 12:09:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/04 12:09:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/04 12:09:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/04 12:09:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/04 12:09:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/04 12:09:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/04 12:09:57 Timer 9 called 17/04 12:09:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/04 12:09:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/04 12:09:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/04 12:09:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/04 12:09:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/04 12:09:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 08:52:07 ========================================================================================= 16/05 08:52:07 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/05 08:52:07 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/05 08:52:07 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/05 08:52:07 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/05 08:52:07 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/05 08:52:07 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/05 08:52:07 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/05 08:52:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/05 08:52:08 Timer 2 called 16/05 08:52:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 08:52:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/05 08:52:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/05 08:52:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/05 08:52:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/05 08:52:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 08:52:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/05 08:52:10 here! 16/05 08:52:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/05 08:52:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/05 08:52:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/05 08:52:15 Timer 3 called 16/05 08:52:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 08:52:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/05 08:52:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/05 08:52:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/05 08:52:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/05 08:52:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 08:52:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/05 08:52:20 Timer 12 called 16/05 08:52:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 08:52:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/05 08:52:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/05 08:52:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/05 08:52:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/05 08:52:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 08:52:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/05 08:52:40 Timer 9 called 16/05 08:52:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 08:52:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/05 08:52:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/05 08:52:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/05 08:52:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/05 08:52:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/05 11:05:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupExit 21/05 11:05:14 OnPopupExit 21/05 11:05:14 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 21/05 11:05:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/05 11:05:17 CCRAServerDlg::CheckPassword 21/05 11:05:17 Good password 21/05 11:05:17 Setting Master read from section BackupDatabase. Value = Y 21/05 11:05:17 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 21/05 11:05:17 Setting LANG read from section VIEWCLIENT. Value = CA 21/05 11:05:18 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 21/05 11:05:18 Waiting LOOP for end 21/05 11:05:19 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:20 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:21 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:22 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:23 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:24 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:25 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:26 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:27 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:28 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:29 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:30 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:31 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:32 Waiting Securize for end 21/05 11:05:33 CCRAServerDlg::MyEndProcess 21/05 11:05:33 MyEndProcess DOWNLOADVIDEOS 21/05 11:05:33 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread exit code before stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 21/05 11:05:33 MyEndProcess step 0 21/05 11:05:33 End thread signaled 21/05 11:05:33 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread ended smoothly 21/05 11:05:33 thread exit code after stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 21/05 11:05:33 MyEndProcess end 21/05 11:05:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/05 11:05:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 21/05 11:05:33 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 21/05 11:07:51 ========================================================================================= 21/05 11:07:51 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 21/05 11:07:51 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 21/05 11:07:51 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/05 11:07:51 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 21/05 11:07:51 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/05 11:07:51 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/05 11:07:51 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/05 11:07:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/05 11:07:52 Timer 2 called 21/05 11:07:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/05 11:07:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/05 11:07:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/05 11:07:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/05 11:07:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/05 11:07:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/05 11:07:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/05 11:07:54 here! 21/05 11:07:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/05 11:07:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/05 11:07:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/05 11:07:59 Timer 3 called 21/05 11:07:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/05 11:07:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/05 11:07:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/05 11:07:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/05 11:07:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/05 11:07:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/05 11:08:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/05 11:08:04 Timer 12 called 21/05 11:08:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/05 11:08:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/05 11:08:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/05 11:08:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/05 11:08:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/05 11:08:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/05 11:08:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/05 11:08:24 Timer 9 called 21/05 11:08:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/05 11:08:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/05 11:08:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/05 11:08:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/05 11:08:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/05 11:08:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/05 11:26:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 21/05 11:26:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/05 11:26:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/05 11:26:18 here! 21/05 11:26:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/05 11:26:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/05 11:26:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 21/05 11:26:21 Cancel Dlg by User 21/05 11:26:21 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/05 11:26:21 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 21/05 11:26:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/05 11:26:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/05 11:26:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/05 11:26:21 here! 21/05 11:26:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/05 11:26:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/06 09:24:35 ========================================================================================= 03/06 09:24:35 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 03/06 09:24:35 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 03/06 09:24:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/06 09:24:35 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 03/06 09:24:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/06 09:24:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/06 09:24:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/06 09:24:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/06 09:24:36 Timer 2 called 03/06 09:24:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/06 09:24:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/06 09:24:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/06 09:24:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/06 09:24:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/06 09:24:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/06 09:24:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/06 09:24:40 here! 03/06 09:24:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/06 09:24:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/06 09:24:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/06 09:24:45 Timer 3 called 03/06 09:24:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/06 09:24:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/06 09:24:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/06 09:24:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/06 09:24:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/06 09:24:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/06 09:24:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/06 09:24:50 Timer 12 called 03/06 09:24:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/06 09:24:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/06 09:24:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/06 09:24:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/06 09:24:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/06 09:24:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/06 09:25:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/06 09:25:10 Timer 9 called 03/06 09:25:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/06 09:25:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/06 09:25:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/06 09:25:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/06 09:25:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/06 09:25:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 11:22:48 ========================================================================================= 14/06 11:22:48 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 14/06 11:22:48 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 14/06 11:22:48 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/06 11:22:48 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 14/06 11:22:48 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/06 11:22:48 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/06 11:22:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/06 11:22:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/06 11:22:49 Timer 2 called 14/06 11:22:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 11:22:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/06 11:22:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/06 11:22:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/06 11:22:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/06 11:22:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 11:22:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/06 11:22:56 here! 14/06 11:22:56 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/06 11:22:56 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/06 11:23:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/06 11:23:01 Timer 3 called 14/06 11:23:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 11:23:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/06 11:23:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/06 11:23:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/06 11:23:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/06 11:23:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 11:23:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/06 11:23:06 Timer 12 called 14/06 11:23:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 11:23:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/06 11:23:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/06 11:23:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/06 11:23:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/06 11:23:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 11:23:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/06 11:23:26 Timer 9 called 14/06 11:23:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 11:23:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/06 11:23:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/06 11:23:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/06 11:23:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/06 11:23:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 10:58:41 ========================================================================================= 27/06 10:58:42 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/06 10:58:42 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/06 10:58:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/06 10:58:42 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/06 10:58:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/06 10:58:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/06 10:58:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/06 10:58:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 10:58:43 Timer 2 called 27/06 10:58:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 10:58:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 10:58:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/06 10:58:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 10:58:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 10:58:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 10:58:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/06 10:58:47 here! 27/06 10:58:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/06 10:58:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/06 10:58:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 10:58:52 Timer 3 called 27/06 10:58:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 10:58:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 10:58:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/06 10:58:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 10:58:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 10:58:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 10:58:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 10:58:57 Timer 12 called 27/06 10:58:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 10:58:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 10:58:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/06 10:58:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 10:58:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 10:58:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 10:59:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 10:59:17 Timer 9 called 27/06 10:59:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 10:59:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 10:59:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/06 10:59:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 10:59:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 10:59:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 12:17:37 ========================================================================================= 10/07 12:17:37 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 10/07 12:17:37 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 10/07 12:17:37 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/07 12:17:37 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 10/07 12:17:37 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/07 12:17:37 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/07 12:17:38 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/07 12:17:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/07 12:17:38 Timer 2 called 10/07 12:17:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 12:17:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/07 12:17:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/07 12:17:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/07 12:17:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/07 12:17:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 12:17:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 10/07 12:17:42 here! 10/07 12:17:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/07 12:17:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 10/07 12:17:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/07 12:17:47 Timer 3 called 10/07 12:17:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 12:17:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/07 12:17:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/07 12:17:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/07 12:17:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/07 12:17:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 12:17:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/07 12:17:52 Timer 12 called 10/07 12:17:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 12:17:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/07 12:17:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/07 12:17:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/07 12:17:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/07 12:17:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 12:18:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/07 12:18:12 Timer 9 called 10/07 12:18:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 12:18:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/07 12:18:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/07 12:18:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/07 12:18:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/07 12:18:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 09:39:26 ========================================================================================= 24/07 09:39:26 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 24/07 09:39:26 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 24/07 09:39:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/07 09:39:26 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 24/07 09:39:26 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 24/07 09:39:26 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 24/07 09:39:27 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/07 09:39:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/07 09:39:27 Timer 2 called 24/07 09:39:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 09:39:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/07 09:39:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/07 09:39:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/07 09:39:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/07 09:39:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 09:39:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 24/07 09:39:33 here! 24/07 09:39:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 24/07 09:39:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 24/07 09:39:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/07 09:39:38 Timer 3 called 24/07 09:39:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 09:39:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/07 09:39:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/07 09:39:38 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/07 09:39:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/07 09:39:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 09:39:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/07 09:39:43 Timer 12 called 24/07 09:39:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 09:39:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/07 09:39:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/07 09:39:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/07 09:39:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/07 09:39:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 09:40:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/07 09:40:03 Timer 9 called 24/07 09:40:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 09:40:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/07 09:40:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/07 09:40:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/07 09:40:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/07 09:40:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 10:37:15 ========================================================================================= 16/09 10:37:15 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/09 10:37:15 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/09 10:37:15 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/09 10:37:15 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/09 10:37:15 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/09 10:37:15 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/09 10:37:15 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/09 10:37:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 10:37:16 Timer 2 called 16/09 10:37:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 10:37:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 10:37:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 10:37:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 10:37:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 10:37:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 10:37:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/09 10:37:20 here! 16/09 10:37:20 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/09 10:37:20 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/09 10:37:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 10:37:25 Timer 3 called 16/09 10:37:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 10:37:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 10:37:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 10:37:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 10:37:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 10:37:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 10:37:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 10:37:30 Timer 12 called 16/09 10:37:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 10:37:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 10:37:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 10:37:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 10:37:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 10:37:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 10:37:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 10:37:50 Timer 9 called 16/09 10:37:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 10:37:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 10:37:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 10:37:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 10:37:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 10:37:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 13:21:46 ========================================================================================= 16/09 13:21:46 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/09 13:21:46 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/09 13:21:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/09 13:21:46 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/09 13:21:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/09 13:21:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/09 13:21:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/09 13:21:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 13:21:47 Timer 2 called 16/09 13:21:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 13:21:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 13:21:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 13:21:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 13:21:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 13:21:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 13:21:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/09 13:21:51 here! 16/09 13:21:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/09 13:21:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/09 13:21:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 13:21:56 Timer 3 called 16/09 13:21:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 13:21:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 13:21:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 13:21:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 13:21:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 13:21:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 13:22:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 13:22:01 Timer 12 called 16/09 13:22:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 13:22:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 13:22:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 13:22:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 13:22:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 13:22:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 13:22:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 13:22:21 Timer 9 called 16/09 13:22:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 13:22:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 13:22:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 13:22:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 13:22:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 13:22:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 15:37:22 ========================================================================================= 01/11 15:37:22 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 01/11 15:37:22 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 01/11 15:37:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/11 15:37:22 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 01/11 15:37:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/11 15:37:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/11 15:37:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/11 15:37:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/11 15:37:23 Timer 2 called 01/11 15:37:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 15:37:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/11 15:37:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/11 15:37:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/11 15:37:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/11 15:37:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 15:37:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 01/11 15:37:27 here! 01/11 15:37:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/11 15:37:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 01/11 15:37:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/11 15:37:32 Timer 3 called 01/11 15:37:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 15:37:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/11 15:37:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/11 15:37:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/11 15:37:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/11 15:37:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 15:37:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/11 15:37:37 Timer 12 called 01/11 15:37:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 15:37:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/11 15:37:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/11 15:37:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/11 15:37:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/11 15:37:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 15:37:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/11 15:37:57 Timer 9 called 01/11 15:37:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 15:37:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/11 15:37:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/11 15:37:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/11 15:37:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/11 15:37:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/11 17:37:10 ========================================================================================= 14/11 17:37:10 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 14/11 17:37:10 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 14/11 17:37:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/11 17:37:10 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 14/11 17:37:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/11 17:37:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/11 17:37:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/11 17:37:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/11 17:37:11 Timer 2 called 14/11 17:37:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/11 17:37:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/11 17:37:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/11 17:37:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/11 17:37:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/11 17:37:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/11 17:37:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/11 17:37:15 here! 14/11 17:37:15 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/11 17:37:15 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/11 17:37:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/11 17:37:20 Timer 3 called 14/11 17:37:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/11 17:37:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/11 17:37:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/11 17:37:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/11 17:37:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/11 17:37:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/11 17:37:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/11 17:37:25 Timer 12 called 14/11 17:37:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/11 17:37:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/11 17:37:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/11 17:37:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/11 17:37:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/11 17:37:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/11 17:37:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/11 17:37:45 Timer 9 called 14/11 17:37:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/11 17:37:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/11 17:37:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/11 17:37:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/11 17:37:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/11 17:37:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 09:51:09 ========================================================================================= 16/11 09:51:09 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/11 09:51:09 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/11 09:51:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/11 09:51:09 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/11 09:51:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/11 09:51:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/11 09:51:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/11 09:51:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 09:51:10 Timer 2 called 16/11 09:51:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 09:51:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 09:51:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 09:51:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 09:51:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 09:51:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 09:51:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/11 09:51:14 here! 16/11 09:51:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/11 09:51:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/11 09:51:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 09:51:19 Timer 3 called 16/11 09:51:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 09:51:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 09:51:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 09:51:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 09:51:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 09:51:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 09:51:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 09:51:24 Timer 12 called 16/11 09:51:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 09:51:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 09:51:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 09:51:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 09:51:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 09:51:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 09:51:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 09:51:44 Timer 9 called 16/11 09:51:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 09:51:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 09:51:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 09:51:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 09:51:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 09:51:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:55:21 ========================================================================================= 09/01 11:55:21 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/01 11:55:21 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/01 11:55:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 11:55:21 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/01 11:55:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/01 11:55:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/01 11:55:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 11:55:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:55:22 Timer 2 called 09/01 11:55:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:55:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:55:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 11:55:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:55:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:55:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:55:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/01 11:55:26 here! 09/01 11:55:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/01 11:55:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/01 11:55:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:55:31 Timer 3 called 09/01 11:55:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:55:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:55:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 11:55:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:55:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:55:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:55:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:55:36 Timer 12 called 09/01 11:55:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:55:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:55:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 11:55:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:55:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:55:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:55:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:55:56 Timer 9 called 09/01 11:55:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:55:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:55:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 11:55:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:55:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:55:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/02 11:44:32 ========================================================================================= 06/02 11:44:32 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 06/02 11:44:32 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 06/02 11:44:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/02 11:44:32 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 06/02 11:44:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/02 11:44:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/02 11:44:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/02 11:44:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/02 11:44:33 Timer 2 called 06/02 11:44:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/02 11:44:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/02 11:44:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/02 11:44:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/02 11:44:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/02 11:44:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/02 11:44:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/02 11:44:40 here! 06/02 11:44:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/02 11:44:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/02 11:44:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/02 11:44:45 Timer 3 called 06/02 11:44:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/02 11:44:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/02 11:44:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/02 11:44:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/02 11:44:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/02 11:44:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/02 11:44:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/02 11:44:50 Timer 12 called 06/02 11:44:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/02 11:44:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/02 11:44:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/02 11:44:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/02 11:44:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/02 11:44:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/02 11:45:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/02 11:45:10 Timer 9 called 06/02 11:45:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/02 11:45:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/02 11:45:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/02 11:45:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/02 11:45:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/02 11:45:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/02 11:54:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 06/02 11:54:08 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/02 11:54:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/02 11:54:08 here! 06/02 11:54:08 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/02 11:54:08 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/02 11:54:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 06/02 11:54:11 Cancel Dlg by User 06/02 11:54:11 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/02 11:54:11 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 06/02 11:54:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/02 11:54:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/02 11:54:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/02 11:54:11 here! 06/02 11:54:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/02 11:54:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/02 17:13:29 ========================================================================================= 21/02 17:13:29 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 21/02 17:13:29 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 21/02 17:13:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/02 17:13:29 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 21/02 17:13:29 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/02 17:13:29 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/02 17:13:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/02 17:13:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/02 17:13:30 Timer 2 called 21/02 17:13:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:13:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/02 17:13:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/02 17:13:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/02 17:13:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/02 17:13:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:13:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/02 17:13:33 here! 21/02 17:13:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/02 17:13:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/02 17:13:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/02 17:13:38 Timer 3 called 21/02 17:13:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:13:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/02 17:13:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/02 17:13:38 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/02 17:13:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/02 17:13:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:13:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/02 17:13:43 Timer 12 called 21/02 17:13:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:13:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/02 17:13:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/02 17:13:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/02 17:13:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/02 17:13:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:14:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/02 17:14:03 Timer 9 called 21/02 17:14:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:14:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/02 17:14:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/02 17:14:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/02 17:14:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/02 17:14:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/02 16:42:32 ========================================================================================= 29/02 16:42:32 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/02 16:42:32 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/02 16:42:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/02 16:42:32 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/02 16:42:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/02 16:42:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/02 16:42:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/02 16:42:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/02 16:42:33 Timer 2 called 29/02 16:42:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/02 16:42:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/02 16:42:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/02 16:42:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/02 16:42:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/02 16:42:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/02 16:42:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/02 16:42:37 here! 29/02 16:42:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/02 16:42:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/02 16:42:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/02 16:42:42 Timer 3 called 29/02 16:42:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/02 16:42:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/02 16:42:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/02 16:42:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/02 16:42:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/02 16:42:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/02 16:42:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/02 16:42:47 Timer 12 called 29/02 16:42:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/02 16:42:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/02 16:42:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/02 16:42:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/02 16:42:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/02 16:42:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/02 16:43:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/02 16:43:07 Timer 9 called 29/02 16:43:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/02 16:43:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/02 16:43:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/02 16:43:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/02 16:43:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/02 16:43:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/02 16:43:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 29/02 16:43:12 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/02 16:43:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/02 16:43:12 here! 29/02 16:43:12 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/02 16:43:12 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/02 16:43:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 29/02 16:43:17 Cancel Dlg by User 29/02 16:43:17 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/02 16:43:17 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 29/02 16:43:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/02 16:43:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/02 16:43:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/02 16:43:17 here! 29/02 16:43:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/02 16:43:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/03 17:10:41 ========================================================================================= 02/03 17:10:42 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/03 17:10:42 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 02/03 17:10:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/03 17:10:42 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/03 17:10:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/03 17:10:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/03 17:10:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/03 17:10:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/03 17:10:43 Timer 2 called 02/03 17:10:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:10:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/03 17:10:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/03 17:10:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/03 17:10:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/03 17:10:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:10:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/03 17:10:45 here! 02/03 17:10:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/03 17:10:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/03 17:10:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/03 17:10:50 Timer 3 called 02/03 17:10:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:10:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/03 17:10:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/03 17:10:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/03 17:10:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/03 17:10:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:10:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/03 17:10:55 Timer 12 called 02/03 17:10:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:10:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/03 17:10:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/03 17:10:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/03 17:10:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/03 17:10:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:11:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/03 17:11:15 Timer 9 called 02/03 17:11:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:11:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/03 17:11:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/03 17:11:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/03 17:11:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/03 17:11:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/03 12:52:35 ========================================================================================= 13/03 12:52:35 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/03 12:52:35 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/03 12:52:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/03 12:52:35 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/03 12:52:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/03 12:52:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/03 12:52:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/03 12:52:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/03 12:52:36 Timer 2 called 13/03 12:52:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/03 12:52:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/03 12:52:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/03 12:52:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/03 12:52:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/03 12:52:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/03 12:52:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/03 12:52:42 here! 13/03 12:52:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/03 12:52:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/03 12:52:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/03 12:52:46 Timer 3 called 13/03 12:52:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/03 12:52:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/03 12:52:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/03 12:52:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/03 12:52:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/03 12:52:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/03 12:52:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/03 12:52:52 Timer 12 called 13/03 12:52:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/03 12:52:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/03 12:52:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/03 12:52:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/03 12:52:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/03 12:52:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/03 12:53:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/03 12:53:11 Timer 9 called 13/03 12:53:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/03 12:53:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/03 12:53:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/03 12:53:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/03 12:53:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/03 12:53:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 11:57:22 ========================================================================================= 16/03 11:57:22 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/03 11:57:22 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/03 11:57:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/03 11:57:22 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/03 11:57:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/03 11:57:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/03 11:57:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/03 11:57:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/03 11:57:23 Timer 2 called 16/03 11:57:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 11:57:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/03 11:57:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/03 11:57:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/03 11:57:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/03 11:57:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 11:57:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/03 11:57:29 here! 16/03 11:57:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/03 11:57:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/03 11:57:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/03 11:57:34 Timer 3 called 16/03 11:57:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 11:57:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/03 11:57:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/03 11:57:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/03 11:57:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/03 11:57:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 11:57:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/03 11:57:39 Timer 12 called 16/03 11:57:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 11:57:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/03 11:57:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/03 11:57:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/03 11:57:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/03 11:57:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 11:57:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/03 11:57:59 Timer 9 called 16/03 11:57:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/03 11:57:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/03 11:57:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/03 11:57:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/03 11:57:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/03 11:57:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/03 14:54:04 ========================================================================================= 19/03 14:54:04 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 19/03 14:54:04 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 19/03 14:54:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/03 14:54:04 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 19/03 14:54:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/03 14:54:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/03 14:54:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/03 14:54:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/03 14:54:05 Timer 2 called 19/03 14:54:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/03 14:54:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/03 14:54:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/03 14:54:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/03 14:54:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/03 14:54:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/03 14:54:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/03 14:54:10 here! 19/03 14:54:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/03 14:54:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/03 14:54:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/03 14:54:15 Timer 3 called 19/03 14:54:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/03 14:54:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/03 14:54:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/03 14:54:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/03 14:54:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/03 14:54:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/03 14:54:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/03 14:54:20 Timer 12 called 19/03 14:54:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/03 14:54:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/03 14:54:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/03 14:54:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/03 14:54:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/03 14:54:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/03 14:54:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/03 14:54:40 Timer 9 called 19/03 14:54:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/03 14:54:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/03 14:54:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/03 14:54:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/03 14:54:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/03 14:54:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/03 11:12:45 ========================================================================================= 21/03 11:12:45 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 21/03 11:12:45 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 21/03 11:12:45 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/03 11:12:45 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 21/03 11:12:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/03 11:12:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/03 11:12:45 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/03 11:12:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/03 11:12:46 Timer 2 called 21/03 11:12:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/03 11:12:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/03 11:12:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/03 11:12:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/03 11:12:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/03 11:12:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/03 11:12:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/03 11:12:50 here! 21/03 11:12:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/03 11:12:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/03 11:12:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/03 11:12:55 Timer 3 called 21/03 11:12:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/03 11:12:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/03 11:12:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/03 11:12:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/03 11:12:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/03 11:12:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/03 11:13:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/03 11:13:00 Timer 12 called 21/03 11:13:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/03 11:13:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/03 11:13:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/03 11:13:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/03 11:13:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/03 11:13:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/03 11:13:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/03 11:13:20 Timer 9 called 21/03 11:13:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/03 11:13:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/03 11:13:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/03 11:13:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/03 11:13:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/03 11:13:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 11:11:39 ========================================================================================= 22/04 11:11:39 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/04 11:11:39 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/04 11:11:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/04 11:11:39 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/04 11:11:39 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/04 11:11:39 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/04 11:11:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/04 11:11:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 11:11:40 Timer 2 called 22/04 11:11:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 11:11:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 11:11:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 11:11:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 11:11:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 11:11:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 11:11:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/04 11:11:45 here! 22/04 11:11:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/04 11:11:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/04 11:11:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 11:11:50 Timer 3 called 22/04 11:11:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 11:11:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 11:11:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 11:11:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 11:11:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 11:11:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 11:11:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 11:11:55 Timer 12 called 22/04 11:11:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 11:11:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 11:11:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 11:11:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 11:11:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 11:11:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 11:12:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 11:12:15 Timer 9 called 22/04 11:12:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 11:12:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 11:12:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 11:12:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 11:12:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 11:12:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 11:46:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 22/04 11:46:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/04 11:46:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/04 11:46:21 here! 22/04 11:46:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/04 11:46:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/04 11:46:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 22/04 11:46:26 Cancel Dlg by User 22/04 11:46:26 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/04 11:46:26 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 22/04 11:46:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/04 11:46:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/04 11:46:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/04 11:46:26 here! 22/04 11:46:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/04 11:46:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/04 12:23:19 ========================================================================================= 22/04 12:23:20 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/04 12:23:20 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/04 12:23:20 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/04 12:23:20 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/04 12:23:20 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/04 12:23:20 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/04 12:23:20 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/04 12:23:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 12:23:21 Timer 2 called 22/04 12:23:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 12:23:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 12:23:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 12:23:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 12:23:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 12:23:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 12:23:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/04 12:23:25 here! 22/04 12:23:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/04 12:23:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/04 12:23:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 12:23:30 Timer 3 called 22/04 12:23:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 12:23:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 12:23:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 12:23:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 12:23:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 12:23:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 12:23:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 12:23:35 Timer 12 called 22/04 12:23:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 12:23:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 12:23:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 12:23:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 12:23:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 12:23:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 12:23:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 12:23:55 Timer 9 called 22/04 12:23:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 12:23:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 12:23:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 12:23:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 12:23:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 12:23:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/04 00:01:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/04 00:01:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 28/04 00:01:55 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 28/04 00:02:18 ========================================================================================= 28/04 00:02:18 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/04 00:02:18 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/04 00:02:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/04 00:02:18 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/04 00:02:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/04 00:02:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/04 00:02:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/04 00:02:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/04 00:02:19 Timer 2 called 28/04 00:02:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/04 00:02:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/04 00:02:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/04 00:02:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/04 00:02:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/04 00:02:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/04 00:02:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/04 00:02:21 here! 28/04 00:02:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/04 00:02:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/04 00:02:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/04 00:02:26 Timer 3 called 28/04 00:02:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/04 00:02:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/04 00:02:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/04 00:02:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/04 00:02:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/04 00:02:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/04 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/04 00:02:31 Timer 12 called 28/04 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/04 00:02:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/04 00:02:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/04 00:02:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/04 00:02:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/04 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/04 00:02:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/04 00:02:51 Timer 9 called 28/04 00:02:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/04 00:02:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/04 00:02:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/04 00:02:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/04 00:02:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/04 00:02:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/04 15:03:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 30/04 15:03:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/04 15:03:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 30/04 15:03:01 here! 30/04 15:03:01 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/04 15:03:01 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 30/04 15:03:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 30/04 15:03:04 Cancel Dlg by User 30/04 15:03:04 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/04 15:03:04 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 30/04 15:03:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/04 15:03:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/04 15:03:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 30/04 15:03:04 here! 30/04 15:03:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/04 15:03:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/05 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/05 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 22/05 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 22/05 00:02:33 ========================================================================================= 22/05 00:02:33 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/05 00:02:33 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/05 00:02:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/05 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/05 00:02:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/05 00:02:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/05 00:02:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/05 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 00:02:34 Timer 2 called 22/05 00:02:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 00:02:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 00:02:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/05 00:02:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 00:02:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 00:02:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/05 00:02:37 here! 22/05 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/05 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/05 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 00:02:42 Timer 3 called 22/05 00:02:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 00:02:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 00:02:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/05 00:02:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 00:02:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 00:02:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 00:02:47 Timer 12 called 22/05 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 00:02:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 00:02:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/05 00:02:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 00:02:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 00:03:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/05 00:03:07 Timer 9 called 22/05 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/05 00:03:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/05 00:03:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/05 00:03:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/05 00:03:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/05 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 00:02:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 23/05 00:02:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 23/05 00:02:26 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 23/05 00:02:42 ========================================================================================= 23/05 00:02:42 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 23/05 00:02:42 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 23/05 00:02:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/05 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 23/05 00:02:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/05 00:02:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/05 00:02:43 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/05 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/05 00:02:43 Timer 2 called 23/05 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 00:02:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/05 00:02:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/05 00:02:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/05 00:02:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/05 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 23/05 00:02:46 here! 23/05 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 23/05 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 23/05 00:02:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/05 00:02:51 Timer 3 called 23/05 00:02:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 00:02:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/05 00:02:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/05 00:02:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/05 00:02:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/05 00:02:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 00:02:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/05 00:02:56 Timer 12 called 23/05 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 00:02:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/05 00:02:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/05 00:02:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/05 00:02:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/05 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 00:03:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/05 00:03:16 Timer 9 called 23/05 00:03:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/05 00:03:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/05 00:03:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/05 00:03:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/05 00:03:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/05 00:03:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/06 07:58:46 ========================================================================================= 23/06 07:58:46 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 23/06 07:58:46 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 23/06 07:58:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/06 07:58:46 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 23/06 07:58:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/06 07:58:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/06 07:58:47 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/06 07:58:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/06 07:58:47 Timer 2 called 23/06 07:58:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/06 07:58:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/06 07:58:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/06 07:58:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/06 07:58:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/06 07:58:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/06 07:58:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 23/06 07:58:54 here! 23/06 07:58:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 23/06 07:58:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 23/06 07:58:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/06 07:58:59 Timer 3 called 23/06 07:58:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/06 07:58:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/06 07:58:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/06 07:58:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/06 07:58:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/06 07:58:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/06 07:59:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/06 07:59:04 Timer 12 called 23/06 07:59:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/06 07:59:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/06 07:59:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/06 07:59:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/06 07:59:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/06 07:59:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/06 07:59:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/06 07:59:24 Timer 9 called 23/06 07:59:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/06 07:59:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/06 07:59:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/06 07:59:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/06 07:59:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/06 07:59:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:01:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/08 00:01:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 11/08 00:01:57 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 11/08 00:02:30 ========================================================================================= 11/08 00:02:30 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 11/08 00:02:30 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 11/08 00:02:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/08 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 11/08 00:02:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/08 00:02:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/08 00:02:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/08 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/08 00:02:31 Timer 2 called 11/08 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:02:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/08 00:02:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/08 00:02:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/08 00:02:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/08 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 11/08 00:02:34 here! 11/08 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/08 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 11/08 00:02:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/08 00:02:39 Timer 3 called 11/08 00:02:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:02:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/08 00:02:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/08 00:02:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/08 00:02:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/08 00:02:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/08 00:02:44 Timer 12 called 11/08 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:02:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/08 00:02:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/08 00:02:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/08 00:02:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/08 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:03:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/08 00:03:04 Timer 9 called 11/08 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:03:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/08 00:03:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/08 00:03:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/08 00:03:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/08 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:30:16 ========================================================================================= 11/08 00:30:16 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 11/08 00:30:16 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 11/08 00:30:16 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/08 00:30:16 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 11/08 00:30:16 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/08 00:30:16 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/08 00:30:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/08 00:30:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/08 00:30:17 Timer 2 called 11/08 00:30:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:30:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/08 00:30:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/08 00:30:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/08 00:30:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/08 00:30:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:30:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 11/08 00:30:24 here! 11/08 00:30:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/08 00:30:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 11/08 00:30:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/08 00:30:29 Timer 3 called 11/08 00:30:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:30:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/08 00:30:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/08 00:30:29 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/08 00:30:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/08 00:30:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:30:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 11/08 00:30:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/08 00:30:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 11/08 00:30:34 here! 11/08 00:30:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/08 00:30:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 11/08 00:30:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/08 00:30:34 Timer 12 called 11/08 00:30:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:30:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/08 00:30:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/08 00:30:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/08 00:30:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/08 00:30:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:30:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 11/08 00:30:38 Cancel Dlg by User 11/08 00:30:38 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/08 00:30:38 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 11/08 00:30:38 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/08 00:30:38 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/08 00:30:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 11/08 00:30:38 here! 11/08 00:30:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/08 00:30:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 11/08 00:30:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/08 00:30:54 Timer 9 called 11/08 00:30:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/08 00:30:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/08 00:30:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/08 00:30:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/08 00:30:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/08 00:30:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/08 11:20:14 ========================================================================================= 18/08 11:20:14 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/08 11:20:14 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/08 11:20:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/08 11:20:14 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/08 11:20:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/08 11:20:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/08 11:20:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/08 11:20:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/08 11:20:15 Timer 2 called 18/08 11:20:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/08 11:20:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/08 11:20:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/08 11:20:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/08 11:20:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/08 11:20:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/08 11:20:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/08 11:20:28 here! 18/08 11:20:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/08 11:20:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/08 11:20:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/08 11:20:33 Timer 3 called 18/08 11:20:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/08 11:20:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/08 11:20:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/08 11:20:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/08 11:20:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/08 11:20:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/08 11:20:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/08 11:20:38 Timer 12 called 18/08 11:20:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/08 11:20:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/08 11:20:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/08 11:20:38 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/08 11:20:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/08 11:20:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/08 11:20:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/08 11:20:58 Timer 9 called 18/08 11:20:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/08 11:20:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/08 11:20:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/08 11:20:58 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/08 11:20:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/08 11:20:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/08 11:22:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 18/08 11:22:56 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/08 11:22:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/08 11:22:56 here! 18/08 11:22:56 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/08 11:22:56 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/08 11:23:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 18/08 11:23:00 Cancel Dlg by User 18/08 11:23:00 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/08 11:23:00 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 18/08 11:23:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/08 11:23:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/08 11:23:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/08 11:23:00 here! 18/08 11:23:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/08 11:23:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/09 08:52:02 ========================================================================================= 21/09 08:52:02 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 21/09 08:52:02 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 21/09 08:52:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/09 08:52:02 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 21/09 08:52:02 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/09 08:52:02 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/09 08:52:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/09 08:52:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/09 08:52:03 Timer 2 called 21/09 08:52:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 08:52:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/09 08:52:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/09 08:52:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/09 08:52:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/09 08:52:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 08:52:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/09 08:52:09 here! 21/09 08:52:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/09 08:52:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/09 08:52:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/09 08:52:14 Timer 3 called 21/09 08:52:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 08:52:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/09 08:52:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/09 08:52:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/09 08:52:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/09 08:52:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 08:52:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/09 08:52:19 Timer 12 called 21/09 08:52:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 08:52:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/09 08:52:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/09 08:52:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/09 08:52:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/09 08:52:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 08:52:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/09 08:52:39 Timer 9 called 21/09 08:52:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/09 08:52:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/09 08:52:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/09 08:52:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/09 08:52:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/09 08:52:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 20:32:49 ========================================================================================= 13/10 20:32:49 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/10 20:32:49 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/10 20:32:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/10 20:32:49 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/10 20:32:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/10 20:32:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/10 20:32:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/10 20:32:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/10 20:32:50 Timer 2 called 13/10 20:32:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 20:32:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/10 20:32:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/10 20:32:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/10 20:32:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/10 20:32:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 20:32:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/10 20:32:53 here! 13/10 20:32:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/10 20:32:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/10 20:32:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/10 20:32:58 Timer 3 called 13/10 20:32:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 20:32:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/10 20:33:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/10 20:33:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/10 20:33:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/10 20:33:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 20:33:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/10 20:33:04 Timer 12 called 13/10 20:33:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 20:33:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/10 20:33:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/10 20:33:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/10 20:33:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/10 20:33:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 20:33:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/10 20:33:23 Timer 9 called 13/10 20:33:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 20:33:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/10 20:33:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/10 20:33:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/10 20:33:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/10 20:33:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/10 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 21/10 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 21/10 00:03:32 ========================================================================================= 21/10 00:03:32 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 21/10 00:03:32 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 21/10 00:03:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/10 00:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 21/10 00:03:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/10 00:03:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/10 00:03:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/10 00:03:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/10 00:03:33 Timer 2 called 21/10 00:03:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:03:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/10 00:03:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/10 00:03:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/10 00:03:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/10 00:03:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:03:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/10 00:03:36 here! 21/10 00:03:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/10 00:03:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/10 00:03:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/10 00:03:41 Timer 3 called 21/10 00:03:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:03:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/10 00:03:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/10 00:03:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/10 00:03:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/10 00:03:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:03:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/10 00:03:46 Timer 12 called 21/10 00:03:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:03:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/10 00:03:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/10 00:03:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/10 00:03:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/10 00:03:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:04:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/10 00:04:06 Timer 9 called 21/10 00:04:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:04:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/10 00:04:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/10 00:04:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/10 00:04:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/10 00:04:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/10 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 29/10 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 29/10 00:02:59 ========================================================================================= 29/10 00:02:59 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/10 00:02:59 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/10 00:02:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/10 00:02:59 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/10 00:02:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/10 00:02:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/10 00:02:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/10 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/10 00:03:00 Timer 2 called 29/10 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/10 00:03:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/10 00:03:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/10 00:03:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/10 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/10 00:03:03 here! 29/10 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/10 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/10 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/10 00:03:08 Timer 3 called 29/10 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/10 00:03:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/10 00:03:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/10 00:03:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/10 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/10 00:03:13 Timer 12 called 29/10 00:03:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/10 00:03:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/10 00:03:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/10 00:03:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/10 00:03:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/10 00:03:33 Timer 9 called 29/10 00:03:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/10 00:03:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/10 00:03:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/10 00:03:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/10 00:03:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 21:04:18 ========================================================================================= 02/11 21:04:18 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/11 21:04:18 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 02/11 21:04:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/11 21:04:18 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/11 21:04:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/11 21:04:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/11 21:04:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/11 21:04:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/11 21:04:19 Timer 2 called 02/11 21:04:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 21:04:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/11 21:04:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/11 21:04:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/11 21:04:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/11 21:04:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 21:04:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/11 21:04:23 here! 02/11 21:04:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/11 21:04:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/11 21:04:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/11 21:04:28 Timer 3 called 02/11 21:04:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 21:04:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/11 21:04:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/11 21:04:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/11 21:04:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/11 21:04:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 21:04:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/11 21:04:33 Timer 12 called 02/11 21:04:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 21:04:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/11 21:04:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/11 21:04:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/11 21:04:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/11 21:04:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 21:04:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/11 21:04:53 Timer 9 called 02/11 21:04:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 21:04:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/11 21:04:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/11 21:04:53 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/11 21:04:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/11 21:04:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 09:16:11 ========================================================================================= 20/11 09:16:12 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 20/11 09:16:12 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 20/11 09:16:12 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/11 09:16:12 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 20/11 09:16:12 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/11 09:16:12 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/11 09:16:12 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/11 09:16:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/11 09:16:13 Timer 2 called 20/11 09:16:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 09:16:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/11 09:16:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/11 09:16:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/11 09:16:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/11 09:16:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 09:16:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 20/11 09:16:17 here! 20/11 09:16:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/11 09:16:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 20/11 09:16:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/11 09:16:22 Timer 3 called 20/11 09:16:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 09:16:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/11 09:16:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/11 09:16:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/11 09:16:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/11 09:16:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 09:16:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/11 09:16:27 Timer 12 called 20/11 09:16:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 09:16:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/11 09:16:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/11 09:16:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/11 09:16:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/11 09:16:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 09:16:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/11 09:16:47 Timer 9 called 20/11 09:16:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 09:16:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/11 09:16:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/11 09:16:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/11 09:16:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/11 09:16:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/12 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 10/12 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 10/12 00:02:54 ========================================================================================= 10/12 00:02:54 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 10/12 00:02:54 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 10/12 00:02:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/12 00:02:54 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 10/12 00:02:54 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/12 00:02:54 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/12 00:02:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/12 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/12 00:02:55 Timer 2 called 10/12 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 00:02:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/12 00:02:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/12 00:02:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/12 00:02:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/12 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 10/12 00:02:58 here! 10/12 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/12 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 10/12 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/12 00:03:03 Timer 3 called 10/12 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 00:03:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/12 00:03:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/12 00:03:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/12 00:03:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/12 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/12 00:03:08 Timer 12 called 10/12 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 00:03:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/12 00:03:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/12 00:03:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/12 00:03:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/12 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 00:03:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/12 00:03:28 Timer 9 called 10/12 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 00:03:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/12 00:03:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/12 00:03:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/12 00:03:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/12 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:03:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/12 00:03:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 13/12 00:03:10 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 13/12 00:03:27 ========================================================================================= 13/12 00:03:28 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/12 00:03:28 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/12 00:03:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/12 00:03:28 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/12 00:03:28 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/12 00:03:28 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/12 00:03:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/12 00:03:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 00:03:29 Timer 2 called 13/12 00:03:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:03:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 00:03:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 00:03:29 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 00:03:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 00:03:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/12 00:03:32 here! 13/12 00:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/12 00:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/12 00:03:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 00:03:37 Timer 3 called 13/12 00:03:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:03:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 00:03:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 00:03:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 00:03:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 00:03:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:03:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 00:03:42 Timer 12 called 13/12 00:03:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:03:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 00:03:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 00:03:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 00:03:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 00:03:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:04:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 00:04:02 Timer 9 called 13/12 00:04:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:04:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 00:04:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 00:04:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 00:04:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 00:04:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 00:02:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/12 00:02:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 30/12 00:02:16 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 30/12 00:02:34 ========================================================================================= 30/12 00:02:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 30/12 00:02:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 30/12 00:02:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/12 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 30/12 00:02:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/12 00:02:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/12 00:02:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/12 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/12 00:02:35 Timer 2 called 30/12 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 00:02:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/12 00:02:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/12 00:02:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/12 00:02:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/12 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 30/12 00:02:37 here! 30/12 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/12 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 30/12 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/12 00:02:42 Timer 3 called 30/12 00:02:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 00:02:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/12 00:02:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/12 00:02:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/12 00:02:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/12 00:02:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/12 00:02:47 Timer 12 called 30/12 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 00:02:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/12 00:02:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/12 00:02:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/12 00:02:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/12 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 00:03:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/12 00:03:07 Timer 9 called 30/12 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 00:03:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/12 00:03:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/12 00:03:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/12 00:03:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/12 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 14:22:23 ========================================================================================= 04/01 14:22:23 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 04/01 14:22:23 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 04/01 14:22:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/01 14:22:23 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 04/01 14:22:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/01 14:22:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/01 14:22:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/01 14:22:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 14:22:24 Timer 2 called 04/01 14:22:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 14:22:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 14:22:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/01 14:22:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 14:22:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 14:22:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 14:22:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 04/01 14:22:29 here! 04/01 14:22:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 04/01 14:22:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 04/01 14:22:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 14:22:34 Timer 3 called 04/01 14:22:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 14:22:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 14:22:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/01 14:22:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 14:22:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 14:22:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 14:22:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 14:22:39 Timer 12 called 04/01 14:22:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 14:22:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 14:22:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/01 14:22:53 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 14:22:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 14:22:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 14:22:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/01 14:22:59 Timer 9 called 04/01 14:22:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/01 14:22:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/01 14:22:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/01 14:22:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/01 14:22:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/01 14:22:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:49:01 ========================================================================================= 09/01 11:49:01 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/01 11:49:01 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/01 11:49:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 11:49:01 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/01 11:49:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/01 11:49:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/01 11:49:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 11:49:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:49:02 Timer 2 called 09/01 11:49:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:49:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:49:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 11:49:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:49:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:49:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:49:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/01 11:49:06 here! 09/01 11:49:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/01 11:49:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/01 11:49:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:49:11 Timer 3 called 09/01 11:49:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:49:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:49:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 11:49:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:49:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:49:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:49:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:49:16 Timer 12 called 09/01 11:49:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:49:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:49:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 11:49:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:49:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:49:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:49:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 11:49:36 Timer 9 called 09/01 11:49:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 11:49:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 11:49:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 11:49:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 11:49:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 11:49:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:11:31 ========================================================================================= 09/01 16:11:31 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/01 16:11:31 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/01 16:11:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 16:11:31 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/01 16:11:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/01 16:11:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/01 16:11:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 16:11:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 16:11:32 Timer 2 called 09/01 16:11:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:11:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 16:11:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 16:11:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 16:11:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 16:11:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:11:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/01 16:11:36 here! 09/01 16:11:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/01 16:11:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/01 16:11:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 16:11:41 Timer 3 called 09/01 16:11:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:11:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 16:11:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 16:11:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 16:11:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 16:11:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:11:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 16:11:46 Timer 12 called 09/01 16:11:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:11:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 16:11:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 16:11:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 16:11:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 16:11:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:12:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 16:12:06 Timer 9 called 09/01 16:12:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:12:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 16:12:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 16:12:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 16:12:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 16:12:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:46:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 09/01 16:46:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 16:46:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/01 16:46:54 here! 09/01 16:46:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/01 16:46:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/01 16:47:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedCheckBackup 09/01 16:47:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonConfigBackup 09/01 16:47:10 Setting BackupPath read from section BackupDatabase. Value = F: 09/01 16:47:10 Setting BackupElapseMinutes read from section BackupDatabase. Value = 20 09/01 16:47:10 Setting RemoteServer read from section BackupDatabase. Value = 09/01 16:47:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnCancel 09/01 16:47:13 OnCancel 09/01 16:47:13 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 09/01 16:47:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 16:47:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedCheckBackup 09/01 16:47:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonStart 09/01 16:47:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 16:47:17 Setting Master successfully updated at ini file. New value: Y 09/01 16:47:17 Setting Backup successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 09/01 16:47:17 Setting EnableSBNClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 09/01 16:47:17 Setting EnableSoftguardClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 09/01 16:47:17 Setting EnableSIMSClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 09/01 16:47:17 Setting EnableManitouClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 09/01 16:47:17 OnBnClickedButtonStart m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE. daview.ini updated 09/01 16:47:17 Setting EnableMASterMindClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 09/01 16:47:17 Setting EnableSIAClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 09/01 16:47:17 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 09/01 16:47:17 CCRAServerDlg::InitActionsOfMaster 09/01 16:47:17 Don't call verified 09/01 16:47:17 Changing Web Service... 09/01 16:47:17 executing: c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ConfigureWebService.bat 21000 C:\Davantis\craserver c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ 09/01 16:47:17 ok! 09/01 16:47:17 CCRAServerDlg::StartDownloadVideos 09/01 16:47:17 Don't use DownloadVideos 09/01 16:47:17 CCRAServerDlg::MoveOldOpenAlarms 09/01 16:47:17 [D] Query(24ms)[0 rows] = SELECT "IDALARMCRA","IDDISPOSITION","IDUSER","IDEVENT","IDSITE","IDALARM","IPORIGIN","PORTORIGIN","CAMCODE","DESCRIPTION","STARTED","ENDED","SEVERITY","STATE","VIDEONAME","SNAPSHOT","IDMACHINE","IDRULE","IDCAMERA","ACK","RESOLUTION","DATEOPEN","DATECLOSE","FEATURES","DATECRAOK","VIDEOFILESIZE","TRANSMSEC","BBOX","IDMAIL","VIDEONAMESUP","MACHINENAMESUP","ACKR","VIDEOFILESIZESUP" FROM "dbo"."ALARMSCRA" WHERE STATE = 'NEW' OR STATE = 'VWD' ORDER BY IDALARMCRA DESC 09/01 16:47:17 0 alarms to be moved from AlarmsCRA to AlarmsOPEN 09/01 16:47:17 CCRAServerDlg::SendCMSInfoToAllSites 09/01 16:47:17 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 09/01 16:47:17 CCRAServerDlg::SendToAllCustomers 09/01 16:47:17 [D] Query(10ms)[1 rows] = SELECT "IDSITE","SITENAME","IP","PORT","MAP","HEARTBEAT","FTPPORT","PASSWORD","MESSAGE","MESSAGESTATE","DATESTART","DATEEND","SITECODE","IDINSTALLER","DNI","ADDRESS","POSTALCODE","CITY","COMMENT","SITESTARTDATE","SITESTOPDATE","LAUNCHEVENT","COMMENTRELE1","COMMENTRELE2","COMMENTRELE3","COMMENTRELE4","EVENTTYPE","COMMENTLIGHT","COMMENTSOUND","COMMENTWATER","COMMENTOTHER","VERSION","VNCPORT","VNCPWD","CONNECTED","EMAIL","WEBLOGIN","WEBPWD","IDSCHEDULER","TYPE","PRODUCT","ENABLE_AGAIN","WNOTARMED","AUDIOPORT","MESSAGEPOPUP","LASTBACKUPTIME","RECORDERHTTP","VIDEOFORMAT","AUTODOWNLOADVIDEOS","UPDATEIP","LASTIPTIME" FROM "dbo"."SITES" WHERE IDSITE <> 0 09/01 16:47:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/01 16:47:17 here! 09/01 16:47:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/01 16:47:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/01 16:47:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/01 16:47:17 here! 09/01 16:47:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 16:47:27 Timer 12 called 09/01 16:47:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:47:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 16:47:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 16:47:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 16:47:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 16:47:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:47:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 16:47:47 Timer 9 called 09/01 16:47:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 16:47:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 16:47:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 16:47:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 16:47:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 16:47:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 17:08:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/01 17:08:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 09/01 17:08:17 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 09/01 17:08:45 ========================================================================================= 09/01 17:08:45 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/01 17:08:45 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/01 17:08:45 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 17:08:45 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/01 17:08:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/01 17:08:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/01 17:08:45 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/01 17:08:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 17:08:46 Timer 2 called 09/01 17:08:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 17:08:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 17:08:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 17:08:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 17:08:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 17:08:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 17:08:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/01 17:08:49 here! 09/01 17:08:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/01 17:08:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/01 17:08:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 17:08:54 Timer 3 called 09/01 17:08:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 17:08:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 17:08:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 17:08:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 17:08:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 17:08:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 17:08:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 17:08:59 Timer 12 called 09/01 17:08:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 17:08:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 17:08:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 17:08:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 17:08:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 17:08:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 17:09:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/01 17:09:19 Timer 9 called 09/01 17:09:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/01 17:09:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/01 17:09:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/01 17:09:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/01 17:09:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/01 17:09:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/01 17:09:40 ========================================================================================= 15/01 17:09:41 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 15/01 17:09:41 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 15/01 17:09:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/01 17:09:41 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 15/01 17:09:41 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/01 17:09:41 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/01 17:09:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/01 17:09:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/01 17:09:42 Timer 2 called 15/01 17:09:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/01 17:09:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/01 17:09:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/01 17:09:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/01 17:09:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/01 17:09:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/01 17:09:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/01 17:09:45 here! 15/01 17:09:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/01 17:09:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/01 17:09:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/01 17:09:50 Timer 3 called 15/01 17:09:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/01 17:09:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/01 17:09:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/01 17:09:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/01 17:09:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/01 17:09:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/01 17:09:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/01 17:09:55 Timer 12 called 15/01 17:09:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/01 17:09:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/01 17:09:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/01 17:09:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/01 17:09:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/01 17:09:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/01 17:10:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/01 17:10:15 Timer 9 called 15/01 17:10:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/01 17:10:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/01 17:10:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/01 17:10:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/01 17:10:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/01 17:10:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 14:17:59 ========================================================================================= 18/01 14:17:59 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/01 14:17:59 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/01 14:17:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/01 14:17:59 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/01 14:17:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/01 14:17:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/01 14:17:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/01 14:18:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 14:18:00 Timer 2 called 18/01 14:18:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 14:18:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 14:18:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 14:18:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 14:18:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 14:18:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 14:18:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/01 14:18:04 here! 18/01 14:18:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/01 14:18:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/01 14:18:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 14:18:09 Timer 3 called 18/01 14:18:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 14:18:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 14:18:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 14:18:09 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 14:18:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 14:18:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 14:18:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 14:18:14 Timer 12 called 18/01 14:18:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 14:18:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 14:18:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 14:18:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 14:18:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 14:18:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 14:18:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 14:18:34 Timer 9 called 18/01 14:18:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 14:18:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 14:18:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 14:18:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 14:18:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 14:18:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/02 17:01:17 ========================================================================================= 13/02 17:01:17 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/02 17:01:17 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/02 17:01:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/02 17:01:17 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/02 17:01:17 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/02 17:01:17 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/02 17:01:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/02 17:01:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/02 17:01:18 Timer 2 called 13/02 17:01:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/02 17:01:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/02 17:01:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/02 17:01:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/02 17:01:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/02 17:01:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/02 17:01:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/02 17:01:21 here! 13/02 17:01:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/02 17:01:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/02 17:01:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/02 17:01:26 Timer 3 called 13/02 17:01:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/02 17:01:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/02 17:01:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/02 17:01:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/02 17:01:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/02 17:01:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/02 17:01:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 13/02 17:01:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/02 17:01:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/02 17:01:29 here! 13/02 17:01:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/02 17:01:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/02 17:01:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/02 17:01:31 Timer 12 called 13/02 17:01:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/02 17:01:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/02 17:01:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/02 17:01:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/02 17:01:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/02 17:01:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/02 17:01:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 13/02 17:01:32 Cancel Dlg by User 13/02 17:01:32 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/02 17:01:32 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 13/02 17:01:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/02 17:01:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/02 17:01:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/02 17:01:32 here! 13/02 17:01:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/02 17:01:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/02 17:01:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/02 17:01:51 Timer 9 called 13/02 17:01:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/02 17:01:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/02 17:01:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/02 17:01:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/02 17:01:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/02 17:01:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/02 10:37:25 ========================================================================================= 16/02 10:37:25 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/02 10:37:25 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/02 10:37:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/02 10:37:25 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/02 10:37:25 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/02 10:37:25 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/02 10:37:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/02 10:37:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/02 10:37:26 Timer 2 called 16/02 10:37:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/02 10:37:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/02 10:37:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/02 10:37:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/02 10:37:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/02 10:37:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/02 10:37:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/02 10:37:31 here! 16/02 10:37:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/02 10:37:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/02 10:37:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/02 10:37:36 Timer 3 called 16/02 10:37:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/02 10:37:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/02 10:37:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/02 10:37:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/02 10:37:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/02 10:37:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/02 10:37:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/02 10:37:41 Timer 12 called 16/02 10:37:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/02 10:37:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/02 10:37:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/02 10:37:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/02 10:37:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/02 10:37:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/02 10:38:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/02 10:38:01 Timer 9 called 16/02 10:38:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/02 10:38:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/02 10:38:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/02 10:38:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/02 10:38:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/02 10:38:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 08:15:09 ========================================================================================= 18/02 08:15:09 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/02 08:15:09 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/02 08:15:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/02 08:15:09 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/02 08:15:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/02 08:15:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/02 08:15:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/02 08:15:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/02 08:15:10 Timer 2 called 18/02 08:15:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 08:15:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/02 08:15:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/02 08:15:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/02 08:15:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/02 08:15:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 08:15:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/02 08:15:13 here! 18/02 08:15:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/02 08:15:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/02 08:15:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/02 08:15:18 Timer 3 called 18/02 08:15:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 08:15:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/02 08:15:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/02 08:15:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/02 08:15:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/02 08:15:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 08:15:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/02 08:15:23 Timer 12 called 18/02 08:15:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 08:15:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/02 08:15:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/02 08:15:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/02 08:15:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/02 08:15:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 08:15:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/02 08:15:43 Timer 9 called 18/02 08:15:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 08:15:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/02 08:15:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/02 08:15:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/02 08:15:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/02 08:15:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:02:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 25/02 00:02:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 25/02 00:02:04 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 25/02 00:02:41 ========================================================================================= 25/02 00:02:41 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 25/02 00:02:41 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 25/02 00:02:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/02 00:02:41 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 25/02 00:02:41 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 25/02 00:02:41 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 25/02 00:02:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/02 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 00:02:42 Timer 2 called 25/02 00:02:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:02:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 00:02:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/02 00:02:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 00:02:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 00:02:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:02:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 25/02 00:02:45 here! 25/02 00:02:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 25/02 00:02:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 25/02 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 00:02:50 Timer 3 called 25/02 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:02:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 00:02:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/02 00:02:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 00:02:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 00:02:55 Timer 12 called 25/02 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:02:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 00:02:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/02 00:02:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 00:02:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 00:03:15 Timer 9 called 25/02 00:03:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:03:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 00:03:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/02 00:03:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 00:03:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 00:03:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:12:50 ========================================================================================= 25/02 00:12:50 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 25/02 00:12:50 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 25/02 00:12:50 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/02 00:12:50 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 25/02 00:12:50 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 25/02 00:12:50 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 25/02 00:12:50 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/02 00:12:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 00:12:51 Timer 2 called 25/02 00:12:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:12:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 00:12:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/02 00:12:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 00:12:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 00:12:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:12:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 25/02 00:12:58 here! 25/02 00:12:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 25/02 00:12:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 25/02 00:13:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 00:13:03 Timer 3 called 25/02 00:13:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:13:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 00:13:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/02 00:13:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 00:13:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 00:13:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:13:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 00:13:08 Timer 12 called 25/02 00:13:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:13:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 00:13:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/02 00:13:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 00:13:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 00:13:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:13:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/02 00:13:28 Timer 9 called 25/02 00:13:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/02 00:13:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/02 00:13:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/02 00:13:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/02 00:13:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/02 00:13:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/03 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/03 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 08/03 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 08/03 00:02:53 ========================================================================================= 08/03 00:02:53 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 08/03 00:02:53 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 08/03 00:02:53 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/03 00:02:53 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 08/03 00:02:53 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/03 00:02:53 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/03 00:02:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/03 00:02:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/03 00:02:54 Timer 2 called 08/03 00:02:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/03 00:02:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/03 00:02:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/03 00:02:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/03 00:02:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/03 00:02:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/03 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 08/03 00:02:57 here! 08/03 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/03 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 08/03 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/03 00:03:02 Timer 3 called 08/03 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/03 00:03:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/03 00:03:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/03 00:03:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/03 00:03:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/03 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/03 00:03:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/03 00:03:07 Timer 12 called 08/03 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/03 00:03:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/03 00:03:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/03 00:03:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/03 00:03:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/03 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/03 00:03:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/03 00:03:27 Timer 9 called 08/03 00:03:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/03 00:03:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/03 00:03:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/03 00:03:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/03 00:03:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/03 00:03:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/03 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 18/03 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 18/03 00:02:46 ========================================================================================= 18/03 00:02:46 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/03 00:02:46 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/03 00:02:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/03 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/03 00:02:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/03 00:02:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/03 00:02:47 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/03 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/03 00:02:47 Timer 2 called 18/03 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 00:02:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/03 00:02:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/03 00:02:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/03 00:02:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/03 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/03 00:02:50 here! 18/03 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/03 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/03 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/03 00:02:55 Timer 3 called 18/03 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 00:02:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/03 00:02:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/03 00:02:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/03 00:02:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/03 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/03 00:03:00 Timer 12 called 18/03 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 00:03:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/03 00:03:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/03 00:03:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/03 00:03:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/03 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 00:03:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/03 00:03:20 Timer 9 called 18/03 00:03:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/03 00:03:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/03 00:03:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/03 00:03:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/03 00:03:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/03 00:03:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/04 00:02:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 04/04 00:02:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 04/04 00:02:29 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 04/04 00:02:47 ========================================================================================= 04/04 00:02:47 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 04/04 00:02:47 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 04/04 00:02:47 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/04 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 04/04 00:02:47 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/04 00:02:47 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/04 00:02:47 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/04 00:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/04 00:02:48 Timer 2 called 04/04 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/04 00:02:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/04 00:02:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/04 00:02:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/04 00:02:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/04 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/04 00:02:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 04/04 00:02:51 here! 04/04 00:02:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 04/04 00:02:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 04/04 00:02:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/04 00:02:56 Timer 3 called 04/04 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/04 00:02:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/04 00:02:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/04 00:02:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/04 00:02:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/04 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/04 00:03:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/04 00:03:01 Timer 12 called 04/04 00:03:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/04 00:03:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/04 00:03:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/04 00:03:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/04 00:03:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/04 00:03:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/04 00:03:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/04 00:03:21 Timer 9 called 04/04 00:03:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/04 00:03:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/04 00:03:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/04 00:03:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/04 00:03:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/04 00:03:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 05/04 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 05/04 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 05/04 00:02:59 ========================================================================================= 05/04 00:02:59 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 05/04 00:02:59 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 05/04 00:02:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/04 00:02:59 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 05/04 00:02:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/04 00:02:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/04 00:02:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/04 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 00:03:00 Timer 2 called 05/04 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 00:03:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 00:03:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/04 00:03:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 00:03:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 05/04 00:03:02 here! 05/04 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 05/04 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 05/04 00:03:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 00:03:07 Timer 3 called 05/04 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 00:03:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 00:03:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/04 00:03:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 00:03:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 00:03:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 00:03:12 Timer 12 called 05/04 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 00:03:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 00:03:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/04 00:03:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 00:03:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 00:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/04 00:03:32 Timer 9 called 05/04 00:03:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/04 00:03:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/04 00:03:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/04 00:03:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/04 00:03:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/04 00:03:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 00:02:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/04 00:02:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 06/04 00:02:53 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 06/04 00:03:11 ========================================================================================= 06/04 00:03:11 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 06/04 00:03:11 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 06/04 00:03:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/04 00:03:11 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 06/04 00:03:11 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/04 00:03:11 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/04 00:03:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/04 00:03:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 00:03:12 Timer 2 called 06/04 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 00:03:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 00:03:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/04 00:03:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 00:03:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 00:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/04 00:03:15 here! 06/04 00:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/04 00:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/04 00:03:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 00:03:20 Timer 3 called 06/04 00:03:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 00:03:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 00:03:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/04 00:03:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 00:03:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 00:03:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 00:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 00:03:25 Timer 12 called 06/04 00:03:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 00:03:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 00:03:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/04 00:03:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 00:03:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 00:03:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 00:03:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/04 00:03:45 Timer 9 called 06/04 00:03:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/04 00:03:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/04 00:03:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/04 00:03:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/04 00:03:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/04 00:03:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 00:02:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/04 00:02:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 07/04 00:02:06 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 07/04 00:02:22 ========================================================================================= 07/04 00:02:22 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/04 00:02:22 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/04 00:02:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/04 00:02:23 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/04 00:02:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/04 00:02:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/04 00:02:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/04 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/04 00:02:24 Timer 2 called 07/04 00:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 00:02:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/04 00:02:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/04 00:02:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/04 00:02:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/04 00:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 00:02:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/04 00:02:26 here! 07/04 00:02:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/04 00:02:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/04 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/04 00:02:31 Timer 3 called 07/04 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 00:02:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/04 00:02:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/04 00:02:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/04 00:02:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/04 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/04 00:02:36 Timer 12 called 07/04 00:02:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 00:02:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/04 00:02:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/04 00:02:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/04 00:02:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/04 00:02:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 00:02:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/04 00:02:56 Timer 9 called 07/04 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 00:02:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/04 00:02:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/04 00:02:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/04 00:02:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/04 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 11:43:04 ========================================================================================= 07/04 11:43:04 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/04 11:43:04 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/04 11:43:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/04 11:43:04 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/04 11:43:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/04 11:43:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/04 11:43:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/04 11:43:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/04 11:43:05 Timer 2 called 07/04 11:43:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 11:43:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/04 11:43:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/04 11:43:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/04 11:43:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/04 11:43:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 11:43:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/04 11:43:10 here! 07/04 11:43:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/04 11:43:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/04 11:43:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/04 11:43:15 Timer 3 called 07/04 11:43:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 11:43:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/04 11:43:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/04 11:43:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/04 11:43:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/04 11:43:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 11:43:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/04 11:43:20 Timer 12 called 07/04 11:43:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 11:43:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/04 11:43:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/04 11:43:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/04 11:43:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/04 11:43:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 11:43:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/04 11:43:40 Timer 9 called 07/04 11:43:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/04 11:43:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/04 11:43:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/04 11:43:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/04 11:43:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/04 11:43:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/04 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/04 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 08/04 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 08/04 00:03:22 ========================================================================================= 08/04 00:03:23 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 08/04 00:03:23 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 08/04 00:03:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/04 00:03:23 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 08/04 00:03:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/04 00:03:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/04 00:03:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/04 00:03:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/04 00:03:24 Timer 2 called 08/04 00:03:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/04 00:03:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/04 00:03:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/04 00:03:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/04 00:03:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/04 00:03:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/04 00:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 08/04 00:03:26 here! 08/04 00:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/04 00:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 08/04 00:03:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/04 00:03:31 Timer 3 called 08/04 00:03:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/04 00:03:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/04 00:03:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/04 00:03:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/04 00:03:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/04 00:03:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/04 00:03:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/04 00:03:36 Timer 12 called 08/04 00:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/04 00:03:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/04 00:03:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/04 00:03:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/04 00:03:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/04 00:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/04 00:03:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/04 00:03:56 Timer 9 called 08/04 00:03:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/04 00:03:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/04 00:03:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/04 00:03:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/04 00:03:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/04 00:03:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/04 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 22/04 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 22/04 00:02:43 ========================================================================================= 22/04 00:02:43 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/04 00:02:43 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/04 00:02:43 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/04 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/04 00:02:43 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/04 00:02:43 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/04 00:02:44 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/04 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 00:02:44 Timer 2 called 22/04 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 00:02:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 00:02:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 00:02:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 00:02:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/04 00:02:47 here! 22/04 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/04 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/04 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 00:02:52 Timer 3 called 22/04 00:02:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 00:02:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 00:02:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 00:02:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 00:02:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 00:02:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 00:02:57 Timer 12 called 22/04 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 00:02:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 00:02:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 00:02:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 00:02:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 00:03:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/04 00:03:17 Timer 9 called 22/04 00:03:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/04 00:03:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/04 00:03:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/04 00:03:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/04 00:03:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/04 00:03:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/04 00:01:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 25/04 00:01:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 25/04 00:01:59 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 25/04 00:02:16 ========================================================================================= 25/04 00:02:16 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 25/04 00:02:16 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 25/04 00:02:16 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/04 00:02:16 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 25/04 00:02:16 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 25/04 00:02:16 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 25/04 00:02:16 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/04 00:02:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/04 00:02:17 Timer 2 called 25/04 00:02:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/04 00:02:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/04 00:02:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/04 00:02:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/04 00:02:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/04 00:02:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/04 00:02:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 25/04 00:02:20 here! 25/04 00:02:20 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 25/04 00:02:20 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 25/04 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/04 00:02:25 Timer 3 called 25/04 00:02:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/04 00:02:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/04 00:02:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/04 00:02:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/04 00:02:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/04 00:02:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/04 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/04 00:02:30 Timer 12 called 25/04 00:02:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/04 00:02:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/04 00:02:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/04 00:02:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/04 00:02:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/04 00:02:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/04 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/04 00:02:50 Timer 9 called 25/04 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/04 00:02:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/04 00:02:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/04 00:02:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/04 00:02:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/04 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/04 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 27/04 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 27/04 00:02:40 ========================================================================================= 27/04 00:02:40 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/04 00:02:40 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/04 00:02:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/04 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/04 00:02:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/04 00:02:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/04 00:02:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/04 00:02:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/04 00:02:41 Timer 2 called 27/04 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 00:02:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/04 00:02:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/04 00:02:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/04 00:02:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/04 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/04 00:02:44 here! 27/04 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/04 00:02:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/04 00:02:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/04 00:02:49 Timer 3 called 27/04 00:02:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 00:02:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/04 00:02:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/04 00:02:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/04 00:02:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/04 00:02:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/04 00:02:55 Timer 12 called 27/04 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 00:02:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/04 00:02:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/04 00:02:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/04 00:02:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/04 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 00:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/04 00:03:15 Timer 9 called 27/04 00:03:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 00:03:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/04 00:03:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/04 00:03:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/04 00:03:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/04 00:03:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/05 00:02:20 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/05 00:02:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 02/05 00:02:20 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 02/05 00:02:36 ========================================================================================= 02/05 00:02:36 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/05 00:02:36 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 02/05 00:02:36 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/05 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/05 00:02:36 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/05 00:02:36 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/05 00:02:36 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/05 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/05 00:02:37 Timer 2 called 02/05 00:02:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/05 00:02:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/05 00:02:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/05 00:02:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/05 00:02:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/05 00:02:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/05 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/05 00:02:40 here! 02/05 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/05 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/05 00:02:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/05 00:02:45 Timer 3 called 02/05 00:02:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/05 00:02:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/05 00:02:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/05 00:02:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/05 00:02:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/05 00:02:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/05 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/05 00:02:50 Timer 12 called 02/05 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/05 00:02:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/05 00:02:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/05 00:02:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/05 00:02:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/05 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/05 00:03:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/05 00:03:09 Timer 9 called 02/05 00:03:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/05 00:03:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/05 00:03:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/05 00:03:09 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/05 00:03:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/05 00:03:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/05 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 04/05 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 04/05 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 04/05 00:02:59 ========================================================================================= 04/05 00:02:59 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 04/05 00:02:59 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 04/05 00:02:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/05 00:02:59 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 04/05 00:02:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/05 00:02:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/05 00:02:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/05 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/05 00:03:00 Timer 2 called 04/05 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/05 00:03:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/05 00:03:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/05 00:03:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/05 00:03:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/05 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/05 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 04/05 00:03:03 here! 04/05 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 04/05 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 04/05 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/05 00:03:08 Timer 3 called 04/05 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/05 00:03:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/05 00:03:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/05 00:03:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/05 00:03:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/05 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/05 00:03:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/05 00:03:13 Timer 12 called 04/05 00:03:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/05 00:03:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/05 00:03:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/05 00:03:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/05 00:03:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/05 00:03:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/05 00:03:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/05 00:03:33 Timer 9 called 04/05 00:03:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/05 00:03:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/05 00:03:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/05 00:03:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/05 00:03:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/05 00:03:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/05 17:23:29 ========================================================================================= 05/05 17:23:30 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 05/05 17:23:30 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 05/05 17:23:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/05 17:23:30 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 05/05 17:23:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/05 17:23:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/05 17:23:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/05 17:23:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/05 17:23:31 Timer 2 called 05/05 17:23:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/05 17:23:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/05 17:23:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/05 17:23:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/05 17:23:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/05 17:23:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/05 17:23:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 05/05 17:23:34 here! 05/05 17:23:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 05/05 17:23:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 05/05 17:23:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/05 17:23:39 Timer 3 called 05/05 17:23:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/05 17:23:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/05 17:23:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/05 17:23:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/05 17:23:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/05 17:23:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/05 17:23:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/05 17:23:44 Timer 12 called 05/05 17:23:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/05 17:23:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/05 17:23:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/05 17:23:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/05 17:23:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/05 17:23:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/05 17:24:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/05 17:24:04 Timer 9 called 05/05 17:24:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/05 17:24:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/05 17:24:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/05 17:24:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/05 17:24:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/05 17:24:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/05 15:15:49 ========================================================================================= 06/05 15:15:49 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 06/05 15:15:49 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 06/05 15:15:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/05 15:15:49 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 06/05 15:15:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/05 15:15:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/05 15:15:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/05 15:15:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/05 15:15:50 Timer 2 called 06/05 15:15:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/05 15:15:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/05 15:15:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/05 15:15:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/05 15:15:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/05 15:15:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/05 15:15:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/05 15:15:55 here! 06/05 15:15:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/05 15:15:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/05 15:16:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/05 15:16:00 Timer 3 called 06/05 15:16:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/05 15:16:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/05 15:16:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/05 15:16:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/05 15:16:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/05 15:16:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/05 15:16:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/05 15:16:05 Timer 12 called 06/05 15:16:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/05 15:16:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/05 15:16:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/05 15:16:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/05 15:16:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/05 15:16:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/05 15:16:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/05 15:16:25 Timer 9 called 06/05 15:16:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/05 15:16:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/05 15:16:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/05 15:16:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/05 15:16:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/05 15:16:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/05 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/05 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 07/05 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 07/05 00:03:09 ========================================================================================= 07/05 00:03:09 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/05 00:03:09 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/05 00:03:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/05 00:03:09 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/05 00:03:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/05 00:03:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/05 00:03:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/05 00:03:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/05 00:03:10 Timer 2 called 07/05 00:03:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/05 00:03:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/05 00:03:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/05 00:03:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/05 00:03:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/05 00:03:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/05 00:03:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/05 00:03:13 here! 07/05 00:03:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/05 00:03:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/05 00:03:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/05 00:03:18 Timer 3 called 07/05 00:03:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/05 00:03:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/05 00:03:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/05 00:03:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/05 00:03:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/05 00:03:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/05 00:03:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/05 00:03:23 Timer 12 called 07/05 00:03:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/05 00:03:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/05 00:03:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/05 00:03:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/05 00:03:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/05 00:03:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/05 00:03:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/05 00:03:43 Timer 9 called 07/05 00:03:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/05 00:03:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/05 00:03:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/05 00:03:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/05 00:03:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/05 00:03:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/05 00:02:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/05 00:02:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 09/05 00:02:06 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 09/05 00:02:23 ========================================================================================= 09/05 00:02:23 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/05 00:02:23 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/05 00:02:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/05 00:02:23 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/05 00:02:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/05 00:02:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/05 00:02:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/05 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/05 00:02:24 Timer 2 called 09/05 00:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/05 00:02:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/05 00:02:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/05 00:02:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/05 00:02:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/05 00:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/05 00:02:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/05 00:02:27 here! 09/05 00:02:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/05 00:02:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/05 00:02:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/05 00:02:32 Timer 3 called 09/05 00:02:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/05 00:02:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/05 00:02:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/05 00:02:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/05 00:02:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/05 00:02:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/05 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/05 00:02:37 Timer 12 called 09/05 00:02:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/05 00:02:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/05 00:02:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/05 00:02:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/05 00:02:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/05 00:02:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/05 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/05 00:02:57 Timer 9 called 09/05 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/05 00:02:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/05 00:02:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/05 00:02:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/05 00:02:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/05 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/05 00:02:19 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/05 00:02:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 10/05 00:02:19 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 10/05 00:02:35 ========================================================================================= 10/05 00:02:35 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 10/05 00:02:35 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 10/05 00:02:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/05 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 10/05 00:02:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/05 00:02:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/05 00:02:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/05 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/05 00:02:36 Timer 2 called 10/05 00:02:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/05 00:02:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/05 00:02:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/05 00:02:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/05 00:02:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/05 00:02:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/05 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 10/05 00:02:38 here! 10/05 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/05 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 10/05 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/05 00:02:43 Timer 3 called 10/05 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/05 00:02:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/05 00:02:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/05 00:02:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/05 00:02:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/05 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/05 00:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/05 00:02:48 Timer 12 called 10/05 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/05 00:02:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/05 00:02:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/05 00:02:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/05 00:02:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/05 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/05 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/05 00:03:08 Timer 9 called 10/05 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/05 00:03:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/05 00:03:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/05 00:03:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/05 00:03:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/05 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/05 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/05 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 11/05 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 11/05 00:02:47 ========================================================================================= 11/05 00:02:48 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 11/05 00:02:48 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 11/05 00:02:48 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/05 00:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 11/05 00:02:48 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/05 00:02:48 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/05 00:02:48 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/05 00:02:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/05 00:02:49 Timer 2 called 11/05 00:02:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/05 00:02:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/05 00:02:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/05 00:02:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/05 00:02:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/05 00:02:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/05 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 11/05 00:02:52 here! 11/05 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/05 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 11/05 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/05 00:02:57 Timer 3 called 11/05 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/05 00:02:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/05 00:02:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/05 00:02:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/05 00:02:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/05 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/05 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/05 00:03:02 Timer 12 called 11/05 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/05 00:03:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/05 00:03:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/05 00:03:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/05 00:03:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/05 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/05 00:03:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/05 00:03:21 Timer 9 called 11/05 00:03:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/05 00:03:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/05 00:03:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/05 00:03:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/05 00:03:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/05 00:03:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/05 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/05 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/05 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/05 00:02:59 ========================================================================================= 12/05 00:02:59 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/05 00:02:59 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/05 00:02:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/05 00:02:59 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/05 00:02:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/05 00:02:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/05 00:02:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/05 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/05 00:03:00 Timer 2 called 12/05 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/05 00:03:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/05 00:03:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/05 00:03:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/05 00:03:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/05 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/05 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/05 00:03:02 here! 12/05 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/05 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/05 00:03:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/05 00:03:07 Timer 3 called 12/05 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/05 00:03:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/05 00:03:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/05 00:03:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/05 00:03:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/05 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/05 00:03:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/05 00:03:12 Timer 12 called 12/05 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/05 00:03:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/05 00:03:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/05 00:03:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/05 00:03:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/05 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/05 00:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/05 00:03:32 Timer 9 called 12/05 00:03:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/05 00:03:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/05 00:03:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/05 00:03:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/05 00:03:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/05 00:03:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/05 00:02:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/05 00:02:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 13/05 00:02:54 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 13/05 00:03:11 ========================================================================================= 13/05 00:03:11 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/05 00:03:11 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/05 00:03:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/05 00:03:11 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/05 00:03:11 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/05 00:03:11 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/05 00:03:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/05 00:03:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/05 00:03:12 Timer 2 called 13/05 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/05 00:03:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/05 00:03:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/05 00:03:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/05 00:03:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/05 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/05 00:03:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/05 00:03:14 here! 13/05 00:03:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/05 00:03:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/05 00:03:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/05 00:03:19 Timer 3 called 13/05 00:03:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/05 00:03:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/05 00:03:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/05 00:03:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/05 00:03:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/05 00:03:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/05 00:03:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/05 00:03:24 Timer 12 called 13/05 00:03:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/05 00:03:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/05 00:03:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/05 00:03:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/05 00:03:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/05 00:03:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/05 00:03:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/05 00:03:44 Timer 9 called 13/05 00:03:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/05 00:03:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/05 00:03:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/05 00:03:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/05 00:03:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/05 00:03:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/05 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 14/05 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 14/05 00:03:22 ========================================================================================= 14/05 00:03:22 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 14/05 00:03:22 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 14/05 00:03:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/05 00:03:22 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 14/05 00:03:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/05 00:03:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/05 00:03:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/05 00:03:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/05 00:03:23 Timer 2 called 14/05 00:03:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 00:03:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/05 00:03:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/05 00:03:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/05 00:03:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/05 00:03:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 00:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/05 00:03:26 here! 14/05 00:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/05 00:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/05 00:03:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/05 00:03:31 Timer 3 called 14/05 00:03:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 00:03:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/05 00:03:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/05 00:03:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/05 00:03:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/05 00:03:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 00:03:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/05 00:03:36 Timer 12 called 14/05 00:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 00:03:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/05 00:03:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/05 00:03:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/05 00:03:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/05 00:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 00:03:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/05 00:03:56 Timer 9 called 14/05 00:03:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/05 00:03:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/05 00:03:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/05 00:03:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/05 00:03:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/05 00:03:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/05 00:02:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/05 00:02:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 15/05 00:02:18 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 15/05 00:02:34 ========================================================================================= 15/05 00:02:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 15/05 00:02:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 15/05 00:02:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/05 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 15/05 00:02:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/05 00:02:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/05 00:02:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/05 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/05 00:02:35 Timer 2 called 15/05 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/05 00:02:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/05 00:02:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/05 00:02:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/05 00:02:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/05 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/05 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/05 00:02:38 here! 15/05 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/05 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/05 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/05 00:02:43 Timer 3 called 15/05 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/05 00:02:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/05 00:02:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/05 00:02:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/05 00:02:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/05 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/05 00:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/05 00:02:48 Timer 12 called 15/05 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/05 00:02:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/05 00:02:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/05 00:02:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/05 00:02:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/05 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/05 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/05 00:03:08 Timer 9 called 15/05 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/05 00:03:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/05 00:03:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/05 00:03:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/05 00:03:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/05 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/05 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 16/05 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 16/05 00:02:46 ========================================================================================= 16/05 00:02:46 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/05 00:02:46 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/05 00:02:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/05 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/05 00:02:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/05 00:02:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/05 00:02:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/05 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/05 00:02:47 Timer 2 called 16/05 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 00:02:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/05 00:02:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/05 00:02:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/05 00:02:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/05 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/05 00:02:50 here! 16/05 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/05 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/05 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/05 00:02:55 Timer 3 called 16/05 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 00:02:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/05 00:02:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/05 00:02:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/05 00:02:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/05 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/05 00:03:00 Timer 12 called 16/05 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 00:03:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/05 00:03:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/05 00:03:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/05 00:03:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/05 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 00:03:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/05 00:03:20 Timer 9 called 16/05 00:03:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/05 00:03:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/05 00:03:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/05 00:03:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/05 00:03:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/05 00:03:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/06 20:34:44 ========================================================================================= 08/06 20:34:45 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 08/06 20:34:45 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 08/06 20:34:45 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/06 20:34:45 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 08/06 20:34:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/06 20:34:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/06 20:34:45 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/06 20:34:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/06 20:34:46 Timer 2 called 08/06 20:34:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/06 20:34:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/06 20:34:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/06 20:34:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/06 20:34:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/06 20:34:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/06 20:34:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 08/06 20:34:49 here! 08/06 20:34:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/06 20:34:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 08/06 20:34:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/06 20:34:54 Timer 3 called 08/06 20:34:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/06 20:34:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/06 20:34:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/06 20:34:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/06 20:34:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/06 20:34:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/06 20:34:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/06 20:34:59 Timer 12 called 08/06 20:34:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/06 20:34:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/06 20:34:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/06 20:34:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/06 20:34:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/06 20:34:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/06 20:35:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/06 20:35:19 Timer 9 called 08/06 20:35:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/06 20:35:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/06 20:35:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/06 20:35:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/06 20:35:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/06 20:35:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/06 20:35:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 08/06 20:35:37 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/06 20:35:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 08/06 20:35:37 here! 08/06 20:35:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/06 20:35:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 08/06 20:35:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 08/06 20:35:40 Cancel Dlg by User 08/06 20:35:40 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/06 20:35:40 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 08/06 20:35:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/06 20:35:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/06 20:35:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 08/06 20:35:40 here! 08/06 20:35:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/06 20:35:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/06 12:57:01 ========================================================================================= 09/06 12:57:01 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/06 12:57:01 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/06 12:57:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/06 12:57:01 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/06 12:57:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/06 12:57:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/06 12:57:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/06 12:57:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/06 12:57:02 Timer 2 called 09/06 12:57:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 12:57:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/06 12:57:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/06 12:57:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/06 12:57:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/06 12:57:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 12:57:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/06 12:57:07 here! 09/06 12:57:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/06 12:57:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/06 12:57:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/06 12:57:12 Timer 3 called 09/06 12:57:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 12:57:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/06 12:57:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/06 12:57:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/06 12:57:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/06 12:57:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 12:57:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/06 12:57:17 Timer 12 called 09/06 12:57:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 12:57:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/06 12:57:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/06 12:57:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/06 12:57:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/06 12:57:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 12:57:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/06 12:57:37 Timer 9 called 09/06 12:57:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 12:57:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/06 12:57:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/06 12:57:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/06 12:57:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/06 12:57:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 13:56:24 ========================================================================================= 09/06 13:56:24 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/06 13:56:24 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/06 13:56:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/06 13:56:24 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/06 13:56:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/06 13:56:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/06 13:56:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/06 13:56:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/06 13:56:25 Timer 2 called 09/06 13:56:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 13:56:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/06 13:56:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/06 13:56:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/06 13:56:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/06 13:56:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 13:56:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/06 13:56:31 here! 09/06 13:56:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/06 13:56:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/06 13:56:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/06 13:56:36 Timer 3 called 09/06 13:56:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 13:56:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/06 13:56:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/06 13:56:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/06 13:56:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/06 13:56:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 13:56:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/06 13:56:41 Timer 12 called 09/06 13:56:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 13:56:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/06 13:56:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/06 13:56:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/06 13:56:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/06 13:56:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 13:57:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/06 13:57:01 Timer 9 called 09/06 13:57:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/06 13:57:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/06 13:57:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/06 13:57:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/06 13:57:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/06 13:57:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/06 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/06 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 13/06 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 13/06 00:03:02 ========================================================================================= 13/06 00:03:02 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/06 00:03:02 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/06 00:03:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/06 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/06 00:03:02 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/06 00:03:02 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/06 00:03:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/06 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/06 00:03:03 Timer 2 called 13/06 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/06 00:03:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/06 00:03:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/06 00:03:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/06 00:03:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/06 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/06 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/06 00:03:06 here! 13/06 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/06 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/06 00:03:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/06 00:03:11 Timer 3 called 13/06 00:03:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/06 00:03:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/06 00:03:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/06 00:03:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/06 00:03:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/06 00:03:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/06 00:03:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/06 00:03:16 Timer 12 called 13/06 00:03:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/06 00:03:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/06 00:03:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/06 00:03:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/06 00:03:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/06 00:03:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/06 00:03:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/06 00:03:36 Timer 9 called 13/06 00:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/06 00:03:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/06 00:03:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/06 00:03:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/06 00:03:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/06 00:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 22:18:30 ========================================================================================= 14/06 22:18:31 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 14/06 22:18:31 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 14/06 22:18:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/06 22:18:31 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 14/06 22:18:31 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/06 22:18:31 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/06 22:18:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/06 22:18:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/06 22:18:32 Timer 2 called 14/06 22:18:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 22:18:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/06 22:18:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/06 22:18:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/06 22:18:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/06 22:18:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 22:18:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/06 22:18:35 here! 14/06 22:18:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/06 22:18:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/06 22:18:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/06 22:18:40 Timer 3 called 14/06 22:18:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 22:18:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/06 22:18:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/06 22:18:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/06 22:18:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/06 22:18:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 22:18:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/06 22:18:45 Timer 12 called 14/06 22:18:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 22:18:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/06 22:18:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/06 22:18:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/06 22:18:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/06 22:18:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 22:19:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/06 22:19:05 Timer 9 called 14/06 22:19:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/06 22:19:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/06 22:19:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/06 22:19:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/06 22:19:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/06 22:19:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/06 00:02:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/06 00:02:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 15/06 00:02:32 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 15/06 00:03:24 ========================================================================================= 15/06 00:03:24 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 15/06 00:03:24 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 15/06 00:03:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/06 00:03:24 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 15/06 00:03:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/06 00:03:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/06 00:03:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/06 00:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/06 00:03:25 Timer 2 called 15/06 00:03:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/06 00:03:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/06 00:03:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/06 00:03:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/06 00:03:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/06 00:03:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/06 00:03:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/06 00:03:27 here! 15/06 00:03:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/06 00:03:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/06 00:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/06 00:03:32 Timer 3 called 15/06 00:03:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/06 00:03:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/06 00:03:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/06 00:03:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/06 00:03:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/06 00:03:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/06 00:03:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/06 00:03:37 Timer 12 called 15/06 00:03:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/06 00:03:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/06 00:03:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/06 00:03:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/06 00:03:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/06 00:03:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/06 00:03:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/06 00:03:57 Timer 9 called 15/06 00:03:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/06 00:03:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/06 00:03:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/06 00:03:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/06 00:03:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/06 00:03:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 00:02:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/06 00:02:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 27/06 00:02:11 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 27/06 00:02:29 ========================================================================================= 27/06 00:02:29 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/06 00:02:29 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/06 00:02:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/06 00:02:29 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/06 00:02:29 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/06 00:02:29 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/06 00:02:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/06 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 00:02:30 Timer 2 called 27/06 00:02:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 00:02:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 00:02:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/06 00:02:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 00:02:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 00:02:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/06 00:02:34 here! 27/06 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/06 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/06 00:02:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 00:02:39 Timer 3 called 27/06 00:02:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 00:02:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 00:02:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/06 00:02:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 00:02:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 00:02:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 00:02:44 Timer 12 called 27/06 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 00:02:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 00:02:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/06 00:02:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 00:02:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 00:03:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/06 00:03:04 Timer 9 called 27/06 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/06 00:03:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/06 00:03:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/06 00:03:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/06 00:03:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/06 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/07 00:01:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/07 00:01:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 01/07 00:01:58 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 01/07 00:02:14 ========================================================================================= 01/07 00:02:14 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 01/07 00:02:14 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 01/07 00:02:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/07 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 01/07 00:02:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/07 00:02:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/07 00:02:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/07 00:02:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/07 00:02:15 Timer 2 called 01/07 00:02:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/07 00:02:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/07 00:02:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/07 00:02:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/07 00:02:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/07 00:02:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/07 00:02:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 01/07 00:02:19 here! 01/07 00:02:19 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/07 00:02:19 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 01/07 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/07 00:02:24 Timer 3 called 01/07 00:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/07 00:02:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/07 00:02:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/07 00:02:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/07 00:02:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/07 00:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/07 00:02:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/07 00:02:29 Timer 12 called 01/07 00:02:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/07 00:02:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/07 00:02:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/07 00:02:29 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/07 00:02:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/07 00:02:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/07 00:02:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/07 00:02:49 Timer 9 called 01/07 00:02:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/07 00:02:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/07 00:02:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/07 00:02:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/07 00:02:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/07 00:02:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/07 00:02:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/07 00:02:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 03/07 00:02:21 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 03/07 00:02:36 ========================================================================================= 03/07 00:02:36 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 03/07 00:02:36 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 03/07 00:02:36 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/07 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 03/07 00:02:36 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/07 00:02:36 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/07 00:02:36 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/07 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/07 00:02:37 Timer 2 called 03/07 00:02:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/07 00:02:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/07 00:02:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/07 00:02:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/07 00:02:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/07 00:02:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/07 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/07 00:02:40 here! 03/07 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/07 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/07 00:02:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/07 00:02:45 Timer 3 called 03/07 00:02:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/07 00:02:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/07 00:02:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/07 00:02:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/07 00:02:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/07 00:02:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/07 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/07 00:02:50 Timer 12 called 03/07 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/07 00:02:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/07 00:02:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/07 00:02:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/07 00:02:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/07 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/07 00:03:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/07 00:03:10 Timer 9 called 03/07 00:03:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/07 00:03:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/07 00:03:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/07 00:03:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/07 00:03:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/07 00:03:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 00:01:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/07 00:01:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 06/07 00:01:53 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 06/07 00:02:10 ========================================================================================= 06/07 00:02:10 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 06/07 00:02:10 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 06/07 00:02:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/07 00:02:10 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 06/07 00:02:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/07 00:02:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/07 00:02:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/07 00:02:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/07 00:02:11 Timer 2 called 06/07 00:02:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 00:02:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/07 00:02:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/07 00:02:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/07 00:02:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/07 00:02:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/07 00:02:14 here! 06/07 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/07 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/07 00:02:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/07 00:02:19 Timer 3 called 06/07 00:02:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 00:02:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/07 00:02:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/07 00:02:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/07 00:02:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/07 00:02:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/07 00:02:24 Timer 12 called 06/07 00:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 00:02:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/07 00:02:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/07 00:02:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/07 00:02:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/07 00:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/07 00:02:44 Timer 9 called 06/07 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 00:02:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/07 00:02:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/07 00:02:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/07 00:02:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/07 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 10:12:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 06/07 10:12:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/07 10:12:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/07 10:12:22 here! 06/07 10:12:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/07 10:12:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/07 10:12:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnCancel 06/07 10:12:23 OnCancel 06/07 10:12:23 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 06/07 10:12:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/07 10:12:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnCancel 06/07 10:12:23 OnCancel 06/07 10:12:23 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 06/07 10:12:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/07 10:12:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnCancel 06/07 10:12:24 OnCancel 06/07 10:12:24 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 06/07 10:12:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/07 10:12:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 06/07 10:12:27 Cancel Dlg by User 06/07 10:12:27 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/07 10:12:27 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 06/07 10:12:27 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/07 10:12:27 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/07 10:12:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/07 10:12:27 here! 06/07 10:12:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/07 10:12:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/07 10:14:04 ========================================================================================= 06/07 10:14:04 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 06/07 10:14:04 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 06/07 10:14:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/07 10:14:04 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 06/07 10:14:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/07 10:14:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/07 10:14:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/07 10:14:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/07 10:14:05 Timer 2 called 06/07 10:14:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 10:14:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/07 10:14:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/07 10:14:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/07 10:14:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/07 10:14:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 10:14:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/07 10:14:07 here! 06/07 10:14:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/07 10:14:07 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/07 10:14:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/07 10:14:12 Timer 3 called 06/07 10:14:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 10:14:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/07 10:14:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/07 10:14:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/07 10:14:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/07 10:14:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 10:14:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/07 10:14:17 Timer 12 called 06/07 10:14:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 10:14:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/07 10:14:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/07 10:14:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/07 10:14:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/07 10:14:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 10:14:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/07 10:14:37 Timer 9 called 06/07 10:14:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/07 10:14:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/07 10:14:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/07 10:14:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/07 10:14:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/07 10:14:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/07 00:01:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/07 00:01:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 07/07 00:01:54 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 07/07 00:02:14 ========================================================================================= 07/07 00:02:14 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/07 00:02:14 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/07 00:02:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/07 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/07 00:02:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/07 00:02:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/07 00:02:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/07 00:02:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/07 00:02:15 Timer 2 called 07/07 00:02:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/07 00:02:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/07 00:02:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/07 00:02:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/07 00:02:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/07 00:02:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/07 00:02:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/07 00:02:18 here! 07/07 00:02:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/07 00:02:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/07 00:02:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/07 00:02:23 Timer 3 called 07/07 00:02:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/07 00:02:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/07 00:02:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/07 00:02:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/07 00:02:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/07 00:02:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/07 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/07 00:02:28 Timer 12 called 07/07 00:02:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/07 00:02:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/07 00:02:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/07 00:02:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/07 00:02:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/07 00:02:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/07 00:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/07 00:02:48 Timer 9 called 07/07 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/07 00:02:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/07 00:02:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/07 00:02:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/07 00:02:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/07 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/07 00:02:20 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/07 00:02:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 09/07 00:02:20 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 09/07 00:02:36 ========================================================================================= 09/07 00:02:36 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/07 00:02:36 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/07 00:02:36 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/07 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/07 00:02:36 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/07 00:02:36 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/07 00:02:37 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/07 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/07 00:02:37 Timer 2 called 09/07 00:02:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/07 00:02:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/07 00:02:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/07 00:02:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/07 00:02:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/07 00:02:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/07 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/07 00:02:40 here! 09/07 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/07 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/07 00:02:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/07 00:02:45 Timer 3 called 09/07 00:02:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/07 00:02:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/07 00:02:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/07 00:02:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/07 00:02:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/07 00:02:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/07 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/07 00:02:50 Timer 12 called 09/07 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/07 00:02:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/07 00:02:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/07 00:02:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/07 00:02:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/07 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/07 00:03:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/07 00:03:10 Timer 9 called 09/07 00:03:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/07 00:03:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/07 00:03:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/07 00:03:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/07 00:03:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/07 00:03:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/07 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 10/07 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 10/07 00:02:49 ========================================================================================= 10/07 00:02:49 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 10/07 00:02:49 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 10/07 00:02:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/07 00:02:49 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 10/07 00:02:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/07 00:02:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/07 00:02:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/07 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/07 00:02:50 Timer 2 called 10/07 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 00:02:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/07 00:02:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/07 00:02:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/07 00:02:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/07 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 10/07 00:02:52 here! 10/07 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/07 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 10/07 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/07 00:02:57 Timer 3 called 10/07 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 00:02:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/07 00:02:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/07 00:02:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/07 00:02:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/07 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/07 00:03:02 Timer 12 called 10/07 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 00:03:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/07 00:03:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/07 00:03:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/07 00:03:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/07 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 00:03:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/07 00:03:22 Timer 9 called 10/07 00:03:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/07 00:03:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/07 00:03:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/07 00:03:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/07 00:03:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/07 00:03:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/07 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/07 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 16/07 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 16/07 00:02:55 ========================================================================================= 16/07 00:02:55 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/07 00:02:55 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/07 00:02:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/07 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/07 00:02:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/07 00:02:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/07 00:02:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/07 00:02:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/07 00:02:56 Timer 2 called 16/07 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/07 00:02:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/07 00:02:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/07 00:02:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/07 00:02:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/07 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/07 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/07 00:02:58 here! 16/07 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/07 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/07 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/07 00:03:03 Timer 3 called 16/07 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/07 00:03:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/07 00:03:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/07 00:03:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/07 00:03:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/07 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/07 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/07 00:03:08 Timer 12 called 16/07 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/07 00:03:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/07 00:03:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/07 00:03:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/07 00:03:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/07 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/07 00:03:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/07 00:03:28 Timer 9 called 16/07 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/07 00:03:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/07 00:03:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/07 00:03:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/07 00:03:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/07 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/07 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/07 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 20/07 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 20/07 00:02:40 ========================================================================================= 20/07 00:02:40 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 20/07 00:02:40 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 20/07 00:02:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/07 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 20/07 00:02:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/07 00:02:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/07 00:02:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/07 00:02:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/07 00:02:41 Timer 2 called 20/07 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/07 00:02:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/07 00:02:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/07 00:02:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/07 00:02:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/07 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/07 00:02:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 20/07 00:02:45 here! 20/07 00:02:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/07 00:02:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 20/07 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/07 00:02:50 Timer 3 called 20/07 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/07 00:02:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/07 00:02:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/07 00:02:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/07 00:02:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/07 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/07 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/07 00:02:55 Timer 12 called 20/07 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/07 00:02:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/07 00:02:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/07 00:02:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/07 00:02:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/07 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/07 00:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/07 00:03:15 Timer 9 called 20/07 00:03:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/07 00:03:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/07 00:03:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/07 00:03:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/07 00:03:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/07 00:03:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/07 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/07 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 21/07 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 21/07 00:02:52 ========================================================================================= 21/07 00:02:52 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 21/07 00:02:52 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 21/07 00:02:52 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/07 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 21/07 00:02:52 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/07 00:02:52 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/07 00:02:52 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/07 00:02:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/07 00:02:53 Timer 2 called 21/07 00:02:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/07 00:02:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/07 00:02:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/07 00:02:53 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/07 00:02:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/07 00:02:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/07 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/07 00:02:55 here! 21/07 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/07 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/07 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/07 00:03:00 Timer 3 called 21/07 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/07 00:03:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/07 00:03:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/07 00:03:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/07 00:03:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/07 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/07 00:03:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/07 00:03:05 Timer 12 called 21/07 00:03:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/07 00:03:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/07 00:03:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/07 00:03:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/07 00:03:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/07 00:03:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/07 00:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/07 00:03:25 Timer 9 called 21/07 00:03:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/07 00:03:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/07 00:03:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/07 00:03:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/07 00:03:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/07 00:03:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/07 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/07 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 29/07 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 29/07 00:03:21 ========================================================================================= 29/07 00:03:21 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/07 00:03:21 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/07 00:03:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/07 00:03:21 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/07 00:03:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/07 00:03:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/07 00:03:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/07 00:03:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/07 00:03:22 Timer 2 called 29/07 00:03:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/07 00:03:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/07 00:03:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/07 00:03:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/07 00:03:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/07 00:03:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/07 00:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/07 00:03:25 here! 29/07 00:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/07 00:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/07 00:03:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/07 00:03:30 Timer 3 called 29/07 00:03:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/07 00:03:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/07 00:03:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/07 00:03:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/07 00:03:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/07 00:03:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/07 00:03:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/07 00:03:35 Timer 12 called 29/07 00:03:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/07 00:03:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/07 00:03:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/07 00:03:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/07 00:03:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/07 00:03:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/07 00:03:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/07 00:03:55 Timer 9 called 29/07 00:03:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/07 00:03:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/07 00:03:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/07 00:03:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/07 00:03:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/07 00:03:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/07 00:02:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/07 00:02:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 30/07 00:02:16 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 30/07 00:02:32 ========================================================================================= 30/07 00:02:32 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 30/07 00:02:32 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 30/07 00:02:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/07 00:02:32 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 30/07 00:02:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/07 00:02:32 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/07 00:02:32 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/07 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/07 00:02:33 Timer 2 called 30/07 00:02:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/07 00:02:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/07 00:02:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/07 00:02:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/07 00:02:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/07 00:02:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/07 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 30/07 00:02:36 here! 30/07 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/07 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 30/07 00:02:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/07 00:02:41 Timer 3 called 30/07 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/07 00:02:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/07 00:02:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/07 00:02:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/07 00:02:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/07 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/07 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/07 00:02:46 Timer 12 called 30/07 00:02:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/07 00:02:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/07 00:02:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/07 00:02:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/07 00:02:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/07 00:02:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/07 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/07 00:03:06 Timer 9 called 30/07 00:03:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/07 00:03:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/07 00:03:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/07 00:03:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/07 00:03:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/07 00:03:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/07 10:33:21 ========================================================================================= 31/07 10:33:21 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 31/07 10:33:21 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 31/07 10:33:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 31/07 10:33:21 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 31/07 10:33:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 31/07 10:33:21 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 31/07 10:33:21 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 31/07 10:33:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/07 10:33:22 Timer 2 called 31/07 10:33:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/07 10:33:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/07 10:33:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/07 10:33:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/07 10:33:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/07 10:33:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/07 10:33:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 31/07 10:33:25 here! 31/07 10:33:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 31/07 10:33:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 31/07 10:33:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/07 10:33:30 Timer 3 called 31/07 10:33:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/07 10:33:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/07 10:33:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/07 10:33:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/07 10:33:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/07 10:33:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/07 10:33:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/07 10:33:35 Timer 12 called 31/07 10:33:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/07 10:33:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/07 10:33:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/07 10:33:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/07 10:33:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/07 10:33:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/07 10:33:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/07 10:33:55 Timer 9 called 31/07 10:33:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/07 10:33:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/07 10:33:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/07 10:33:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/07 10:33:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/07 10:33:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/08 12:30:40 ========================================================================================= 12/08 12:30:40 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/08 12:30:40 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/08 12:30:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/08 12:30:40 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/08 12:30:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/08 12:30:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/08 12:30:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/08 12:30:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/08 12:30:41 Timer 2 called 12/08 12:30:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/08 12:30:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/08 12:30:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/08 12:30:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/08 12:30:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/08 12:30:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/08 12:30:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/08 12:30:47 here! 12/08 12:30:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/08 12:30:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/08 12:30:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/08 12:30:52 Timer 3 called 12/08 12:30:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/08 12:30:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/08 12:30:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/08 12:30:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/08 12:30:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/08 12:30:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/08 12:30:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/08 12:30:57 Timer 12 called 12/08 12:30:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/08 12:30:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/08 12:30:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/08 12:30:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/08 12:30:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/08 12:30:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/08 12:31:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/08 12:31:17 Timer 9 called 12/08 12:31:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/08 12:31:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/08 12:31:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/08 12:31:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/08 12:31:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/08 12:31:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/08 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/08 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 13/08 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 13/08 00:02:54 ========================================================================================= 13/08 00:02:54 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/08 00:02:54 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/08 00:02:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/08 00:02:54 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/08 00:02:54 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/08 00:02:54 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/08 00:02:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/08 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/08 00:02:55 Timer 2 called 13/08 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/08 00:02:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/08 00:02:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/08 00:02:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/08 00:02:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/08 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/08 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/08 00:02:58 here! 13/08 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/08 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/08 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/08 00:03:03 Timer 3 called 13/08 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/08 00:03:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/08 00:03:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/08 00:03:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/08 00:03:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/08 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/08 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/08 00:03:08 Timer 12 called 13/08 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/08 00:03:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/08 00:03:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/08 00:03:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/08 00:03:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/08 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/08 00:03:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/08 00:03:28 Timer 9 called 13/08 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/08 00:03:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/08 00:03:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/08 00:03:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/08 00:03:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/08 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/08 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/08 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 14/08 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 14/08 00:02:57 ========================================================================================= 14/08 00:02:57 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 14/08 00:02:57 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 14/08 00:02:57 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/08 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 14/08 00:02:57 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/08 00:02:57 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/08 00:02:58 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/08 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/08 00:02:58 Timer 2 called 14/08 00:02:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/08 00:02:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/08 00:02:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/08 00:02:58 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/08 00:02:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/08 00:02:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/08 00:03:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/08 00:03:01 here! 14/08 00:03:01 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/08 00:03:01 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/08 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/08 00:03:06 Timer 3 called 14/08 00:03:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/08 00:03:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/08 00:03:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/08 00:03:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/08 00:03:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/08 00:03:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/08 00:03:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/08 00:03:11 Timer 12 called 14/08 00:03:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/08 00:03:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/08 00:03:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/08 00:03:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/08 00:03:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/08 00:03:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/08 00:03:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/08 00:03:31 Timer 9 called 14/08 00:03:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/08 00:03:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/08 00:03:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/08 00:03:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/08 00:03:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/08 00:03:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/08 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 17/08 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 17/08 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 17/08 00:02:33 ========================================================================================= 17/08 00:02:33 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 17/08 00:02:33 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 17/08 00:02:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 17/08 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 17/08 00:02:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 17/08 00:02:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 17/08 00:02:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 17/08 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/08 00:02:35 Timer 2 called 17/08 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/08 00:02:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/08 00:02:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/08 00:02:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/08 00:02:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/08 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/08 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 17/08 00:02:37 here! 17/08 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 17/08 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 17/08 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/08 00:02:42 Timer 3 called 17/08 00:02:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/08 00:02:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/08 00:02:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/08 00:02:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/08 00:02:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/08 00:02:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/08 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/08 00:02:47 Timer 12 called 17/08 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/08 00:02:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/08 00:02:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/08 00:02:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/08 00:02:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/08 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/08 00:03:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/08 00:03:07 Timer 9 called 17/08 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/08 00:03:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/08 00:03:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/08 00:03:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/08 00:03:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/08 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 00:02:39 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/08 00:02:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 19/08 00:02:39 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 19/08 00:02:55 ========================================================================================= 19/08 00:02:55 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 19/08 00:02:55 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 19/08 00:02:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/08 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 19/08 00:02:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/08 00:02:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/08 00:02:56 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/08 00:02:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/08 00:02:56 Timer 2 called 19/08 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 00:02:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/08 00:02:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/08 00:02:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/08 00:02:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/08 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 00:02:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/08 00:02:59 here! 19/08 00:02:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/08 00:02:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/08 00:03:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/08 00:03:04 Timer 3 called 19/08 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 00:03:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/08 00:03:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/08 00:03:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/08 00:03:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/08 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 00:03:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/08 00:03:09 Timer 12 called 19/08 00:03:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 00:03:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/08 00:03:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/08 00:03:09 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/08 00:03:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/08 00:03:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 00:03:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/08 00:03:29 Timer 9 called 19/08 00:03:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 00:03:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/08 00:03:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/08 00:03:29 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/08 00:03:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/08 00:03:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/08 00:02:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/08 00:02:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 21/08 00:02:00 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 21/08 00:02:17 ========================================================================================= 21/08 00:02:17 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 21/08 00:02:17 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 21/08 00:02:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/08 00:02:17 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 21/08 00:02:17 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/08 00:02:17 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/08 00:02:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/08 00:02:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/08 00:02:18 Timer 2 called 21/08 00:02:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/08 00:02:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/08 00:02:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/08 00:02:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/08 00:02:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/08 00:02:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/08 00:02:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/08 00:02:21 here! 21/08 00:02:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/08 00:02:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/08 00:02:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/08 00:02:26 Timer 3 called 21/08 00:02:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/08 00:02:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/08 00:02:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/08 00:02:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/08 00:02:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/08 00:02:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/08 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/08 00:02:31 Timer 12 called 21/08 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/08 00:02:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/08 00:02:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/08 00:02:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/08 00:02:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/08 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/08 00:02:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/08 00:02:51 Timer 9 called 21/08 00:02:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/08 00:02:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/08 00:02:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/08 00:02:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/08 00:02:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/08 00:02:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09 00:02:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/09 00:02:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 02/09 00:02:09 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 02/09 00:02:30 ========================================================================================= 02/09 00:02:30 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/09 00:02:30 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 02/09 00:02:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/09 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/09 00:02:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/09 00:02:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/09 00:02:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/09 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09 00:02:31 Timer 2 called 02/09 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09 00:02:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09 00:02:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/09 00:02:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/09 00:02:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/09 00:02:34 here! 02/09 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/09 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/09 00:02:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09 00:02:39 Timer 3 called 02/09 00:02:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09 00:02:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09 00:02:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/09 00:02:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/09 00:02:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09 00:02:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09 00:02:44 Timer 12 called 02/09 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09 00:02:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09 00:02:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/09 00:02:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/09 00:02:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09 00:03:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09 00:03:04 Timer 9 called 02/09 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09 00:03:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09 00:03:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/09 00:03:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/09 00:03:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/09 00:01:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/09 00:01:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 06/09 00:01:57 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 06/09 00:02:14 ========================================================================================= 06/09 00:02:14 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 06/09 00:02:14 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 06/09 00:02:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/09 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 06/09 00:02:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/09 00:02:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/09 00:02:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/09 00:02:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/09 00:02:15 Timer 2 called 06/09 00:02:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/09 00:02:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/09 00:02:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/09 00:02:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/09 00:02:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/09 00:02:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/09 00:02:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/09 00:02:17 here! 06/09 00:02:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/09 00:02:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/09 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/09 00:02:22 Timer 3 called 06/09 00:02:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/09 00:02:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/09 00:02:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/09 00:02:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/09 00:02:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/09 00:02:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/09 00:02:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/09 00:02:27 Timer 12 called 06/09 00:02:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/09 00:02:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/09 00:02:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/09 00:02:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/09 00:02:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/09 00:02:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/09 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/09 00:02:47 Timer 9 called 06/09 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/09 00:02:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/09 00:02:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/09 00:02:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/09 00:02:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/09 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/09 00:02:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/09 00:02:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 07/09 00:02:09 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 07/09 00:02:26 ========================================================================================= 07/09 00:02:27 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/09 00:02:27 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/09 00:02:27 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/09 00:02:27 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/09 00:02:27 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/09 00:02:27 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/09 00:02:27 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/09 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/09 00:02:28 Timer 2 called 07/09 00:02:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/09 00:02:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/09 00:02:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/09 00:02:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/09 00:02:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/09 00:02:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/09 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/09 00:02:31 here! 07/09 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/09 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/09 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/09 00:02:36 Timer 3 called 07/09 00:02:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/09 00:02:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/09 00:02:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/09 00:02:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/09 00:02:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/09 00:02:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/09 00:02:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/09 00:02:41 Timer 12 called 07/09 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/09 00:02:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/09 00:02:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/09 00:02:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/09 00:02:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/09 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/09 00:03:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/09 00:03:01 Timer 9 called 07/09 00:03:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/09 00:03:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/09 00:03:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/09 00:03:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/09 00:03:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/09 00:03:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/09 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/09 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 09/09 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 09/09 00:02:49 ========================================================================================= 09/09 00:02:49 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/09 00:02:49 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/09 00:02:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/09 00:02:49 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/09 00:02:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/09 00:02:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/09 00:02:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/09 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/09 00:02:50 Timer 2 called 09/09 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/09 00:02:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/09 00:02:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/09 00:02:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/09 00:02:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/09 00:02:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/09 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/09 00:02:52 here! 09/09 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/09 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/09 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/09 00:02:57 Timer 3 called 09/09 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/09 00:02:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/09 00:02:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/09 00:02:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/09 00:02:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/09 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/09 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/09 00:03:02 Timer 12 called 09/09 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/09 00:03:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/09 00:03:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/09 00:03:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/09 00:03:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/09 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/09 00:03:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/09 00:03:22 Timer 9 called 09/09 00:03:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/09 00:03:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/09 00:03:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/09 00:03:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/09 00:03:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/09 00:03:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 00:01:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/09 00:01:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 10/09 00:01:43 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 10/09 00:02:00 ========================================================================================= 10/09 00:02:00 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 10/09 00:02:00 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 10/09 00:02:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/09 00:02:00 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 10/09 00:02:00 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/09 00:02:00 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/09 00:02:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/09 00:02:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/09 00:02:01 Timer 2 called 10/09 00:02:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 00:02:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/09 00:02:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/09 00:02:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/09 00:02:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/09 00:02:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 00:02:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 10/09 00:02:03 here! 10/09 00:02:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/09 00:02:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 10/09 00:02:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/09 00:02:08 Timer 3 called 10/09 00:02:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 00:02:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/09 00:02:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/09 00:02:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/09 00:02:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/09 00:02:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 00:02:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/09 00:02:13 Timer 12 called 10/09 00:02:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 00:02:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/09 00:02:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/09 00:02:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/09 00:02:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/09 00:02:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/09 00:02:33 Timer 9 called 10/09 00:02:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 00:02:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/09 00:02:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/09 00:02:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/09 00:02:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/09 00:02:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 08:26:50 ========================================================================================= 10/09 08:26:50 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 10/09 08:26:50 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 10/09 08:26:50 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/09 08:26:50 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 10/09 08:26:50 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/09 08:26:50 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/09 08:26:51 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/09 08:26:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/09 08:26:51 Timer 2 called 10/09 08:26:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 08:26:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/09 08:26:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/09 08:26:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/09 08:26:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/09 08:26:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 08:26:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 10/09 08:26:54 here! 10/09 08:26:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/09 08:26:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 10/09 08:26:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/09 08:26:59 Timer 3 called 10/09 08:26:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 08:26:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/09 08:26:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/09 08:26:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/09 08:26:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/09 08:26:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 08:27:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/09 08:27:04 Timer 12 called 10/09 08:27:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 08:27:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/09 08:27:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/09 08:27:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/09 08:27:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/09 08:27:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 08:27:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/09 08:27:24 Timer 9 called 10/09 08:27:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/09 08:27:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/09 08:27:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/09 08:27:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/09 08:27:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/09 08:27:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 17:49:00 ========================================================================================= 15/09 17:49:00 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 15/09 17:49:00 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 15/09 17:49:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/09 17:49:00 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 15/09 17:49:00 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/09 17:49:00 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/09 17:49:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/09 17:49:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/09 17:49:01 Timer 2 called 15/09 17:49:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 17:49:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/09 17:49:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/09 17:49:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/09 17:49:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/09 17:49:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 17:49:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/09 17:49:03 here! 15/09 17:49:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/09 17:49:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/09 17:49:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/09 17:49:08 Timer 3 called 15/09 17:49:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 17:49:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/09 17:49:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/09 17:49:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/09 17:49:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/09 17:49:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 17:49:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/09 17:49:13 Timer 12 called 15/09 17:49:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 17:49:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/09 17:49:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/09 17:49:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/09 17:49:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/09 17:49:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 17:49:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/09 17:49:33 Timer 9 called 15/09 17:49:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 17:49:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/09 17:49:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/09 17:49:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/09 17:49:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/09 17:49:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 18:04:01 ========================================================================================= 15/09 18:04:01 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 15/09 18:04:01 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 15/09 18:04:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/09 18:04:01 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 15/09 18:04:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/09 18:04:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/09 18:04:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/09 18:04:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/09 18:04:02 Timer 2 called 15/09 18:04:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 18:04:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/09 18:04:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/09 18:04:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/09 18:04:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/09 18:04:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 18:04:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/09 18:04:04 here! 15/09 18:04:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/09 18:04:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/09 18:04:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/09 18:04:09 Timer 3 called 15/09 18:04:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 18:04:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/09 18:04:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/09 18:04:09 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/09 18:04:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/09 18:04:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 18:04:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/09 18:04:14 Timer 12 called 15/09 18:04:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 18:04:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/09 18:04:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/09 18:04:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/09 18:04:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/09 18:04:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 18:04:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/09 18:04:34 Timer 9 called 15/09 18:04:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/09 18:04:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/09 18:04:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/09 18:04:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/09 18:04:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/09 18:04:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/09 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 16/09 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 16/09 00:03:04 ========================================================================================= 16/09 00:03:04 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/09 00:03:04 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/09 00:03:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/09 00:03:04 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/09 00:03:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/09 00:03:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/09 00:03:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/09 00:03:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 00:03:05 Timer 2 called 16/09 00:03:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 00:03:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 00:03:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 00:03:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 00:03:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 00:03:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/09 00:03:08 here! 16/09 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/09 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/09 00:03:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 00:03:12 Timer 3 called 16/09 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 00:03:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 00:03:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 00:03:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 00:03:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 00:03:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 00:03:18 Timer 12 called 16/09 00:03:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 00:03:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 00:03:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 00:03:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 00:03:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 00:03:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 00:03:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/09 00:03:38 Timer 9 called 16/09 00:03:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/09 00:03:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/09 00:03:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/09 00:03:38 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/09 00:03:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/09 00:03:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/09 00:01:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/09 00:01:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 22/09 00:01:53 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 22/09 00:02:10 ========================================================================================= 22/09 00:02:10 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/09 00:02:10 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/09 00:02:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/09 00:02:10 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/09 00:02:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/09 00:02:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/09 00:02:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/09 00:02:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/09 00:02:11 Timer 2 called 22/09 00:02:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/09 00:02:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/09 00:02:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/09 00:02:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/09 00:02:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/09 00:02:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/09 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/09 00:02:14 here! 22/09 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/09 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/09 00:02:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/09 00:02:19 Timer 3 called 22/09 00:02:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/09 00:02:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/09 00:02:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/09 00:02:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/09 00:02:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/09 00:02:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/09 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/09 00:02:24 Timer 12 called 22/09 00:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/09 00:02:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/09 00:02:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/09 00:02:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/09 00:02:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/09 00:02:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/09 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/09 00:02:44 Timer 9 called 22/09 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/09 00:02:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/09 00:02:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/09 00:02:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/09 00:02:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/09 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/09 00:02:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 23/09 00:02:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 23/09 00:02:05 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 23/09 00:02:21 ========================================================================================= 23/09 00:02:22 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 23/09 00:02:22 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 23/09 00:02:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/09 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 23/09 00:02:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/09 00:02:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/09 00:02:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/09 00:02:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/09 00:02:23 Timer 2 called 23/09 00:02:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/09 00:02:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/09 00:02:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/09 00:02:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/09 00:02:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/09 00:02:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/09 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 23/09 00:02:25 here! 23/09 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 23/09 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 23/09 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/09 00:02:30 Timer 3 called 23/09 00:02:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/09 00:02:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/09 00:02:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/09 00:02:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/09 00:02:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/09 00:02:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/09 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/09 00:02:35 Timer 12 called 23/09 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/09 00:02:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/09 00:02:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/09 00:02:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/09 00:02:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/09 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/09 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/09 00:02:55 Timer 9 called 23/09 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/09 00:02:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/09 00:02:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/09 00:02:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/09 00:02:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/09 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:35:47 ========================================================================================= 26/09 03:35:47 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 26/09 03:35:47 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 26/09 03:35:47 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/09 03:35:47 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 26/09 03:35:47 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 26/09 03:35:47 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 26/09 03:35:48 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/09 03:35:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/09 03:35:48 Timer 2 called 26/09 03:35:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:35:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/09 03:35:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/09 03:35:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/09 03:35:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/09 03:35:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:35:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 26/09 03:35:52 here! 26/09 03:35:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 26/09 03:35:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 26/09 03:35:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/09 03:35:57 Timer 3 called 26/09 03:35:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:35:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/09 03:35:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/09 03:35:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/09 03:35:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/09 03:35:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:36:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/09 03:36:02 Timer 12 called 26/09 03:36:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:36:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/09 03:36:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/09 03:36:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/09 03:36:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/09 03:36:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:36:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/09 03:36:22 Timer 9 called 26/09 03:36:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:36:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/09 03:36:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/09 03:36:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/09 03:36:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/09 03:36:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:38:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 26/09 03:38:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/09 03:38:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 26/09 03:38:01 here! 26/09 03:38:01 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 26/09 03:38:01 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 26/09 03:38:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonStart 26/09 03:38:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/09 03:38:05 Setting Master successfully updated at ini file. New value: Y 26/09 03:38:05 Setting Backup successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 26/09 03:38:05 Setting EnableSBNClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 26/09 03:38:05 Setting EnableSoftguardClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 26/09 03:38:05 Setting EnableSIMSClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 26/09 03:38:05 Setting EnableManitouClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 26/09 03:38:05 OnBnClickedButtonStart m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE. daview.ini updated 26/09 03:38:05 Setting EnableMASterMindClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 26/09 03:38:05 Setting EnableSIAClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 26/09 03:38:05 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 26/09 03:38:05 CCRAServerDlg::InitActionsOfMaster 26/09 03:38:05 Don't call verified 26/09 03:38:05 Changing Web Service... 26/09 03:38:05 executing: c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ConfigureWebService.bat 21000 C:\Davantis\craserver c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ 26/09 03:38:05 ok! 26/09 03:38:05 CCRAServerDlg::StartDownloadVideos 26/09 03:38:05 Don't use DownloadVideos 26/09 03:38:05 CCRAServerDlg::MoveOldOpenAlarms 26/09 03:38:05 [D] Query(12ms)[0 rows] = SELECT "IDALARMCRA","IDDISPOSITION","IDUSER","IDEVENT","IDSITE","IDALARM","IPORIGIN","PORTORIGIN","CAMCODE","DESCRIPTION","STARTED","ENDED","SEVERITY","STATE","VIDEONAME","SNAPSHOT","IDMACHINE","IDRULE","IDCAMERA","ACK","RESOLUTION","DATEOPEN","DATECLOSE","FEATURES","DATECRAOK","VIDEOFILESIZE","TRANSMSEC","BBOX","IDMAIL","VIDEONAMESUP","MACHINENAMESUP","ACKR","VIDEOFILESIZESUP" FROM "dbo"."ALARMSCRA" WHERE STATE = 'NEW' OR STATE = 'VWD' ORDER BY IDALARMCRA DESC 26/09 03:38:05 0 alarms to be moved from AlarmsCRA to AlarmsOPEN 26/09 03:38:05 CCRAServerDlg::SendCMSInfoToAllSites 26/09 03:38:05 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 26/09 03:38:05 CCRAServerDlg::SendToAllCustomers 26/09 03:38:05 [D] Query(15ms)[1 rows] = SELECT "IDSITE","SITENAME","IP","PORT","MAP","HEARTBEAT","FTPPORT","PASSWORD","MESSAGE","MESSAGESTATE","DATESTART","DATEEND","SITECODE","IDINSTALLER","DNI","ADDRESS","POSTALCODE","CITY","COMMENT","SITESTARTDATE","SITESTOPDATE","LAUNCHEVENT","COMMENTRELE1","COMMENTRELE2","COMMENTRELE3","COMMENTRELE4","EVENTTYPE","COMMENTLIGHT","COMMENTSOUND","COMMENTWATER","COMMENTOTHER","VERSION","VNCPORT","VNCPWD","CONNECTED","EMAIL","WEBLOGIN","WEBPWD","IDSCHEDULER","TYPE","PRODUCT","ENABLE_AGAIN","WNOTARMED","AUDIOPORT","MESSAGEPOPUP","LASTBACKUPTIME","RECORDERHTTP","VIDEOFORMAT","AUTODOWNLOADVIDEOS","UPDATEIP","LASTIPTIME" FROM "dbo"."SITES" WHERE IDSITE <> 0 26/09 03:38:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 26/09 03:38:05 here! 26/09 03:38:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 26/09 03:38:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 26/09 03:38:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 26/09 03:38:05 here! 26/09 03:38:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/09 03:38:15 Timer 12 called 26/09 03:38:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:38:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/09 03:38:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/09 03:38:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/09 03:38:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/09 03:38:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:38:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/09 03:38:35 Timer 9 called 26/09 03:38:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/09 03:38:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/09 03:38:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/09 03:38:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/09 03:38:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/09 03:38:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 00:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/10 00:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 07/10 00:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 07/10 00:04:07 ========================================================================================= 07/10 00:04:07 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/10 00:04:07 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/10 00:04:07 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/10 00:04:07 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/10 00:04:07 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/10 00:04:07 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/10 00:04:08 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/10 00:04:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/10 00:04:08 Timer 2 called 07/10 00:04:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 00:04:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/10 00:04:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/10 00:04:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/10 00:04:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/10 00:04:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 00:04:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/10 00:04:11 here! 07/10 00:04:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/10 00:04:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/10 00:04:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/10 00:04:16 Timer 3 called 07/10 00:04:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 00:04:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/10 00:04:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/10 00:04:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/10 00:04:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/10 00:04:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 00:04:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/10 00:04:21 Timer 12 called 07/10 00:04:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 00:04:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/10 00:04:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/10 00:04:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/10 00:04:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/10 00:04:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 00:04:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/10 00:04:41 Timer 9 called 07/10 00:04:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 00:04:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/10 00:04:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/10 00:04:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/10 00:04:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/10 00:04:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/10 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/10 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 08/10 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 08/10 00:03:18 ========================================================================================= 08/10 00:03:18 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 08/10 00:03:18 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 08/10 00:03:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/10 00:03:18 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 08/10 00:03:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/10 00:03:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/10 00:03:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/10 00:03:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/10 00:03:19 Timer 2 called 08/10 00:03:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/10 00:03:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/10 00:03:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/10 00:03:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/10 00:03:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/10 00:03:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/10 00:03:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 08/10 00:03:22 here! 08/10 00:03:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/10 00:03:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 08/10 00:03:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/10 00:03:27 Timer 3 called 08/10 00:03:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/10 00:03:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/10 00:03:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/10 00:03:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/10 00:03:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/10 00:03:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/10 00:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/10 00:03:32 Timer 12 called 08/10 00:03:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/10 00:03:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/10 00:03:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/10 00:03:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/10 00:03:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/10 00:03:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/10 00:03:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/10 00:03:52 Timer 9 called 08/10 00:03:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/10 00:03:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/10 00:03:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/10 00:03:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/10 00:03:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/10 00:03:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/10 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/10 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 10/10 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 10/10 00:02:39 ========================================================================================= 10/10 00:02:39 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 10/10 00:02:39 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 10/10 00:02:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/10 00:02:39 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 10/10 00:02:39 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/10 00:02:39 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/10 00:02:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/10 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/10 00:02:40 Timer 2 called 10/10 00:02:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/10 00:02:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/10 00:02:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/10 00:02:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/10 00:02:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/10 00:02:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/10 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 10/10 00:02:42 here! 10/10 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/10 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 10/10 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/10 00:02:47 Timer 3 called 10/10 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/10 00:02:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/10 00:02:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/10 00:02:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/10 00:02:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/10 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/10 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/10 00:02:52 Timer 12 called 10/10 00:02:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/10 00:02:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/10 00:02:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/10 00:02:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/10 00:02:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/10 00:02:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/10 00:03:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/10 00:03:12 Timer 9 called 10/10 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/10 00:03:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/10 00:03:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/10 00:03:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/10 00:03:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/10 00:03:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/10 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/10 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 11/10 00:02:33 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 11/10 00:02:50 ========================================================================================= 11/10 00:02:50 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 11/10 00:02:50 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 11/10 00:02:50 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/10 00:02:50 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 11/10 00:02:50 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/10 00:02:50 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/10 00:02:50 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/10 00:02:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/10 00:02:51 Timer 2 called 11/10 00:02:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/10 00:02:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/10 00:02:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/10 00:02:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/10 00:02:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/10 00:02:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/10 00:02:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 11/10 00:02:53 here! 11/10 00:02:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/10 00:02:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 11/10 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/10 00:02:58 Timer 3 called 11/10 00:02:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/10 00:02:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/10 00:02:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/10 00:02:58 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/10 00:02:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/10 00:02:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/10 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/10 00:03:03 Timer 12 called 11/10 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/10 00:03:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/10 00:03:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/10 00:03:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/10 00:03:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/10 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/10 00:03:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/10 00:03:23 Timer 9 called 11/10 00:03:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/10 00:03:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/10 00:03:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/10 00:03:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/10 00:03:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/10 00:03:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/10 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 12/10 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 12/10 00:03:01 ========================================================================================= 12/10 00:03:01 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/10 00:03:01 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/10 00:03:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/10 00:03:01 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/10 00:03:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/10 00:03:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/10 00:03:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/10 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/10 00:03:02 Timer 2 called 12/10 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 00:03:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/10 00:03:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/10 00:03:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/10 00:03:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/10 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 00:03:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/10 00:03:05 here! 12/10 00:03:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/10 00:03:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/10 00:03:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/10 00:03:10 Timer 3 called 12/10 00:03:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 00:03:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/10 00:03:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/10 00:03:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/10 00:03:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/10 00:03:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 00:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/10 00:03:15 Timer 12 called 12/10 00:03:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 00:03:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/10 00:03:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/10 00:03:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/10 00:03:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/10 00:03:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 00:03:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/10 00:03:35 Timer 9 called 12/10 00:03:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 00:03:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/10 00:03:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/10 00:03:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/10 00:03:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/10 00:03:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 00:02:56 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/10 00:02:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 13/10 00:02:56 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 13/10 00:03:12 ========================================================================================= 13/10 00:03:12 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/10 00:03:12 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/10 00:03:12 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/10 00:03:12 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/10 00:03:12 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/10 00:03:12 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/10 00:03:12 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/10 00:03:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/10 00:03:13 Timer 2 called 13/10 00:03:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 00:03:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/10 00:03:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/10 00:03:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/10 00:03:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/10 00:03:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 00:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/10 00:03:15 here! 13/10 00:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/10 00:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/10 00:03:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/10 00:03:20 Timer 3 called 13/10 00:03:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 00:03:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/10 00:03:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/10 00:03:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/10 00:03:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/10 00:03:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 00:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/10 00:03:25 Timer 12 called 13/10 00:03:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 00:03:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/10 00:03:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/10 00:03:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/10 00:03:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/10 00:03:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 00:03:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/10 00:03:45 Timer 9 called 13/10 00:03:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/10 00:03:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/10 00:03:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/10 00:03:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/10 00:03:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/10 00:03:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/10 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/10 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 14/10 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 14/10 00:03:23 ========================================================================================= 14/10 00:03:23 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 14/10 00:03:23 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 14/10 00:03:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/10 00:03:23 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 14/10 00:03:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/10 00:03:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/10 00:03:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/10 00:03:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/10 00:03:24 Timer 2 called 14/10 00:03:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/10 00:03:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/10 00:03:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/10 00:03:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/10 00:03:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/10 00:03:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/10 00:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/10 00:03:26 here! 14/10 00:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/10 00:03:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/10 00:03:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/10 00:03:31 Timer 3 called 14/10 00:03:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/10 00:03:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/10 00:03:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/10 00:03:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/10 00:03:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/10 00:03:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/10 00:03:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/10 00:03:36 Timer 12 called 14/10 00:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/10 00:03:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/10 00:03:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/10 00:03:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/10 00:03:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/10 00:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/10 00:03:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/10 00:03:56 Timer 9 called 14/10 00:03:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/10 00:03:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/10 00:03:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/10 00:03:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/10 00:03:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/10 00:03:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 00:02:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/10 00:02:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 15/10 00:02:17 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 15/10 00:02:34 ========================================================================================= 15/10 00:02:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 15/10 00:02:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 15/10 00:02:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 15/10 00:02:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/10 00:02:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/10 00:02:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 00:02:35 Timer 2 called 15/10 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 00:02:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 00:02:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/10 00:02:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 00:02:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/10 00:02:38 here! 15/10 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/10 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/10 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 00:02:43 Timer 3 called 15/10 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 00:02:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 00:02:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/10 00:02:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 00:02:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 00:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 00:02:48 Timer 12 called 15/10 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 00:02:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 00:02:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/10 00:02:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 00:02:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 00:03:08 Timer 9 called 15/10 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 00:03:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 00:03:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/10 00:03:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 00:03:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 01:52:58 ========================================================================================= 15/10 01:52:58 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 15/10 01:52:58 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 15/10 01:52:58 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 01:52:58 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 15/10 01:52:58 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/10 01:52:58 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 15/10 01:52:58 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 01:52:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 01:52:59 Timer 2 called 15/10 01:52:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 01:52:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 01:52:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/10 01:52:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 01:52:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 01:52:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 01:53:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/10 01:53:18 here! 15/10 01:53:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/10 01:53:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/10 01:53:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 01:53:23 Timer 3 called 15/10 01:53:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 01:53:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 01:53:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/10 01:53:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 01:53:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 01:53:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 01:53:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 15/10 01:53:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 01:53:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/10 01:53:24 here! 15/10 01:53:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/10 01:53:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/10 01:53:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonStart 15/10 01:53:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/10 01:53:28 Setting Master successfully updated at ini file. New value: Y 15/10 01:53:28 Setting Backup successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 15/10 01:53:28 Setting EnableSBNClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 15/10 01:53:28 Setting EnableSoftguardClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 15/10 01:53:28 Setting EnableSIMSClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 15/10 01:53:28 Setting EnableManitouClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 15/10 01:53:28 OnBnClickedButtonStart m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE. daview.ini updated 15/10 01:53:28 Setting EnableMASterMindClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 15/10 01:53:28 Setting EnableSIAClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 15/10 01:53:28 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 15/10 01:53:28 CCRAServerDlg::InitActionsOfMaster 15/10 01:53:28 Don't call verified 15/10 01:53:28 Changing Web Service... 15/10 01:53:28 executing: c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ConfigureWebService.bat 21000 C:\Davantis\craserver c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ 15/10 01:53:28 ok! 15/10 01:53:28 CCRAServerDlg::StartDownloadVideos 15/10 01:53:28 Don't use DownloadVideos 15/10 01:53:28 CCRAServerDlg::MoveOldOpenAlarms 15/10 01:53:28 [D] Query(12ms)[0 rows] = SELECT "IDALARMCRA","IDDISPOSITION","IDUSER","IDEVENT","IDSITE","IDALARM","IPORIGIN","PORTORIGIN","CAMCODE","DESCRIPTION","STARTED","ENDED","SEVERITY","STATE","VIDEONAME","SNAPSHOT","IDMACHINE","IDRULE","IDCAMERA","ACK","RESOLUTION","DATEOPEN","DATECLOSE","FEATURES","DATECRAOK","VIDEOFILESIZE","TRANSMSEC","BBOX","IDMAIL","VIDEONAMESUP","MACHINENAMESUP","ACKR","VIDEOFILESIZESUP" FROM "dbo"."ALARMSCRA" WHERE STATE = 'NEW' OR STATE = 'VWD' ORDER BY IDALARMCRA DESC 15/10 01:53:28 0 alarms to be moved from AlarmsCRA to AlarmsOPEN 15/10 01:53:28 CCRAServerDlg::SendCMSInfoToAllSites 15/10 01:53:28 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 15/10 01:53:28 CCRAServerDlg::SendToAllCustomers 15/10 01:53:28 [D] Query(16ms)[1 rows] = SELECT "IDSITE","SITENAME","IP","PORT","MAP","HEARTBEAT","FTPPORT","PASSWORD","MESSAGE","MESSAGESTATE","DATESTART","DATEEND","SITECODE","IDINSTALLER","DNI","ADDRESS","POSTALCODE","CITY","COMMENT","SITESTARTDATE","SITESTOPDATE","LAUNCHEVENT","COMMENTRELE1","COMMENTRELE2","COMMENTRELE3","COMMENTRELE4","EVENTTYPE","COMMENTLIGHT","COMMENTSOUND","COMMENTWATER","COMMENTOTHER","VERSION","VNCPORT","VNCPWD","CONNECTED","EMAIL","WEBLOGIN","WEBPWD","IDSCHEDULER","TYPE","PRODUCT","ENABLE_AGAIN","WNOTARMED","AUDIOPORT","MESSAGEPOPUP","LASTBACKUPTIME","RECORDERHTTP","VIDEOFORMAT","AUTODOWNLOADVIDEOS","UPDATEIP","LASTIPTIME" FROM "dbo"."SITES" WHERE IDSITE <> 0 15/10 01:53:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/10 01:53:28 here! 15/10 01:53:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/10 01:53:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/10 01:53:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/10 01:53:28 here! 15/10 01:53:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 01:53:38 Timer 12 called 15/10 01:53:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 01:53:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 01:53:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/10 01:53:38 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 01:53:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 01:53:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 01:53:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 15/10 01:53:58 Timer 9 called 15/10 01:53:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/10 01:53:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 15/10 01:53:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 15/10 01:53:58 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 15/10 01:53:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 15/10 01:53:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/10 00:01:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/10 00:01:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 16/10 00:01:59 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 16/10 00:02:34 ========================================================================================= 16/10 00:02:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/10 00:02:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/10 00:02:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/10 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/10 00:02:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/10 00:02:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/10 00:02:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/10 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/10 00:02:35 Timer 2 called 16/10 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/10 00:02:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/10 00:02:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/10 00:02:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/10 00:02:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/10 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/10 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/10 00:02:38 here! 16/10 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/10 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/10 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/10 00:02:43 Timer 3 called 16/10 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/10 00:02:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/10 00:02:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/10 00:02:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/10 00:02:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/10 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/10 00:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/10 00:02:48 Timer 12 called 16/10 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/10 00:02:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/10 00:02:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/10 00:02:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/10 00:02:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/10 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/10 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/10 00:03:08 Timer 9 called 16/10 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/10 00:03:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/10 00:03:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/10 00:03:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/10 00:03:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/10 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/10 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 17/10 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 17/10 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 17/10 00:02:46 ========================================================================================= 17/10 00:02:46 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 17/10 00:02:46 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 17/10 00:02:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 17/10 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 17/10 00:02:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 17/10 00:02:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 17/10 00:02:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 17/10 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/10 00:02:47 Timer 2 called 17/10 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/10 00:02:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/10 00:02:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/10 00:02:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/10 00:02:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/10 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/10 00:02:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 17/10 00:02:49 here! 17/10 00:02:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 17/10 00:02:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 17/10 00:02:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/10 00:02:54 Timer 3 called 17/10 00:02:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/10 00:02:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/10 00:02:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/10 00:02:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/10 00:02:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/10 00:02:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/10 00:02:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/10 00:02:59 Timer 12 called 17/10 00:02:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/10 00:02:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/10 00:02:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/10 00:02:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/10 00:02:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/10 00:02:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/10 00:03:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/10 00:03:19 Timer 9 called 17/10 00:03:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/10 00:03:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/10 00:03:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/10 00:03:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/10 00:03:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/10 00:03:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/10 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 18/10 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 18/10 00:02:56 ========================================================================================= 18/10 00:02:56 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/10 00:02:56 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/10 00:02:56 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/10 00:02:56 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/10 00:02:56 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/10 00:02:56 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/10 00:02:57 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/10 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/10 00:02:57 Timer 2 called 18/10 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 00:02:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/10 00:02:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/10 00:02:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/10 00:02:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/10 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/10 00:03:00 here! 18/10 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/10 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/10 00:03:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/10 00:03:05 Timer 3 called 18/10 00:03:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 00:03:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/10 00:03:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/10 00:03:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/10 00:03:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/10 00:03:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 00:03:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/10 00:03:10 Timer 12 called 18/10 00:03:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 00:03:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/10 00:03:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/10 00:03:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/10 00:03:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/10 00:03:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 00:03:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/10 00:03:30 Timer 9 called 18/10 00:03:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 00:03:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/10 00:03:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/10 00:03:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/10 00:03:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/10 00:03:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 17:48:05 ========================================================================================= 18/10 17:48:05 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/10 17:48:05 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/10 17:48:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/10 17:48:05 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/10 17:48:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/10 17:48:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/10 17:48:06 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/10 17:48:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/10 17:48:06 Timer 2 called 18/10 17:48:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 17:48:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/10 17:48:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/10 17:48:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/10 17:48:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/10 17:48:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/10 17:48:09 here! 18/10 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/10 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/10 17:48:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/10 17:48:14 Timer 3 called 18/10 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 17:48:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/10 17:48:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/10 17:48:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/10 17:48:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/10 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 17:48:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/10 17:48:19 Timer 12 called 18/10 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 17:48:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/10 17:48:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/10 17:48:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/10 17:48:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/10 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 17:48:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/10 17:48:39 Timer 9 called 18/10 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/10 17:48:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/10 17:48:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/10 17:48:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/10 17:48:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/10 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/10 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/10 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 20/10 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 20/10 00:03:19 ========================================================================================= 20/10 00:03:19 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 20/10 00:03:19 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 20/10 00:03:19 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/10 00:03:19 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 20/10 00:03:19 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/10 00:03:19 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/10 00:03:20 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/10 00:03:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/10 00:03:20 Timer 2 called 20/10 00:03:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/10 00:03:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/10 00:03:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/10 00:03:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/10 00:03:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/10 00:03:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/10 00:03:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 20/10 00:03:23 here! 20/10 00:03:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/10 00:03:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 20/10 00:03:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/10 00:03:28 Timer 3 called 20/10 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/10 00:03:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/10 00:03:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/10 00:03:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/10 00:03:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/10 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/10 00:03:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/10 00:03:33 Timer 12 called 20/10 00:03:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/10 00:03:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/10 00:03:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/10 00:03:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/10 00:03:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/10 00:03:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/10 00:03:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/10 00:03:53 Timer 9 called 20/10 00:03:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/10 00:03:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/10 00:03:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/10 00:03:53 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/10 00:03:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/10 00:03:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/10 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 21/10 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 21/10 00:02:30 ========================================================================================= 21/10 00:02:30 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 21/10 00:02:30 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 21/10 00:02:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/10 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 21/10 00:02:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/10 00:02:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/10 00:02:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/10 00:02:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/10 00:02:31 Timer 2 called 21/10 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:02:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/10 00:02:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/10 00:02:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/10 00:02:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/10 00:02:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/10 00:02:34 here! 21/10 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/10 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/10 00:02:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/10 00:02:39 Timer 3 called 21/10 00:02:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:02:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/10 00:02:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/10 00:02:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/10 00:02:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/10 00:02:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/10 00:02:44 Timer 12 called 21/10 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:02:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/10 00:02:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/10 00:02:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/10 00:02:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/10 00:02:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:03:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/10 00:03:04 Timer 9 called 21/10 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/10 00:03:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/10 00:03:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/10 00:03:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/10 00:03:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/10 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/10 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/10 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 22/10 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 22/10 00:02:41 ========================================================================================= 22/10 00:02:41 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/10 00:02:41 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/10 00:02:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/10 00:02:41 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/10 00:02:41 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/10 00:02:41 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/10 00:02:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/10 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/10 00:02:42 Timer 2 called 22/10 00:02:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/10 00:02:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/10 00:02:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/10 00:02:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/10 00:02:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/10 00:02:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/10 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/10 00:02:44 here! 22/10 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/10 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/10 00:02:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/10 00:02:49 Timer 3 called 22/10 00:02:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/10 00:02:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/10 00:02:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/10 00:02:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/10 00:02:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/10 00:02:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/10 00:02:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/10 00:02:54 Timer 12 called 22/10 00:02:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/10 00:02:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/10 00:02:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/10 00:02:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/10 00:02:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/10 00:02:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/10 00:03:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/10 00:03:14 Timer 9 called 22/10 00:03:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/10 00:03:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/10 00:03:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/10 00:03:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/10 00:03:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/10 00:03:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/10 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 23/10 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 23/10 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 23/10 00:02:51 ========================================================================================= 23/10 00:02:52 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 23/10 00:02:52 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 23/10 00:02:52 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/10 00:02:52 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 23/10 00:02:52 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/10 00:02:52 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/10 00:02:52 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/10 00:02:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/10 00:02:53 Timer 2 called 23/10 00:02:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/10 00:02:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/10 00:02:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/10 00:02:53 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/10 00:02:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/10 00:02:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/10 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 23/10 00:02:55 here! 23/10 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 23/10 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 23/10 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/10 00:03:00 Timer 3 called 23/10 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/10 00:03:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/10 00:03:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/10 00:03:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/10 00:03:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/10 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/10 00:03:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/10 00:03:05 Timer 12 called 23/10 00:03:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/10 00:03:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/10 00:03:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/10 00:03:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/10 00:03:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/10 00:03:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/10 00:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/10 00:03:25 Timer 9 called 23/10 00:03:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/10 00:03:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/10 00:03:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/10 00:03:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/10 00:03:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/10 00:03:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/10 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/10 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 28/10 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 28/10 00:02:42 ========================================================================================= 28/10 00:02:42 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/10 00:02:42 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/10 00:02:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/10 00:02:42 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/10 00:02:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/10 00:02:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/10 00:02:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/10 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/10 00:02:43 Timer 2 called 28/10 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/10 00:02:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/10 00:02:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/10 00:02:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/10 00:02:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/10 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/10 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/10 00:02:46 here! 28/10 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/10 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/10 00:02:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/10 00:02:51 Timer 3 called 28/10 00:02:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/10 00:02:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/10 00:02:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/10 00:02:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/10 00:02:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/10 00:02:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/10 00:02:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/10 00:02:56 Timer 12 called 28/10 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/10 00:02:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/10 00:02:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/10 00:02:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/10 00:02:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/10 00:02:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/10 00:03:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/10 00:03:16 Timer 9 called 28/10 00:03:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/10 00:03:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/10 00:03:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/10 00:03:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/10 00:03:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/10 00:03:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/10 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 29/10 00:02:36 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 29/10 00:02:53 ========================================================================================= 29/10 00:02:54 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/10 00:02:54 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/10 00:02:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/10 00:02:54 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/10 00:02:54 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/10 00:02:54 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/10 00:02:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/10 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/10 00:02:55 Timer 2 called 29/10 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:02:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/10 00:02:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/10 00:02:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/10 00:02:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/10 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/10 00:02:57 here! 29/10 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/10 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/10 00:03:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/10 00:03:02 Timer 3 called 29/10 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/10 00:03:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/10 00:03:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/10 00:03:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/10 00:03:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/10 00:03:07 Timer 12 called 29/10 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/10 00:03:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/10 00:03:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/10 00:03:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/10 00:03:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/10 00:03:27 Timer 9 called 29/10 00:03:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/10 00:03:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/10 00:03:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/10 00:03:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/10 00:03:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/10 00:03:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 00:01:48 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/10 00:01:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 30/10 00:01:48 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 30/10 00:02:05 ========================================================================================= 30/10 00:02:05 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 30/10 00:02:05 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 30/10 00:02:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/10 00:02:05 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 30/10 00:02:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/10 00:02:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/10 00:02:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/10 00:02:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/10 00:02:06 Timer 2 called 30/10 00:02:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 00:02:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/10 00:02:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/10 00:02:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/10 00:02:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/10 00:02:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 00:02:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 30/10 00:02:08 here! 30/10 00:02:08 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/10 00:02:08 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 30/10 00:02:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/10 00:02:13 Timer 3 called 30/10 00:02:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 00:02:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/10 00:02:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/10 00:02:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/10 00:02:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/10 00:02:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 00:02:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/10 00:02:18 Timer 12 called 30/10 00:02:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 00:02:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/10 00:02:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/10 00:02:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/10 00:02:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/10 00:02:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 00:02:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/10 00:02:38 Timer 9 called 30/10 00:02:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 00:02:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/10 00:02:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/10 00:02:38 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/10 00:02:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/10 00:02:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 17:48:13 ========================================================================================= 30/10 17:48:13 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 30/10 17:48:13 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 30/10 17:48:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/10 17:48:13 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 30/10 17:48:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/10 17:48:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/10 17:48:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/10 17:48:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/10 17:48:14 Timer 2 called 30/10 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 17:48:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/10 17:48:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/10 17:48:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/10 17:48:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/10 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 17:48:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 30/10 17:48:17 here! 30/10 17:48:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/10 17:48:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 30/10 17:48:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/10 17:48:22 Timer 3 called 30/10 17:48:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 17:48:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/10 17:48:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/10 17:48:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/10 17:48:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/10 17:48:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 17:48:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/10 17:48:27 Timer 12 called 30/10 17:48:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 17:48:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/10 17:48:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/10 17:48:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/10 17:48:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/10 17:48:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 17:48:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/10 17:48:47 Timer 9 called 30/10 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/10 17:48:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/10 17:48:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/10 17:48:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/10 17:48:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/10 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 17:48:35 ========================================================================================= 01/11 17:48:35 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 01/11 17:48:35 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 01/11 17:48:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/11 17:48:35 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 01/11 17:48:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/11 17:48:35 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/11 17:48:35 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/11 17:48:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/11 17:48:36 Timer 2 called 01/11 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 17:48:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/11 17:48:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/11 17:48:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/11 17:48:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/11 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 17:48:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 01/11 17:48:38 here! 01/11 17:48:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/11 17:48:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 01/11 17:48:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/11 17:48:43 Timer 3 called 01/11 17:48:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 17:48:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/11 17:48:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/11 17:48:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/11 17:48:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/11 17:48:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 17:48:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/11 17:48:48 Timer 12 called 01/11 17:48:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 17:48:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/11 17:48:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/11 17:48:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/11 17:48:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/11 17:48:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 17:49:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/11 17:49:08 Timer 9 called 01/11 17:49:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/11 17:49:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/11 17:49:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/11 17:49:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/11 17:49:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/11 17:49:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 17:47:45 ========================================================================================= 02/11 17:47:45 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/11 17:47:45 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 02/11 17:47:45 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/11 17:47:45 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/11 17:47:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/11 17:47:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/11 17:47:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/11 17:47:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/11 17:47:46 Timer 2 called 02/11 17:47:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 17:47:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/11 17:47:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/11 17:47:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/11 17:47:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/11 17:47:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 17:47:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/11 17:47:49 here! 02/11 17:47:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/11 17:47:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/11 17:47:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/11 17:47:54 Timer 3 called 02/11 17:47:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 17:47:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/11 17:47:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/11 17:47:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/11 17:47:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/11 17:47:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 17:47:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/11 17:47:59 Timer 12 called 02/11 17:47:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 17:47:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/11 17:47:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/11 17:47:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/11 17:47:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/11 17:47:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 17:48:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/11 17:48:19 Timer 9 called 02/11 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/11 17:48:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/11 17:48:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/11 17:48:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/11 17:48:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/11 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/11 17:47:56 ========================================================================================= 03/11 17:47:56 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 03/11 17:47:56 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 03/11 17:47:56 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/11 17:47:56 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 03/11 17:47:56 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/11 17:47:56 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/11 17:47:56 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/11 17:47:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/11 17:47:57 Timer 2 called 03/11 17:47:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/11 17:47:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/11 17:47:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/11 17:47:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/11 17:47:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/11 17:47:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/11 17:47:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/11 17:47:59 here! 03/11 17:47:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/11 17:47:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/11 17:48:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/11 17:48:04 Timer 3 called 03/11 17:48:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/11 17:48:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/11 17:48:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/11 17:48:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/11 17:48:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/11 17:48:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/11 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/11 17:48:09 Timer 12 called 03/11 17:48:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/11 17:48:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/11 17:48:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/11 17:48:09 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/11 17:48:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/11 17:48:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/11 17:48:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/11 17:48:29 Timer 9 called 03/11 17:48:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/11 17:48:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/11 17:48:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/11 17:48:29 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/11 17:48:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/11 17:48:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/11 17:48:07 ========================================================================================= 04/11 17:48:07 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 04/11 17:48:07 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 04/11 17:48:07 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/11 17:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 04/11 17:48:07 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/11 17:48:07 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/11 17:48:07 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/11 17:48:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/11 17:48:08 Timer 2 called 04/11 17:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/11 17:48:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/11 17:48:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/11 17:48:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/11 17:48:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/11 17:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/11 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 04/11 17:48:10 here! 04/11 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 04/11 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 04/11 17:48:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/11 17:48:15 Timer 3 called 04/11 17:48:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/11 17:48:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/11 17:48:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/11 17:48:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/11 17:48:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/11 17:48:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/11 17:48:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/11 17:48:20 Timer 12 called 04/11 17:48:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/11 17:48:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/11 17:48:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/11 17:48:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/11 17:48:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/11 17:48:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/11 17:48:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/11 17:48:40 Timer 9 called 04/11 17:48:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/11 17:48:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/11 17:48:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/11 17:48:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/11 17:48:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/11 17:48:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/11 17:48:18 ========================================================================================= 05/11 17:48:18 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 05/11 17:48:18 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 05/11 17:48:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/11 17:48:18 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 05/11 17:48:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/11 17:48:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/11 17:48:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/11 17:48:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/11 17:48:19 Timer 2 called 05/11 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/11 17:48:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/11 17:48:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/11 17:48:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/11 17:48:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/11 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/11 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 05/11 17:48:21 here! 05/11 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 05/11 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 05/11 17:48:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/11 17:48:26 Timer 3 called 05/11 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/11 17:48:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/11 17:48:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/11 17:48:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/11 17:48:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/11 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/11 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/11 17:48:31 Timer 12 called 05/11 17:48:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/11 17:48:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/11 17:48:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/11 17:48:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/11 17:48:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/11 17:48:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/11 17:48:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/11 17:48:51 Timer 9 called 05/11 17:48:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/11 17:48:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/11 17:48:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/11 17:48:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/11 17:48:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/11 17:48:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/11 17:48:00 ========================================================================================= 09/11 17:48:00 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/11 17:48:00 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/11 17:48:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/11 17:48:00 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/11 17:48:00 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/11 17:48:00 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/11 17:48:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/11 17:48:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/11 17:48:01 Timer 2 called 09/11 17:48:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/11 17:48:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/11 17:48:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/11 17:48:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/11 17:48:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/11 17:48:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/11 17:48:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/11 17:48:03 here! 09/11 17:48:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/11 17:48:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/11 17:48:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/11 17:48:08 Timer 3 called 09/11 17:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/11 17:48:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/11 17:48:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/11 17:48:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/11 17:48:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/11 17:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/11 17:48:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/11 17:48:13 Timer 12 called 09/11 17:48:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/11 17:48:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/11 17:48:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/11 17:48:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/11 17:48:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/11 17:48:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/11 17:48:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/11 17:48:33 Timer 9 called 09/11 17:48:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/11 17:48:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/11 17:48:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/11 17:48:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/11 17:48:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/11 17:48:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/11 00:01:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/11 00:01:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 11/11 00:01:57 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 11/11 00:02:13 ========================================================================================= 11/11 00:02:13 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 11/11 00:02:13 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 11/11 00:02:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/11 00:02:13 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 11/11 00:02:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/11 00:02:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/11 00:02:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/11 00:02:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/11 00:02:14 Timer 2 called 11/11 00:02:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/11 00:02:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/11 00:02:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/11 00:02:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/11 00:02:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/11 00:02:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/11 00:02:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 11/11 00:02:17 here! 11/11 00:02:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/11 00:02:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 11/11 00:02:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/11 00:02:22 Timer 3 called 11/11 00:02:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/11 00:02:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/11 00:02:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/11 00:02:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/11 00:02:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/11 00:02:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/11 00:02:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/11 00:02:27 Timer 12 called 11/11 00:02:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/11 00:02:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/11 00:02:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/11 00:02:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/11 00:02:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/11 00:02:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/11 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/11 00:02:47 Timer 9 called 11/11 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/11 00:02:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/11 00:02:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/11 00:02:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/11 00:02:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/11 00:02:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/11 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 16/11 00:02:47 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 16/11 00:03:05 ========================================================================================= 16/11 00:03:05 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/11 00:03:05 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/11 00:03:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/11 00:03:05 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/11 00:03:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/11 00:03:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/11 00:03:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/11 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 00:03:06 Timer 2 called 16/11 00:03:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 00:03:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 00:03:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 00:03:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 00:03:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 00:03:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 00:03:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/11 00:03:09 here! 16/11 00:03:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/11 00:03:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/11 00:03:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 00:03:14 Timer 3 called 16/11 00:03:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 00:03:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 00:03:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 00:03:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 00:03:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 00:03:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 00:03:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 00:03:19 Timer 12 called 16/11 00:03:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 00:03:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 00:03:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 00:03:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 00:03:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 00:03:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 00:03:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 00:03:39 Timer 9 called 16/11 00:03:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 00:03:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 00:03:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 00:03:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 00:03:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 00:03:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 17:48:13 ========================================================================================= 16/11 17:48:13 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/11 17:48:13 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/11 17:48:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/11 17:48:13 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/11 17:48:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/11 17:48:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/11 17:48:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/11 17:48:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 17:48:14 Timer 2 called 16/11 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 17:48:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 17:48:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 17:48:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 17:48:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 17:48:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/11 17:48:17 here! 16/11 17:48:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/11 17:48:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/11 17:48:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 17:48:22 Timer 3 called 16/11 17:48:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 17:48:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 17:48:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 17:48:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 17:48:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 17:48:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 17:48:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 17:48:27 Timer 12 called 16/11 17:48:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 17:48:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 17:48:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 17:48:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 17:48:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 17:48:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 17:48:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/11 17:48:47 Timer 9 called 16/11 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/11 17:48:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/11 17:48:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/11 17:48:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/11 17:48:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/11 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/11 17:48:24 ========================================================================================= 17/11 17:48:24 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 17/11 17:48:24 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 17/11 17:48:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 17/11 17:48:24 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 17/11 17:48:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 17/11 17:48:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 17/11 17:48:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 17/11 17:48:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/11 17:48:25 Timer 2 called 17/11 17:48:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/11 17:48:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/11 17:48:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/11 17:48:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/11 17:48:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/11 17:48:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/11 17:48:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 17/11 17:48:28 here! 17/11 17:48:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 17/11 17:48:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 17/11 17:48:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/11 17:48:33 Timer 3 called 17/11 17:48:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/11 17:48:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/11 17:48:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/11 17:48:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/11 17:48:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/11 17:48:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/11 17:48:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/11 17:48:38 Timer 12 called 17/11 17:48:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/11 17:48:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/11 17:48:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/11 17:48:38 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/11 17:48:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/11 17:48:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/11 17:48:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 17/11 17:48:58 Timer 9 called 17/11 17:48:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/11 17:48:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 17/11 17:48:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 17/11 17:48:58 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 17/11 17:48:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 17/11 17:48:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 17:47:55 ========================================================================================= 20/11 17:47:55 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 20/11 17:47:55 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 20/11 17:47:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/11 17:47:55 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 20/11 17:47:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/11 17:47:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/11 17:47:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/11 17:47:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/11 17:47:56 Timer 2 called 20/11 17:47:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 17:47:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/11 17:47:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/11 17:47:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/11 17:47:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/11 17:47:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 17:47:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 20/11 17:47:58 here! 20/11 17:47:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/11 17:47:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 20/11 17:48:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/11 17:48:03 Timer 3 called 20/11 17:48:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 17:48:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/11 17:48:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/11 17:48:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/11 17:48:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/11 17:48:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 17:48:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/11 17:48:08 Timer 12 called 20/11 17:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 17:48:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/11 17:48:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/11 17:48:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/11 17:48:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/11 17:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 17:48:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/11 17:48:28 Timer 9 called 20/11 17:48:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/11 17:48:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/11 17:48:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/11 17:48:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/11 17:48:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/11 17:48:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/11 17:48:27 ========================================================================================= 23/11 17:48:27 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 23/11 17:48:27 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 23/11 17:48:27 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/11 17:48:27 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 23/11 17:48:27 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/11 17:48:27 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/11 17:48:27 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/11 17:48:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/11 17:48:28 Timer 2 called 23/11 17:48:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/11 17:48:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/11 17:48:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/11 17:48:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/11 17:48:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/11 17:48:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/11 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 23/11 17:48:31 here! 23/11 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 23/11 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 23/11 17:48:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/11 17:48:36 Timer 3 called 23/11 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/11 17:48:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/11 17:48:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/11 17:48:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/11 17:48:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/11 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/11 17:48:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/11 17:48:41 Timer 12 called 23/11 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/11 17:48:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/11 17:48:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/11 17:48:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/11 17:48:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/11 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/11 17:49:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/11 17:49:01 Timer 9 called 23/11 17:49:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/11 17:49:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/11 17:49:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/11 17:49:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/11 17:49:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/11 17:49:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/11 17:48:39 ========================================================================================= 24/11 17:48:39 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 24/11 17:48:39 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 24/11 17:48:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/11 17:48:39 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 24/11 17:48:39 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 24/11 17:48:39 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 24/11 17:48:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/11 17:48:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/11 17:48:40 Timer 2 called 24/11 17:48:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/11 17:48:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/11 17:48:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/11 17:48:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/11 17:48:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/11 17:48:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/11 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 24/11 17:48:42 here! 24/11 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 24/11 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 24/11 17:48:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/11 17:48:47 Timer 3 called 24/11 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/11 17:48:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/11 17:48:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/11 17:48:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/11 17:48:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/11 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/11 17:48:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/11 17:48:52 Timer 12 called 24/11 17:48:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/11 17:48:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/11 17:48:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/11 17:48:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/11 17:48:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/11 17:48:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/11 17:49:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/11 17:49:12 Timer 9 called 24/11 17:49:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/11 17:49:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/11 17:49:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/11 17:49:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/11 17:49:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/11 17:49:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/11 00:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 25/11 00:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 25/11 00:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 25/11 00:03:42 ========================================================================================= 25/11 00:03:42 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 25/11 00:03:42 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 25/11 00:03:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/11 00:03:42 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 25/11 00:03:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 25/11 00:03:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 25/11 00:03:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 25/11 00:03:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/11 00:03:43 Timer 2 called 25/11 00:03:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/11 00:03:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/11 00:03:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/11 00:03:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/11 00:03:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/11 00:03:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/11 00:03:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 25/11 00:03:46 here! 25/11 00:03:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 25/11 00:03:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 25/11 00:03:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/11 00:03:51 Timer 3 called 25/11 00:03:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/11 00:03:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/11 00:03:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/11 00:03:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/11 00:03:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/11 00:03:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/11 00:03:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/11 00:03:56 Timer 12 called 25/11 00:03:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/11 00:03:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/11 00:03:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/11 00:03:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/11 00:03:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/11 00:03:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/11 00:04:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 25/11 00:04:16 Timer 9 called 25/11 00:04:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/11 00:04:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 25/11 00:04:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 25/11 00:04:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 25/11 00:04:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 25/11 00:04:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/11 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 27/11 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 27/11 00:03:02 ========================================================================================= 27/11 00:03:03 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/11 00:03:03 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/11 00:03:03 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/11 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/11 00:03:03 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/11 00:03:03 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/11 00:03:03 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/11 00:03:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/11 00:03:04 Timer 2 called 27/11 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 00:03:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/11 00:03:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/11 00:03:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/11 00:03:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/11 00:03:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/11 00:03:06 here! 27/11 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/11 00:03:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/11 00:03:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/11 00:03:11 Timer 3 called 27/11 00:03:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 00:03:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/11 00:03:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/11 00:03:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/11 00:03:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/11 00:03:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 00:03:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/11 00:03:16 Timer 12 called 27/11 00:03:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 00:03:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/11 00:03:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/11 00:03:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/11 00:03:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/11 00:03:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 00:03:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/11 00:03:36 Timer 9 called 27/11 00:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 00:03:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/11 00:03:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/11 00:03:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/11 00:03:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/11 00:03:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 17:48:11 ========================================================================================= 27/11 17:48:11 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/11 17:48:11 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/11 17:48:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/11 17:48:11 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/11 17:48:11 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/11 17:48:11 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/11 17:48:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/11 17:48:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/11 17:48:12 Timer 2 called 27/11 17:48:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 17:48:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/11 17:48:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/11 17:48:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/11 17:48:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/11 17:48:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 17:48:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/11 17:48:14 here! 27/11 17:48:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/11 17:48:14 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/11 17:48:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/11 17:48:19 Timer 3 called 27/11 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 17:48:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/11 17:48:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/11 17:48:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/11 17:48:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/11 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 17:48:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/11 17:48:24 Timer 12 called 27/11 17:48:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 17:48:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/11 17:48:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/11 17:48:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/11 17:48:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/11 17:48:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 17:48:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/11 17:48:44 Timer 9 called 27/11 17:48:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/11 17:48:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/11 17:48:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/11 17:48:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/11 17:48:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/11 17:48:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 19:17:28 ========================================================================================= 28/11 19:17:29 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/11 19:17:29 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/11 19:17:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/11 19:17:29 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/11 19:17:29 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/11 19:17:29 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/11 19:17:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/11 19:17:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 19:17:30 Timer 2 called 28/11 19:17:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 19:17:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 19:17:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 19:17:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 19:17:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 19:17:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 19:17:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/11 19:17:42 here! 28/11 19:17:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/11 19:17:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/11 19:17:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 19:17:47 Timer 3 called 28/11 19:17:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 19:17:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 19:17:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 19:17:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 19:17:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 19:17:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 19:17:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 19:17:52 Timer 12 called 28/11 19:17:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 19:17:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 19:17:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 19:17:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 19:17:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 19:17:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 19:18:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 19:18:12 Timer 9 called 28/11 19:18:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 19:18:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 19:18:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 19:18:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 19:18:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 19:18:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:23:13 ========================================================================================= 28/11 20:23:15 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/11 20:23:15 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/11 20:23:15 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/11 20:23:15 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/11 20:23:15 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/11 20:23:15 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/11 20:23:16 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/11 20:23:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:23:16 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:23:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:23:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:23:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:23:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:23:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:23:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:24:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:24:23 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:24:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:24:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:24:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:24:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:24:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:24:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:24:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:24:58 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:24:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:24:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:24:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:24:58 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:24:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:24:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:25:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:25:52 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:25:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:25:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:25:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:25:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:25:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:25:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:26:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:26:46 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:26:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:26:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:26:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:26:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:26:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:26:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:27:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:27:40 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:27:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:27:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:27:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:27:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:27:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:27:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:28:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:28:34 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:28:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:28:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:28:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:28:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:28:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:28:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:29:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:29:28 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:29:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:29:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:29:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:29:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:29:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:29:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:30:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:30:23 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:30:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:30:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:30:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:30:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:30:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:30:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:31:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:31:17 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:31:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:31:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:31:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:31:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:31:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:31:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:32:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:32:11 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:32:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:32:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:32:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:32:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:32:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:32:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:33:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:33:05 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:33:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:33:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:33:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:33:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:33:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:33:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:33:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/11 20:33:47 here! 28/11 20:33:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/11 20:33:50 here! 28/11 20:33:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:33:59 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:33:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:33:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:33:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:33:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:33:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:33:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:34:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/11 20:34:14 here! 28/11 20:34:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnClose 28/11 20:34:14 OnClose 28/11 20:34:14 CCRAServerDlg::ExitNow 28/11 20:34:14 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 28/11 20:34:14 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:34:23 ========================================================================================= 28/11 20:34:23 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/11 20:34:23 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/11 20:34:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/11 20:34:23 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/11 20:34:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/11 20:34:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/11 20:34:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/11 20:34:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:34:24 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:34:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:34:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:34:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:34:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:34:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:34:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:34:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/11 20:34:33 here! 28/11 20:34:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/11 20:34:45 here! 28/11 20:35:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:35:18 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:35:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:35:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:35:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:35:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:35:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:35:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:36:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:36:12 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:36:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:36:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:36:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:36:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:36:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:36:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:36:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/11 20:36:15 here! 28/11 20:36:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnClose 28/11 20:36:15 OnClose 28/11 20:36:15 CCRAServerDlg::ExitNow 28/11 20:36:15 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 28/11 20:36:15 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:16 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:17 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:18 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:19 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:20 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:21 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:22 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:23 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:24 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:25 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:26 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:27 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:28 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:29 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:30 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:31 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:32 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:33 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:34 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:35 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:36 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:37 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:38 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:39 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:40 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:41 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:42 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:43 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:46 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:36:47 CCRAServerDlg::MyEndProcess 28/11 20:36:47 MyEndProcess DOWNLOADVIDEOS 28/11 20:36:47 MyEndProcess DOWNLOADVIDEOShandle=NULL 28/11 20:36:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/11 20:36:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 28/11 20:36:47 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 28/11 20:38:39 ========================================================================================= 28/11 20:38:39 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/11 20:38:39 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/11 20:38:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/11 20:38:39 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/11 20:38:39 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/11 20:38:39 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/11 20:38:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/11 20:38:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:38:40 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:38:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:38:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:38:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:38:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:38:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:38:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:39:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 20:39:35 Timer 2 called 28/11 20:39:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:39:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 20:39:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 20:39:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 20:39:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 20:39:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 20:39:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/11 20:39:58 here! 28/11 20:39:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnClose 28/11 20:39:58 OnClose 28/11 20:39:58 CCRAServerDlg::ExitNow 28/11 20:39:58 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 28/11 20:39:58 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 20:39:59 Waiting LOOP for end 28/11 21:16:21 ========================================================================================= 28/11 21:16:22 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/11 21:16:22 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/11 21:16:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/11 21:16:22 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/11 21:16:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/11 21:16:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/11 21:16:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/11 21:16:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 21:16:23 Timer 2 called 28/11 21:16:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 21:16:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 21:16:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 21:16:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 21:16:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 21:16:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 21:16:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/11 21:16:45 here! 28/11 21:16:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/11 21:16:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/11 21:16:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 21:16:50 Timer 3 called 28/11 21:16:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 21:16:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 21:16:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 21:16:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 21:16:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 21:16:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 21:16:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 21:16:55 Timer 12 called 28/11 21:16:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 21:16:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 21:16:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 21:16:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 21:16:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 21:16:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 21:17:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/11 21:17:15 Timer 9 called 28/11 21:17:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/11 21:17:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/11 21:17:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/11 21:17:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/11 21:17:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/11 21:17:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 17:49:00 ========================================================================================= 29/11 17:49:00 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/11 17:49:00 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/11 17:49:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/11 17:49:00 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/11 17:49:00 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/11 17:49:00 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/11 17:49:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/11 17:49:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/11 17:49:01 Timer 2 called 29/11 17:49:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 17:49:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/11 17:49:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/11 17:49:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/11 17:49:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/11 17:49:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 17:49:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/11 17:49:03 here! 29/11 17:49:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/11 17:49:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/11 17:49:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/11 17:49:08 Timer 3 called 29/11 17:49:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 17:49:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/11 17:49:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/11 17:49:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/11 17:49:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/11 17:49:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 17:49:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/11 17:49:13 Timer 12 called 29/11 17:49:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 17:49:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/11 17:49:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/11 17:49:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/11 17:49:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/11 17:49:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 17:49:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/11 17:49:33 Timer 9 called 29/11 17:49:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/11 17:49:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/11 17:49:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/11 17:49:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/11 17:49:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/11 17:49:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/12 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 01/12 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 01/12 00:03:14 ========================================================================================= 01/12 00:03:14 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 01/12 00:03:14 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 01/12 00:03:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/12 00:03:14 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 01/12 00:03:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/12 00:03:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/12 00:03:15 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/12 00:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/12 00:03:15 Timer 2 called 01/12 00:03:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 00:03:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/12 00:03:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/12 00:03:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/12 00:03:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/12 00:03:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 00:03:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 01/12 00:03:18 here! 01/12 00:03:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/12 00:03:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 01/12 00:03:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/12 00:03:23 Timer 3 called 01/12 00:03:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 00:03:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/12 00:03:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/12 00:03:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/12 00:03:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/12 00:03:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 00:03:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/12 00:03:28 Timer 12 called 01/12 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 00:03:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/12 00:03:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/12 00:03:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/12 00:03:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/12 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 00:03:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/12 00:03:48 Timer 9 called 01/12 00:03:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 00:03:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/12 00:03:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/12 00:03:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/12 00:03:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/12 00:03:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 00:02:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/12 00:02:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 02/12 00:02:09 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 02/12 00:02:25 ========================================================================================= 02/12 00:02:25 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/12 00:02:25 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 02/12 00:02:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/12 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/12 00:02:25 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/12 00:02:25 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/12 00:02:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/12 00:02:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/12 00:02:26 Timer 2 called 02/12 00:02:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 00:02:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/12 00:02:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/12 00:02:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/12 00:02:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/12 00:02:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 00:02:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/12 00:02:29 here! 02/12 00:02:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/12 00:02:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/12 00:02:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/12 00:02:34 Timer 3 called 02/12 00:02:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 00:02:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/12 00:02:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/12 00:02:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/12 00:02:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/12 00:02:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 00:02:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/12 00:02:39 Timer 12 called 02/12 00:02:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 00:02:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/12 00:02:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/12 00:02:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/12 00:02:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/12 00:02:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 00:02:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/12 00:02:59 Timer 9 called 02/12 00:02:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 00:02:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/12 00:02:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/12 00:02:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/12 00:02:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/12 00:02:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 17:48:34 ========================================================================================= 02/12 17:48:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/12 17:48:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 02/12 17:48:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/12 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/12 17:48:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/12 17:48:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/12 17:48:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/12 17:48:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/12 17:48:35 Timer 2 called 02/12 17:48:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 17:48:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/12 17:48:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/12 17:48:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/12 17:48:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/12 17:48:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 17:48:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/12 17:48:37 here! 02/12 17:48:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/12 17:48:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/12 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/12 17:48:42 Timer 3 called 02/12 17:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 17:48:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/12 17:48:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/12 17:48:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/12 17:48:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/12 17:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 17:48:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/12 17:48:47 Timer 12 called 02/12 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 17:48:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/12 17:48:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/12 17:48:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/12 17:48:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/12 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 17:49:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/12 17:49:07 Timer 9 called 02/12 17:49:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/12 17:49:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/12 17:49:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/12 17:49:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/12 17:49:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/12 17:49:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/12 17:47:55 ========================================================================================= 04/12 17:47:55 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 04/12 17:47:55 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 04/12 17:47:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/12 17:47:55 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 04/12 17:47:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/12 17:47:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 04/12 17:47:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 04/12 17:47:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/12 17:47:56 Timer 2 called 04/12 17:47:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/12 17:47:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/12 17:47:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/12 17:47:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/12 17:47:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/12 17:47:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/12 17:47:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 04/12 17:47:58 here! 04/12 17:47:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 04/12 17:47:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 04/12 17:48:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/12 17:48:03 Timer 3 called 04/12 17:48:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/12 17:48:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/12 17:48:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/12 17:48:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/12 17:48:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/12 17:48:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/12 17:48:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/12 17:48:08 Timer 12 called 04/12 17:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/12 17:48:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/12 17:48:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/12 17:48:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/12 17:48:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/12 17:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/12 17:48:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 04/12 17:48:28 Timer 9 called 04/12 17:48:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/12 17:48:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 04/12 17:48:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 04/12 17:48:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 04/12 17:48:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 04/12 17:48:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 17:48:18 ========================================================================================= 06/12 17:48:18 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 06/12 17:48:18 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 06/12 17:48:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/12 17:48:18 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 06/12 17:48:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/12 17:48:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 06/12 17:48:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 06/12 17:48:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/12 17:48:19 Timer 2 called 06/12 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 17:48:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/12 17:48:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/12 17:48:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/12 17:48:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/12 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 06/12 17:48:21 here! 06/12 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 06/12 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 06/12 17:48:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/12 17:48:26 Timer 3 called 06/12 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 17:48:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/12 17:48:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/12 17:48:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/12 17:48:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/12 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/12 17:48:31 Timer 12 called 06/12 17:48:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 17:48:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/12 17:48:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/12 17:48:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/12 17:48:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/12 17:48:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 17:48:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 06/12 17:48:51 Timer 9 called 06/12 17:48:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12 17:48:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 06/12 17:48:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 06/12 17:48:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 06/12 17:48:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 06/12 17:48:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/12 17:48:29 ========================================================================================= 07/12 17:48:29 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/12 17:48:29 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/12 17:48:29 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/12 17:48:30 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/12 17:48:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/12 17:48:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/12 17:48:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/12 17:48:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/12 17:48:30 Timer 2 called 07/12 17:48:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/12 17:48:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/12 17:48:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/12 17:48:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/12 17:48:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/12 17:48:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/12 17:48:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/12 17:48:33 here! 07/12 17:48:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/12 17:48:33 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/12 17:48:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/12 17:48:38 Timer 3 called 07/12 17:48:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/12 17:48:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/12 17:48:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/12 17:48:38 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/12 17:48:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/12 17:48:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/12 17:48:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/12 17:48:43 Timer 12 called 07/12 17:48:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/12 17:48:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/12 17:48:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/12 17:48:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/12 17:48:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/12 17:48:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/12 17:49:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/12 17:49:03 Timer 9 called 07/12 17:49:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/12 17:49:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/12 17:49:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/12 17:49:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/12 17:49:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/12 17:49:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/12 17:47:40 ========================================================================================= 08/12 17:47:40 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 08/12 17:47:40 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 08/12 17:47:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/12 17:47:40 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 08/12 17:47:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/12 17:47:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/12 17:47:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/12 17:47:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/12 17:47:41 Timer 2 called 08/12 17:47:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/12 17:47:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/12 17:47:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/12 17:47:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/12 17:47:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/12 17:47:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/12 17:47:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 08/12 17:47:44 here! 08/12 17:47:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/12 17:47:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 08/12 17:47:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/12 17:47:49 Timer 3 called 08/12 17:47:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/12 17:47:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/12 17:47:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/12 17:47:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/12 17:47:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/12 17:47:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/12 17:47:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/12 17:47:54 Timer 12 called 08/12 17:47:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/12 17:47:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/12 17:47:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/12 17:47:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/12 17:47:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/12 17:47:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/12 17:48:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/12 17:48:14 Timer 9 called 08/12 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/12 17:48:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/12 17:48:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/12 17:48:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/12 17:48:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/12 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/12 17:47:51 ========================================================================================= 09/12 17:47:51 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 09/12 17:47:51 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 09/12 17:47:51 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/12 17:47:51 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 09/12 17:47:51 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/12 17:47:51 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 09/12 17:47:51 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 09/12 17:47:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/12 17:47:52 Timer 2 called 09/12 17:47:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/12 17:47:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/12 17:47:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/12 17:47:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/12 17:47:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/12 17:47:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/12 17:47:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 09/12 17:47:55 here! 09/12 17:47:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 09/12 17:47:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 09/12 17:48:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/12 17:48:00 Timer 3 called 09/12 17:48:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/12 17:48:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/12 17:48:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/12 17:48:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/12 17:48:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/12 17:48:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/12 17:48:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/12 17:48:05 Timer 12 called 09/12 17:48:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/12 17:48:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/12 17:48:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/12 17:48:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/12 17:48:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/12 17:48:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/12 17:48:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 09/12 17:48:25 Timer 9 called 09/12 17:48:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/12 17:48:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 09/12 17:48:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 09/12 17:48:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 09/12 17:48:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 09/12 17:48:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 17:48:02 ========================================================================================= 10/12 17:48:02 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 10/12 17:48:02 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 10/12 17:48:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/12 17:48:02 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 10/12 17:48:02 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/12 17:48:02 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/12 17:48:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/12 17:48:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/12 17:48:03 Timer 2 called 10/12 17:48:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 17:48:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/12 17:48:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/12 17:48:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/12 17:48:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/12 17:48:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 17:48:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 10/12 17:48:06 here! 10/12 17:48:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/12 17:48:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 10/12 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/12 17:48:10 Timer 3 called 10/12 17:48:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 17:48:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/12 17:48:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/12 17:48:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/12 17:48:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/12 17:48:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 17:48:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/12 17:48:16 Timer 12 called 10/12 17:48:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 17:48:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/12 17:48:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/12 17:48:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/12 17:48:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/12 17:48:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 17:48:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/12 17:48:36 Timer 9 called 10/12 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/12 17:48:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/12 17:48:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/12 17:48:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/12 17:48:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/12 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/12 17:48:13 ========================================================================================= 11/12 17:48:13 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 11/12 17:48:13 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 11/12 17:48:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/12 17:48:13 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 11/12 17:48:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/12 17:48:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/12 17:48:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/12 17:48:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/12 17:48:14 Timer 2 called 11/12 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/12 17:48:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/12 17:48:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/12 17:48:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/12 17:48:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/12 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/12 17:48:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 11/12 17:48:16 here! 11/12 17:48:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/12 17:48:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 11/12 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/12 17:48:21 Timer 3 called 11/12 17:48:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/12 17:48:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/12 17:48:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/12 17:48:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/12 17:48:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/12 17:48:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/12 17:48:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/12 17:48:26 Timer 12 called 11/12 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/12 17:48:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/12 17:48:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/12 17:48:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/12 17:48:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/12 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/12 17:48:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/12 17:48:46 Timer 9 called 11/12 17:48:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/12 17:48:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/12 17:48:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/12 17:48:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/12 17:48:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/12 17:48:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:02:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/12 00:02:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 13/12 00:02:10 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 13/12 00:02:26 ========================================================================================= 13/12 00:02:26 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/12 00:02:26 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/12 00:02:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/12 00:02:26 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/12 00:02:26 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/12 00:02:26 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/12 00:02:27 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/12 00:02:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 00:02:27 Timer 2 called 13/12 00:02:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:02:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 00:02:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 00:02:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 00:02:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 00:02:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/12 00:02:30 here! 13/12 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/12 00:02:30 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/12 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 00:02:35 Timer 3 called 13/12 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:02:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 00:02:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 00:02:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 00:02:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 00:02:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 00:02:40 Timer 12 called 13/12 00:02:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:02:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 00:02:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 00:02:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 00:02:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 00:02:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:03:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 00:03:00 Timer 9 called 13/12 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 00:03:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 00:03:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 00:03:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 00:03:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 00:03:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/12 17:47:46 ========================================================================================= 14/12 17:47:46 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 14/12 17:47:46 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 14/12 17:47:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/12 17:47:46 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 14/12 17:47:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/12 17:47:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/12 17:47:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/12 17:47:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/12 17:47:47 Timer 2 called 14/12 17:47:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/12 17:47:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/12 17:47:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/12 17:47:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/12 17:47:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/12 17:47:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/12 17:47:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/12 17:47:49 here! 14/12 17:47:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/12 17:47:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/12 17:47:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/12 17:47:54 Timer 3 called 14/12 17:47:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/12 17:47:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/12 17:47:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/12 17:47:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/12 17:47:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/12 17:47:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/12 17:47:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/12 17:47:59 Timer 12 called 14/12 17:47:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/12 17:47:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/12 17:47:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/12 17:47:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/12 17:47:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/12 17:47:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/12 17:48:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/12 17:48:19 Timer 9 called 14/12 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/12 17:48:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/12 17:48:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/12 17:48:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/12 17:48:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/12 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/12 17:48:07 ========================================================================================= 16/12 17:48:07 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 16/12 17:48:07 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 16/12 17:48:07 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/12 17:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 16/12 17:48:07 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/12 17:48:07 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 16/12 17:48:07 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 16/12 17:48:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/12 17:48:08 Timer 2 called 16/12 17:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/12 17:48:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/12 17:48:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/12 17:48:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/12 17:48:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/12 17:48:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/12 17:48:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 16/12 17:48:11 here! 16/12 17:48:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 16/12 17:48:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 16/12 17:48:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/12 17:48:16 Timer 3 called 16/12 17:48:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/12 17:48:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/12 17:48:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/12 17:48:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/12 17:48:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/12 17:48:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/12 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/12 17:48:21 Timer 12 called 16/12 17:48:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/12 17:48:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/12 17:48:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/12 17:48:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/12 17:48:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/12 17:48:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/12 17:48:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 16/12 17:48:41 Timer 9 called 16/12 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/12 17:48:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 16/12 17:48:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 16/12 17:48:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 16/12 17:48:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 16/12 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/12 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 20/12 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 20/12 00:02:40 ========================================================================================= 20/12 00:02:40 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 20/12 00:02:40 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 20/12 00:02:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/12 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 20/12 00:02:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/12 00:02:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/12 00:02:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/12 00:02:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/12 00:02:41 Timer 2 called 20/12 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 00:02:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/12 00:02:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/12 00:02:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/12 00:02:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/12 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 20/12 00:02:44 here! 20/12 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/12 00:02:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 20/12 00:02:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/12 00:02:49 Timer 3 called 20/12 00:02:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 00:02:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/12 00:02:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/12 00:02:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/12 00:02:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/12 00:02:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 00:02:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/12 00:02:54 Timer 12 called 20/12 00:02:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 00:02:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/12 00:02:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/12 00:02:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/12 00:02:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/12 00:02:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 00:03:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/12 00:03:14 Timer 9 called 20/12 00:03:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 00:03:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/12 00:03:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/12 00:03:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/12 00:03:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/12 00:03:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 17:48:49 ========================================================================================= 20/12 17:48:49 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 20/12 17:48:49 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 20/12 17:48:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/12 17:48:49 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 20/12 17:48:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/12 17:48:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/12 17:48:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/12 17:48:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/12 17:48:50 Timer 2 called 20/12 17:48:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 17:48:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/12 17:48:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/12 17:48:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/12 17:48:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/12 17:48:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 17:48:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 20/12 17:48:52 here! 20/12 17:48:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/12 17:48:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 20/12 17:48:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/12 17:48:57 Timer 3 called 20/12 17:48:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 17:48:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/12 17:48:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/12 17:48:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/12 17:48:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/12 17:48:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 17:49:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/12 17:49:02 Timer 12 called 20/12 17:49:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 17:49:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/12 17:49:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/12 17:49:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/12 17:49:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/12 17:49:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 17:49:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/12 17:49:22 Timer 9 called 20/12 17:49:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/12 17:49:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/12 17:49:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/12 17:49:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/12 17:49:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/12 17:49:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 00:02:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/12 00:02:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 29/12 00:02:06 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 29/12 00:02:24 ========================================================================================= 29/12 00:02:24 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/12 00:02:24 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/12 00:02:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/12 00:02:24 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/12 00:02:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/12 00:02:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/12 00:02:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/12 00:02:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/12 00:02:25 Timer 2 called 29/12 00:02:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 00:02:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/12 00:02:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/12 00:02:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/12 00:02:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/12 00:02:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 00:02:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/12 00:02:27 here! 29/12 00:02:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/12 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/12 00:02:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/12 00:02:32 Timer 3 called 29/12 00:02:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 00:02:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/12 00:02:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/12 00:02:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/12 00:02:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/12 00:02:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 00:02:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/12 00:02:37 Timer 12 called 29/12 00:02:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 00:02:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/12 00:02:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/12 00:02:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/12 00:02:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/12 00:02:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 00:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/12 00:02:57 Timer 9 called 29/12 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 00:02:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/12 00:02:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/12 00:02:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/12 00:02:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/12 00:02:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 17:48:34 ========================================================================================= 29/12 17:48:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/12 17:48:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/12 17:48:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/12 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/12 17:48:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/12 17:48:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/12 17:48:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/12 17:48:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/12 17:48:35 Timer 2 called 29/12 17:48:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 17:48:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/12 17:48:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/12 17:48:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/12 17:48:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/12 17:48:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 17:48:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/12 17:48:37 here! 29/12 17:48:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/12 17:48:37 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/12 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/12 17:48:42 Timer 3 called 29/12 17:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 17:48:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/12 17:48:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/12 17:48:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/12 17:48:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/12 17:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 17:48:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/12 17:48:47 Timer 12 called 29/12 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 17:48:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/12 17:48:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/12 17:48:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/12 17:48:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/12 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 17:49:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/12 17:49:07 Timer 9 called 29/12 17:49:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/12 17:49:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/12 17:49:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/12 17:49:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/12 17:49:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/12 17:49:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 17:47:46 ========================================================================================= 30/12 17:47:46 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 30/12 17:47:46 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 30/12 17:47:46 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/12 17:47:46 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 30/12 17:47:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/12 17:47:46 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/12 17:47:47 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/12 17:47:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/12 17:47:47 Timer 2 called 30/12 17:47:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 17:47:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/12 17:47:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/12 17:47:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/12 17:47:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/12 17:47:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 17:47:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 30/12 17:47:50 here! 30/12 17:47:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/12 17:47:50 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 30/12 17:47:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/12 17:47:55 Timer 3 called 30/12 17:47:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 17:47:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/12 17:47:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/12 17:47:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/12 17:47:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/12 17:47:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 17:48:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/12 17:48:00 Timer 12 called 30/12 17:48:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 17:48:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/12 17:48:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/12 17:48:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/12 17:48:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/12 17:48:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 17:48:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/12 17:48:20 Timer 9 called 30/12 17:48:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/12 17:48:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/12 17:48:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/12 17:48:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/12 17:48:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/12 17:48:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/12 17:47:59 ========================================================================================= 31/12 17:47:59 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 31/12 17:47:59 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 31/12 17:47:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 31/12 17:47:59 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 31/12 17:47:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 31/12 17:47:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 31/12 17:47:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 31/12 17:48:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/12 17:48:00 Timer 2 called 31/12 17:48:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/12 17:48:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/12 17:48:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/12 17:48:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/12 17:48:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/12 17:48:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/12 17:48:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 31/12 17:48:02 here! 31/12 17:48:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 31/12 17:48:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 31/12 17:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/12 17:48:07 Timer 3 called 31/12 17:48:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/12 17:48:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/12 17:48:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/12 17:48:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/12 17:48:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/12 17:48:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/12 17:48:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/12 17:48:12 Timer 12 called 31/12 17:48:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/12 17:48:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/12 17:48:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/12 17:48:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/12 17:48:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/12 17:48:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/12 17:48:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/12 17:48:32 Timer 9 called 31/12 17:48:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/12 17:48:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/12 17:48:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/12 17:48:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/12 17:48:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/12 17:48:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 14:57:49 ========================================================================================= 01/01 14:57:49 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 01/01 14:57:49 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 01/01 14:57:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/01 14:57:49 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 01/01 14:57:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/01 14:57:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/01 14:57:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/01 14:57:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/01 14:57:50 Timer 2 called 01/01 14:57:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 14:57:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/01 14:57:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/01 14:57:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/01 14:57:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/01 14:57:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 14:57:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 01/01 14:57:56 here! 01/01 14:57:56 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/01 14:57:56 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 01/01 14:58:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/01 14:58:01 Timer 3 called 01/01 14:58:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 14:58:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/01 14:58:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/01 14:58:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/01 14:58:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/01 14:58:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 14:58:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/01 14:58:06 Timer 12 called 01/01 14:58:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 14:58:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/01 14:58:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/01 14:58:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/01 14:58:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/01 14:58:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 14:58:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/01 14:58:26 Timer 9 called 01/01 14:58:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 14:58:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/01 14:58:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/01 14:58:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/01 14:58:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/01 14:58:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 17:48:09 ========================================================================================= 01/01 17:48:09 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 01/01 17:48:09 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 01/01 17:48:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/01 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 01/01 17:48:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/01 17:48:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/01 17:48:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/01 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/01 17:48:10 Timer 2 called 01/01 17:48:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 17:48:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/01 17:48:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/01 17:48:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/01 17:48:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/01 17:48:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 17:48:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 01/01 17:48:13 here! 01/01 17:48:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/01 17:48:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 01/01 17:48:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/01 17:48:18 Timer 3 called 01/01 17:48:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 17:48:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/01 17:48:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/01 17:48:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/01 17:48:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/01 17:48:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 17:48:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/01 17:48:23 Timer 12 called 01/01 17:48:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 17:48:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/01 17:48:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/01 17:48:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/01 17:48:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/01 17:48:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 17:48:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/01 17:48:43 Timer 9 called 01/01 17:48:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/01 17:48:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/01 17:48:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/01 17:48:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/01 17:48:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/01 17:48:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 11:06:46 ========================================================================================= 03/01 11:06:47 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 03/01 11:06:47 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 03/01 11:06:47 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/01 11:06:47 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 03/01 11:06:47 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/01 11:06:47 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/01 11:06:47 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/01 11:06:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/01 11:06:48 Timer 2 called 03/01 11:06:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 11:06:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/01 11:06:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/01 11:06:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/01 11:06:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/01 11:06:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 11:06:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/01 11:06:57 here! 03/01 11:06:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/01 11:06:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/01 11:07:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/01 11:07:02 Timer 3 called 03/01 11:07:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 11:07:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/01 11:07:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/01 11:07:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/01 11:07:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/01 11:07:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 11:07:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/01 11:07:07 Timer 12 called 03/01 11:07:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 11:07:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/01 11:07:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/01 11:07:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/01 11:07:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/01 11:07:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 11:07:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/01 11:07:27 Timer 9 called 03/01 11:07:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 11:07:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/01 11:07:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/01 11:07:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/01 11:07:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/01 11:07:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 17:48:13 ========================================================================================= 03/01 17:48:13 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 03/01 17:48:13 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 03/01 17:48:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/01 17:48:13 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 03/01 17:48:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/01 17:48:13 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/01 17:48:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/01 17:48:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/01 17:48:14 Timer 2 called 03/01 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 17:48:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/01 17:48:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/01 17:48:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/01 17:48:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/01 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 17:48:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/01 17:48:16 here! 03/01 17:48:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/01 17:48:17 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/01 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/01 17:48:21 Timer 3 called 03/01 17:48:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 17:48:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/01 17:48:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/01 17:48:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/01 17:48:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/01 17:48:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 17:48:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/01 17:48:27 Timer 12 called 03/01 17:48:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 17:48:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/01 17:48:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/01 17:48:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/01 17:48:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/01 17:48:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 17:48:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/01 17:48:47 Timer 9 called 03/01 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/01 17:48:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/01 17:48:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/01 17:48:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/01 17:48:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/01 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01 17:48:55 ========================================================================================= 07/01 17:48:55 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/01 17:48:55 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/01 17:48:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/01 17:48:55 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/01 17:48:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/01 17:48:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/01 17:48:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/01 17:48:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/01 17:48:56 Timer 2 called 07/01 17:48:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01 17:48:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/01 17:48:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/01 17:48:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/01 17:48:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/01 17:48:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01 17:48:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/01 17:48:58 here! 07/01 17:48:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/01 17:48:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/01 17:49:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/01 17:49:03 Timer 3 called 07/01 17:49:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01 17:49:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/01 17:49:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/01 17:49:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/01 17:49:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/01 17:49:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01 17:49:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/01 17:49:08 Timer 12 called 07/01 17:49:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01 17:49:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/01 17:49:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/01 17:49:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/01 17:49:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/01 17:49:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01 17:49:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/01 17:49:28 Timer 9 called 07/01 17:49:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/01 17:49:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/01 17:49:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/01 17:49:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/01 17:49:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/01 17:49:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/01 17:48:06 ========================================================================================= 08/01 17:48:06 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 08/01 17:48:06 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 08/01 17:48:06 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/01 17:48:06 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 08/01 17:48:06 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/01 17:48:06 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/01 17:48:06 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/01 17:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/01 17:48:07 Timer 2 called 08/01 17:48:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/01 17:48:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/01 17:48:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/01 17:48:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/01 17:48:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/01 17:48:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/01 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 08/01 17:48:09 here! 08/01 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/01 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 08/01 17:48:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/01 17:48:14 Timer 3 called 08/01 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/01 17:48:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/01 17:48:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/01 17:48:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/01 17:48:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/01 17:48:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/01 17:48:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/01 17:48:19 Timer 12 called 08/01 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/01 17:48:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/01 17:48:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/01 17:48:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/01 17:48:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/01 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/01 17:48:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/01 17:48:39 Timer 9 called 08/01 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/01 17:48:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/01 17:48:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/01 17:48:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/01 17:48:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/01 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/01 17:48:27 ========================================================================================= 10/01 17:48:28 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 10/01 17:48:28 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 10/01 17:48:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/01 17:48:28 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 10/01 17:48:28 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/01 17:48:28 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/01 17:48:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/01 17:48:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/01 17:48:29 Timer 2 called 10/01 17:48:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/01 17:48:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/01 17:48:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/01 17:48:29 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/01 17:48:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/01 17:48:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/01 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 10/01 17:48:31 here! 10/01 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/01 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 10/01 17:48:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/01 17:48:36 Timer 3 called 10/01 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/01 17:48:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/01 17:48:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/01 17:48:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/01 17:48:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/01 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/01 17:48:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/01 17:48:41 Timer 12 called 10/01 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/01 17:48:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/01 17:48:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/01 17:48:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/01 17:48:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/01 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/01 17:49:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/01 17:49:01 Timer 9 called 10/01 17:49:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/01 17:49:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/01 17:49:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/01 17:49:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/01 17:49:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/01 17:49:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/01 17:48:38 ========================================================================================= 11/01 17:48:38 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 11/01 17:48:38 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 11/01 17:48:38 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/01 17:48:38 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 11/01 17:48:38 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/01 17:48:38 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/01 17:48:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/01 17:48:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/01 17:48:39 Timer 2 called 11/01 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/01 17:48:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/01 17:48:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/01 17:48:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/01 17:48:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/01 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/01 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 11/01 17:48:42 here! 11/01 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/01 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 11/01 17:48:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/01 17:48:47 Timer 3 called 11/01 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/01 17:48:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/01 17:48:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/01 17:48:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/01 17:48:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/01 17:48:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/01 17:48:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/01 17:48:52 Timer 12 called 11/01 17:48:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/01 17:48:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/01 17:48:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/01 17:48:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/01 17:48:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/01 17:48:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/01 17:49:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/01 17:49:12 Timer 9 called 11/01 17:49:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/01 17:49:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/01 17:49:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/01 17:49:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/01 17:49:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/01 17:49:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/01 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 13/01 00:02:35 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 13/01 00:02:54 ========================================================================================= 13/01 00:02:54 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/01 00:02:54 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/01 00:02:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/01 00:02:54 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/01 00:02:54 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/01 00:02:54 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/01 00:02:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/01 00:02:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/01 00:02:55 Timer 2 called 13/01 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 00:02:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/01 00:02:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/01 00:02:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/01 00:02:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/01 00:02:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/01 00:02:58 here! 13/01 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/01 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/01 00:03:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/01 00:03:03 Timer 3 called 13/01 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 00:03:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/01 00:03:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/01 00:03:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/01 00:03:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/01 00:03:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 00:03:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/01 00:03:08 Timer 12 called 13/01 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 00:03:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/01 00:03:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/01 00:03:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/01 00:03:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/01 00:03:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 00:03:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/01 00:03:28 Timer 9 called 13/01 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 00:03:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/01 00:03:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/01 00:03:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/01 00:03:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/01 00:03:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 17:48:02 ========================================================================================= 13/01 17:48:03 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/01 17:48:03 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/01 17:48:03 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/01 17:48:03 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/01 17:48:03 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/01 17:48:03 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/01 17:48:03 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/01 17:48:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/01 17:48:04 Timer 2 called 13/01 17:48:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 17:48:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/01 17:48:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/01 17:48:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/01 17:48:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/01 17:48:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 17:48:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/01 17:48:06 here! 13/01 17:48:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/01 17:48:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/01 17:48:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/01 17:48:11 Timer 3 called 13/01 17:48:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 17:48:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/01 17:48:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/01 17:48:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/01 17:48:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/01 17:48:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 17:48:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/01 17:48:16 Timer 12 called 13/01 17:48:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 17:48:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/01 17:48:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/01 17:48:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/01 17:48:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/01 17:48:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 17:48:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/01 17:48:36 Timer 9 called 13/01 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/01 17:48:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/01 17:48:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/01 17:48:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/01 17:48:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/01 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:13:47 ========================================================================================= 18/01 07:13:48 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/01 07:13:48 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/01 07:13:48 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/01 07:13:48 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/01 07:13:48 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/01 07:13:48 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/01 07:13:48 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/01 07:13:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:13:49 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:13:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:13:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:13:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:13:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:13:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:13:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:14:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:14:46 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:14:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:14:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:14:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:14:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:14:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:14:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:15:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/01 07:15:29 here! 18/01 07:15:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/01 07:15:30 here! 18/01 07:15:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:15:40 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:15:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:15:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:15:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:15:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:15:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:15:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:16:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:16:34 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:16:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:16:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:16:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:16:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:16:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:16:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:16:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/01 07:16:43 here! 18/01 07:16:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnClose 18/01 07:16:43 OnClose 18/01 07:16:43 CCRAServerDlg::ExitNow 18/01 07:16:43 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 18/01 07:16:43 Waiting LOOP for end 18/01 07:17:05 ========================================================================================= 18/01 07:17:06 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/01 07:17:06 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/01 07:17:06 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/01 07:17:06 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/01 07:17:06 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/01 07:17:06 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/01 07:17:06 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/01 07:17:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:17:07 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:17:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:17:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:17:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:17:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:17:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:17:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:18:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:18:01 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:18:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:18:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:18:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:18:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:18:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:18:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:18:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:18:55 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:18:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:18:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:18:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:18:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:18:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:18:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:19:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:19:49 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:19:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:19:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:19:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:19:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:19:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:19:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:20:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/01 07:20:07 here! 18/01 07:20:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/01 07:20:22 here! 18/01 07:20:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:20:43 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:20:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:20:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:20:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:20:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:20:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:20:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:21:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:21:37 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:21:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:21:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:21:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:21:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:21:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:21:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:22:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:22:31 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:22:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:22:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:22:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:22:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:22:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:22:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:23:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:23:25 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:23:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:23:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:23:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:23:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:23:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:23:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:24:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:24:19 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:24:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:24:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:24:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:24:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:24:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:24:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:25:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:25:13 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:25:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:25:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:25:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:25:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:25:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:25:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:26:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:26:08 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:26:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:26:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:26:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:26:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:26:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:26:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:27:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:27:03 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:27:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:27:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:27:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:27:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:27:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:27:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:27:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:27:57 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:27:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:27:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:27:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:27:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:27:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:27:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:28:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:28:51 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:28:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:28:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:28:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:28:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:28:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:28:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:29:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:29:45 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:29:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:29:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:29:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:29:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:29:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:29:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:30:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:30:39 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:30:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:30:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:30:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:30:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:30:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:30:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:31:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:31:33 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:31:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:31:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:31:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:31:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:31:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:31:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:43:41 ========================================================================================= 18/01 07:43:41 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/01 07:43:41 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/01 07:43:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/01 07:43:41 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/01 07:43:41 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/01 07:43:41 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/01 07:43:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/01 07:43:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:43:42 Timer 2 called 18/01 07:43:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:43:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:43:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:43:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:43:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:43:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:43:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/01 07:43:49 here! 18/01 07:43:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/01 07:43:49 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/01 07:43:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:43:54 Timer 3 called 18/01 07:43:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:43:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:43:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:43:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:43:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:43:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:43:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:43:59 Timer 12 called 18/01 07:43:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:43:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:43:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:43:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:43:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:43:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:44:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 07:44:19 Timer 9 called 18/01 07:44:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 07:44:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 07:44:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 07:44:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 07:44:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 07:44:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 17:47:56 ========================================================================================= 18/01 17:47:56 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/01 17:47:56 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/01 17:47:56 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/01 17:47:56 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/01 17:47:56 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/01 17:47:56 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/01 17:47:56 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/01 17:47:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 17:47:57 Timer 2 called 18/01 17:47:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 17:47:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 17:47:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 17:47:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 17:47:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 17:47:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 17:48:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/01 17:48:00 here! 18/01 17:48:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/01 17:48:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/01 17:48:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 17:48:05 Timer 3 called 18/01 17:48:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 17:48:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 17:48:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 17:48:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 17:48:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 17:48:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 17:48:10 Timer 12 called 18/01 17:48:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 17:48:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 17:48:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 17:48:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 17:48:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 17:48:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 17:48:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/01 17:48:30 Timer 9 called 18/01 17:48:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/01 17:48:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/01 17:48:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/01 17:48:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/01 17:48:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/01 17:48:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/01 17:48:08 ========================================================================================= 19/01 17:48:08 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 19/01 17:48:08 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 19/01 17:48:08 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/01 17:48:08 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 19/01 17:48:08 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/01 17:48:08 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/01 17:48:08 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/01 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/01 17:48:09 Timer 2 called 19/01 17:48:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/01 17:48:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/01 17:48:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/01 17:48:09 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/01 17:48:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/01 17:48:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/01 17:48:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/01 17:48:11 here! 19/01 17:48:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/01 17:48:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/01 17:48:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/01 17:48:16 Timer 3 called 19/01 17:48:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/01 17:48:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/01 17:48:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/01 17:48:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/01 17:48:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/01 17:48:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/01 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/01 17:48:21 Timer 12 called 19/01 17:48:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/01 17:48:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/01 17:48:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/01 17:48:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/01 17:48:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/01 17:48:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/01 17:48:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/01 17:48:41 Timer 9 called 19/01 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/01 17:48:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/01 17:48:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/01 17:48:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/01 17:48:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/01 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/01 17:48:34 ========================================================================================= 22/01 17:48:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/01 17:48:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/01 17:48:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/01 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/01 17:48:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/01 17:48:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/01 17:48:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/01 17:48:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/01 17:48:35 Timer 2 called 22/01 17:48:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/01 17:48:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/01 17:48:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/01 17:48:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/01 17:48:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/01 17:48:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/01 17:48:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/01 17:48:38 here! 22/01 17:48:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/01 17:48:38 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/01 17:48:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/01 17:48:43 Timer 3 called 22/01 17:48:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/01 17:48:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/01 17:48:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/01 17:48:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/01 17:48:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/01 17:48:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/01 17:48:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/01 17:48:48 Timer 12 called 22/01 17:48:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/01 17:48:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/01 17:48:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/01 17:48:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/01 17:48:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/01 17:48:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/01 17:49:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/01 17:49:08 Timer 9 called 22/01 17:49:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/01 17:49:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/01 17:49:08 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/01 17:49:08 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/01 17:49:08 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/01 17:49:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/01 17:48:01 ========================================================================================= 24/01 17:48:01 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 24/01 17:48:01 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 24/01 17:48:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/01 17:48:01 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 24/01 17:48:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 24/01 17:48:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 24/01 17:48:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/01 17:48:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/01 17:48:02 Timer 2 called 24/01 17:48:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/01 17:48:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/01 17:48:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/01 17:48:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/01 17:48:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/01 17:48:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/01 17:48:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 24/01 17:48:05 here! 24/01 17:48:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 24/01 17:48:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 24/01 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/01 17:48:10 Timer 3 called 24/01 17:48:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/01 17:48:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/01 17:48:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/01 17:48:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/01 17:48:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/01 17:48:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/01 17:48:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/01 17:48:15 Timer 12 called 24/01 17:48:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/01 17:48:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/01 17:48:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/01 17:48:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/01 17:48:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/01 17:48:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/01 17:48:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/01 17:48:35 Timer 9 called 24/01 17:48:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/01 17:48:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/01 17:48:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/01 17:48:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/01 17:48:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/01 17:48:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/01 17:48:36 ========================================================================================= 27/01 17:48:36 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/01 17:48:36 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/01 17:48:36 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/01 17:48:36 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/01 17:48:36 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/01 17:48:36 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/01 17:48:37 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/01 17:48:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/01 17:48:37 Timer 2 called 27/01 17:48:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/01 17:48:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/01 17:48:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/01 17:48:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/01 17:48:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/01 17:48:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/01 17:48:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/01 17:48:40 here! 27/01 17:48:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/01 17:48:40 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/01 17:48:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/01 17:48:45 Timer 3 called 27/01 17:48:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/01 17:48:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/01 17:48:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/01 17:48:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/01 17:48:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/01 17:48:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/01 17:48:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/01 17:48:50 Timer 12 called 27/01 17:48:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/01 17:48:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/01 17:48:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/01 17:48:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/01 17:48:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/01 17:48:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/01 17:49:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/01 17:49:10 Timer 9 called 27/01 17:49:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/01 17:49:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/01 17:49:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/01 17:49:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/01 17:49:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/01 17:49:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 00:02:23 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/01 00:02:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 28/01 00:02:23 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 28/01 00:02:40 ========================================================================================= 28/01 00:02:40 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/01 00:02:40 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/01 00:02:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/01 00:02:40 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/01 00:02:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/01 00:02:40 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/01 00:02:40 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/01 00:02:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/01 00:02:41 Timer 2 called 28/01 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 00:02:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/01 00:02:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/01 00:02:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/01 00:02:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/01 00:02:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/01 00:02:43 here! 28/01 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/01 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/01 00:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/01 00:02:48 Timer 3 called 28/01 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 00:02:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/01 00:02:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/01 00:02:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/01 00:02:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/01 00:02:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 00:02:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/01 00:02:53 Timer 12 called 28/01 00:02:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 00:02:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/01 00:02:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/01 00:02:53 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/01 00:02:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/01 00:02:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 00:03:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/01 00:03:13 Timer 9 called 28/01 00:03:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 00:03:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/01 00:03:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/01 00:03:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/01 00:03:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/01 00:03:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 17:48:48 ========================================================================================= 28/01 17:48:48 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/01 17:48:48 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/01 17:48:48 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/01 17:48:48 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/01 17:48:48 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/01 17:48:48 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/01 17:48:48 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/01 17:48:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/01 17:48:49 Timer 2 called 28/01 17:48:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 17:48:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/01 17:48:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/01 17:48:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/01 17:48:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/01 17:48:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 17:48:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/01 17:48:51 here! 28/01 17:48:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/01 17:48:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/01 17:48:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/01 17:48:56 Timer 3 called 28/01 17:48:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 17:48:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/01 17:48:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/01 17:48:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/01 17:48:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/01 17:48:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 17:49:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/01 17:49:01 Timer 12 called 28/01 17:49:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 17:49:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/01 17:49:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/01 17:49:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/01 17:49:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/01 17:49:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 17:49:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/01 17:49:21 Timer 9 called 28/01 17:49:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/01 17:49:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/01 17:49:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/01 17:49:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/01 17:49:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/01 17:49:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/01 17:47:59 ========================================================================================= 29/01 17:47:59 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/01 17:47:59 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/01 17:47:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/01 17:47:59 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/01 17:47:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/01 17:47:59 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/01 17:47:59 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/01 17:48:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/01 17:48:00 Timer 2 called 29/01 17:48:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/01 17:48:00 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/01 17:48:00 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/01 17:48:00 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/01 17:48:00 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/01 17:48:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/01 17:48:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/01 17:48:02 here! 29/01 17:48:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/01 17:48:02 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/01 17:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/01 17:48:07 Timer 3 called 29/01 17:48:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/01 17:48:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/01 17:48:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/01 17:48:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/01 17:48:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/01 17:48:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/01 17:48:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/01 17:48:12 Timer 12 called 29/01 17:48:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/01 17:48:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/01 17:48:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/01 17:48:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/01 17:48:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/01 17:48:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/01 17:48:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/01 17:48:32 Timer 9 called 29/01 17:48:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/01 17:48:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/01 17:48:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/01 17:48:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/01 17:48:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/01 17:48:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/02 17:48:31 ========================================================================================= 01/02 17:48:31 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 01/02 17:48:31 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 01/02 17:48:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/02 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 01/02 17:48:31 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/02 17:48:31 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/02 17:48:31 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/02 17:48:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/02 17:48:32 Timer 2 called 01/02 17:48:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/02 17:48:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/02 17:48:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/02 17:48:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/02 17:48:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/02 17:48:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/02 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 01/02 17:48:34 here! 01/02 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/02 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 01/02 17:48:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/02 17:48:39 Timer 3 called 01/02 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/02 17:48:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/02 17:48:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/02 17:48:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/02 17:48:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/02 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/02 17:48:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/02 17:48:44 Timer 12 called 01/02 17:48:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/02 17:48:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/02 17:48:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/02 17:48:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/02 17:48:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/02 17:48:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/02 17:49:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/02 17:49:04 Timer 9 called 01/02 17:49:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/02 17:49:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/02 17:49:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/02 17:49:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/02 17:49:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/02 17:49:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/02 17:48:41 ========================================================================================= 02/02 17:48:42 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/02 17:48:42 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 02/02 17:48:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/02 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/02 17:48:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/02 17:48:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/02 17:48:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/02 17:48:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/02 17:48:43 Timer 2 called 02/02 17:48:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/02 17:48:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/02 17:48:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/02 17:48:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/02 17:48:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/02 17:48:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/02 17:48:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/02 17:48:45 here! 02/02 17:48:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/02 17:48:45 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/02 17:48:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/02 17:48:50 Timer 3 called 02/02 17:48:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/02 17:48:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/02 17:48:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/02 17:48:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/02 17:48:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/02 17:48:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/02 17:48:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/02 17:48:55 Timer 12 called 02/02 17:48:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/02 17:48:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/02 17:48:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/02 17:48:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/02 17:48:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/02 17:48:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/02 17:49:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/02 17:49:15 Timer 9 called 02/02 17:49:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/02 17:49:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/02 17:49:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/02 17:49:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/02 17:49:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/02 17:49:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/02 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 03/02 00:02:28 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 03/02 00:02:45 ========================================================================================= 03/02 00:02:45 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 03/02 00:02:45 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 03/02 00:02:45 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/02 00:02:45 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 03/02 00:02:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/02 00:02:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/02 00:02:45 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/02 00:02:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 00:02:46 Timer 2 called 03/02 00:02:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 00:02:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 00:02:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 00:02:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 00:02:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 00:02:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 00:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/02 00:02:48 here! 03/02 00:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/02 00:02:48 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/02 00:02:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 00:02:53 Timer 3 called 03/02 00:02:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 00:02:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 00:02:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 00:02:53 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 00:02:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 00:02:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 00:02:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 00:02:58 Timer 12 called 03/02 00:02:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 00:02:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 00:02:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 00:02:58 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 00:02:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 00:02:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 00:03:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 00:03:18 Timer 9 called 03/02 00:03:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 00:03:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 00:03:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 00:03:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 00:03:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 00:03:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 12:03:15 ========================================================================================= 03/02 12:03:15 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 03/02 12:03:15 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 03/02 12:03:15 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/02 12:03:15 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 03/02 12:03:15 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/02 12:03:15 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/02 12:03:16 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/02 12:03:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 12:03:16 Timer 2 called 03/02 12:03:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 12:03:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 12:03:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 12:03:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 12:03:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 12:03:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 12:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/02 12:03:25 here! 03/02 12:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/02 12:03:25 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/02 12:03:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 12:03:30 Timer 3 called 03/02 12:03:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 12:03:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 12:03:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 12:03:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 12:03:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 12:03:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 12:03:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 12:03:35 Timer 12 called 03/02 12:03:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 12:03:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 12:03:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 12:03:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 12:03:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 12:03:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 12:03:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 12:03:55 Timer 9 called 03/02 12:03:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 12:03:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 12:03:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 12:03:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 12:03:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 12:03:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 12:23:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 03/02 12:23:13 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/02 12:23:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/02 12:23:13 here! 03/02 12:23:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/02 12:23:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/02 12:23:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 03/02 12:23:15 Cancel Dlg by User 03/02 12:23:15 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/02 12:23:15 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 03/02 12:23:15 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/02 12:23:15 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/02 12:23:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/02 12:23:15 here! 03/02 12:23:15 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/02 12:23:15 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/02 17:48:33 ========================================================================================= 03/02 17:48:33 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 03/02 17:48:33 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 03/02 17:48:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/02 17:48:33 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 03/02 17:48:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/02 17:48:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/02 17:48:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/02 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 17:48:34 Timer 2 called 03/02 17:48:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 17:48:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 17:48:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 17:48:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 17:48:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 17:48:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 17:48:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/02 17:48:36 here! 03/02 17:48:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/02 17:48:36 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/02 17:48:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 17:48:41 Timer 3 called 03/02 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 17:48:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 17:48:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 17:48:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 17:48:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 17:48:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 17:48:46 Timer 12 called 03/02 17:48:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 17:48:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 17:48:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 17:48:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 17:48:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 17:48:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 17:49:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/02 17:49:06 Timer 9 called 03/02 17:49:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/02 17:49:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/02 17:49:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/02 17:49:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/02 17:49:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/02 17:49:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/02 21:07:22 ========================================================================================= 05/02 21:07:23 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 05/02 21:07:23 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 05/02 21:07:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/02 21:07:23 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 05/02 21:07:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/02 21:07:23 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/02 21:07:23 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/02 21:07:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/02 21:07:24 Timer 2 called 05/02 21:07:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/02 21:07:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/02 21:07:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/02 21:07:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/02 21:07:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/02 21:07:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/02 21:07:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 05/02 21:07:35 here! 05/02 21:07:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 05/02 21:07:35 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 05/02 21:07:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/02 21:07:40 Timer 3 called 05/02 21:07:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/02 21:07:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/02 21:07:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/02 21:07:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/02 21:07:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/02 21:07:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/02 21:07:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/02 21:07:45 Timer 12 called 05/02 21:07:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/02 21:07:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/02 21:07:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/02 21:07:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/02 21:07:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/02 21:07:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/02 21:08:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/02 21:08:05 Timer 9 called 05/02 21:08:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/02 21:08:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/02 21:08:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/02 21:08:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/02 21:08:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/02 21:08:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/02 17:47:57 ========================================================================================= 07/02 17:47:57 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/02 17:47:57 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/02 17:47:57 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/02 17:47:57 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/02 17:47:57 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/02 17:47:57 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/02 17:47:57 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/02 17:47:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/02 17:47:58 Timer 2 called 07/02 17:47:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/02 17:47:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/02 17:47:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/02 17:47:58 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/02 17:47:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/02 17:47:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/02 17:48:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/02 17:48:00 here! 07/02 17:48:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/02 17:48:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/02 17:48:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/02 17:48:05 Timer 3 called 07/02 17:48:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/02 17:48:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/02 17:48:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/02 17:48:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/02 17:48:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/02 17:48:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/02 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/02 17:48:10 Timer 12 called 07/02 17:48:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/02 17:48:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/02 17:48:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/02 17:48:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/02 17:48:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/02 17:48:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/02 17:48:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/02 17:48:30 Timer 9 called 07/02 17:48:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/02 17:48:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/02 17:48:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/02 17:48:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/02 17:48:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/02 17:48:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/02 17:48:07 ========================================================================================= 08/02 17:48:08 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 08/02 17:48:08 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 08/02 17:48:08 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/02 17:48:08 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 08/02 17:48:08 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/02 17:48:08 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 08/02 17:48:08 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 08/02 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/02 17:48:09 Timer 2 called 08/02 17:48:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/02 17:48:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/02 17:48:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/02 17:48:09 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/02 17:48:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/02 17:48:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/02 17:48:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 08/02 17:48:11 here! 08/02 17:48:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 08/02 17:48:11 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 08/02 17:48:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/02 17:48:16 Timer 3 called 08/02 17:48:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/02 17:48:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/02 17:48:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/02 17:48:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/02 17:48:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/02 17:48:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/02 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/02 17:48:21 Timer 12 called 08/02 17:48:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/02 17:48:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/02 17:48:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/02 17:48:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/02 17:48:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/02 17:48:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/02 17:48:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 08/02 17:48:41 Timer 9 called 08/02 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08/02 17:48:41 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 08/02 17:48:41 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 08/02 17:48:41 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 08/02 17:48:41 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 08/02 17:48:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/02 17:48:28 ========================================================================================= 10/02 17:48:28 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 10/02 17:48:28 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 10/02 17:48:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/02 17:48:28 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 10/02 17:48:28 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/02 17:48:28 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 10/02 17:48:28 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 10/02 17:48:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/02 17:48:29 Timer 2 called 10/02 17:48:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/02 17:48:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/02 17:48:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/02 17:48:29 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/02 17:48:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/02 17:48:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/02 17:48:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 10/02 17:48:32 here! 10/02 17:48:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 10/02 17:48:32 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 10/02 17:48:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/02 17:48:37 Timer 3 called 10/02 17:48:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/02 17:48:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/02 17:48:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/02 17:48:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/02 17:48:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/02 17:48:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/02 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/02 17:48:42 Timer 12 called 10/02 17:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/02 17:48:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/02 17:48:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/02 17:48:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/02 17:48:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/02 17:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/02 17:49:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 10/02 17:49:02 Timer 9 called 10/02 17:49:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/02 17:49:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 10/02 17:49:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 10/02 17:49:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 10/02 17:49:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 10/02 17:49:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 13:53:57 ========================================================================================= 11/02 13:53:57 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 11/02 13:53:57 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 11/02 13:53:57 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/02 13:53:57 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 11/02 13:53:57 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/02 13:53:57 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/02 13:53:57 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/02 13:53:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/02 13:53:58 Timer 2 called 11/02 13:53:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 13:53:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/02 13:53:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/02 13:53:58 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/02 13:53:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/02 13:53:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 13:54:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 11/02 13:54:10 here! 11/02 13:54:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/02 13:54:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 11/02 13:54:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/02 13:54:15 Timer 3 called 11/02 13:54:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 13:54:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/02 13:54:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/02 13:54:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/02 13:54:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/02 13:54:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 13:54:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/02 13:54:20 Timer 12 called 11/02 13:54:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 13:54:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/02 13:54:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/02 13:54:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/02 13:54:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/02 13:54:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 13:54:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/02 13:54:40 Timer 9 called 11/02 13:54:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 13:54:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/02 13:54:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/02 13:54:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/02 13:54:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/02 13:54:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 17:48:14 ========================================================================================= 11/02 17:48:14 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 11/02 17:48:14 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 11/02 17:48:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/02 17:48:14 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 11/02 17:48:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/02 17:48:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 11/02 17:48:15 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 11/02 17:48:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/02 17:48:15 Timer 2 called 11/02 17:48:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 17:48:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/02 17:48:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/02 17:48:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/02 17:48:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/02 17:48:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 17:48:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 11/02 17:48:18 here! 11/02 17:48:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 11/02 17:48:18 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 11/02 17:48:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/02 17:48:23 Timer 3 called 11/02 17:48:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 17:48:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/02 17:48:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/02 17:48:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/02 17:48:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/02 17:48:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 17:48:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/02 17:48:28 Timer 12 called 11/02 17:48:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 17:48:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/02 17:48:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/02 17:48:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/02 17:48:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/02 17:48:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 17:48:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 11/02 17:48:48 Timer 9 called 11/02 17:48:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02 17:48:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 11/02 17:48:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 11/02 17:48:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 11/02 17:48:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 11/02 17:48:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/02 17:48:25 ========================================================================================= 12/02 17:48:25 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/02 17:48:25 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/02 17:48:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/02 17:48:25 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/02 17:48:25 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/02 17:48:25 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/02 17:48:25 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/02 17:48:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/02 17:48:26 Timer 2 called 12/02 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/02 17:48:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/02 17:48:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/02 17:48:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/02 17:48:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/02 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/02 17:48:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/02 17:48:29 here! 12/02 17:48:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/02 17:48:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/02 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/02 17:48:34 Timer 3 called 12/02 17:48:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/02 17:48:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/02 17:48:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/02 17:48:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/02 17:48:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/02 17:48:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/02 17:48:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/02 17:48:39 Timer 12 called 12/02 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/02 17:48:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/02 17:48:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/02 17:48:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/02 17:48:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/02 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/02 17:48:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/02 17:48:59 Timer 9 called 12/02 17:48:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/02 17:48:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/02 17:48:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/02 17:48:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/02 17:48:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/02 17:48:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/02 14:24:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 15/02 14:24:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/02 14:24:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/02 14:24:41 here! 15/02 14:24:41 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/02 14:24:41 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 15/02 14:24:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedCheckBackup 15/02 14:24:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedCheckBackup 15/02 14:24:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 15/02 14:24:54 Cancel Dlg by User 15/02 14:24:54 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/02 14:24:54 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 15/02 14:24:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/02 14:24:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 15/02 14:24:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 15/02 14:24:54 here! 15/02 14:24:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 15/02 14:24:54 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/02 17:48:26 ========================================================================================= 18/02 17:48:26 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 18/02 17:48:26 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 18/02 17:48:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/02 17:48:26 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 18/02 17:48:26 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/02 17:48:26 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 18/02 17:48:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 18/02 17:48:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/02 17:48:27 Timer 2 called 18/02 17:48:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 17:48:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/02 17:48:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/02 17:48:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/02 17:48:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/02 17:48:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 17:48:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 18/02 17:48:29 here! 18/02 17:48:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 18/02 17:48:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 18/02 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/02 17:48:34 Timer 3 called 18/02 17:48:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 17:48:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/02 17:48:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/02 17:48:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/02 17:48:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/02 17:48:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 17:48:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/02 17:48:39 Timer 12 called 18/02 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 17:48:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/02 17:48:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/02 17:48:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/02 17:48:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/02 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 17:48:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 18/02 17:48:59 Timer 9 called 18/02 17:48:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/02 17:48:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 18/02 17:48:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 18/02 17:48:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 18/02 17:48:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 18/02 17:48:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 11:21:01 ========================================================================================= 19/02 11:21:01 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 19/02 11:21:01 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 19/02 11:21:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/02 11:21:01 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 19/02 11:21:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/02 11:21:01 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/02 11:21:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/02 11:21:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/02 11:21:02 Timer 2 called 19/02 11:21:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 11:21:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/02 11:21:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/02 11:21:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/02 11:21:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/02 11:21:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 11:21:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/02 11:21:05 here! 19/02 11:21:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/02 11:21:05 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/02 11:21:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/02 11:21:10 Timer 3 called 19/02 11:21:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 11:21:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/02 11:21:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/02 11:21:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/02 11:21:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/02 11:21:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 11:21:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/02 11:21:15 Timer 12 called 19/02 11:21:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 11:21:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/02 11:21:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/02 11:21:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/02 11:21:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/02 11:21:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 11:21:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/02 11:21:35 Timer 9 called 19/02 11:21:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 11:21:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/02 11:21:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/02 11:21:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/02 11:21:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/02 11:21:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 17:48:09 ========================================================================================= 19/02 17:48:09 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 19/02 17:48:09 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 19/02 17:48:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/02 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 19/02 17:48:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/02 17:48:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/02 17:48:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/02 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/02 17:48:10 Timer 2 called 19/02 17:48:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 17:48:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/02 17:48:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/02 17:48:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/02 17:48:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/02 17:48:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 17:48:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/02 17:48:12 here! 19/02 17:48:12 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/02 17:48:12 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/02 17:48:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/02 17:48:17 Timer 3 called 19/02 17:48:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 17:48:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/02 17:48:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/02 17:48:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/02 17:48:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/02 17:48:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 17:48:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/02 17:48:22 Timer 12 called 19/02 17:48:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 17:48:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/02 17:48:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/02 17:48:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/02 17:48:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/02 17:48:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/02 17:48:42 Timer 9 called 19/02 17:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02 17:48:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/02 17:48:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/02 17:48:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/02 17:48:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/02 17:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:48:30 ========================================================================================= 21/02 17:48:30 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 21/02 17:48:30 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 21/02 17:48:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/02 17:48:30 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 21/02 17:48:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/02 17:48:30 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 21/02 17:48:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 21/02 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/02 17:48:31 Timer 2 called 21/02 17:48:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:48:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/02 17:48:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/02 17:48:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/02 17:48:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/02 17:48:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 21/02 17:48:34 here! 21/02 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 21/02 17:48:34 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 21/02 17:48:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/02 17:48:39 Timer 3 called 21/02 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:48:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/02 17:48:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/02 17:48:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/02 17:48:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/02 17:48:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:48:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/02 17:48:44 Timer 12 called 21/02 17:48:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:48:44 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/02 17:48:44 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/02 17:48:44 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/02 17:48:44 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/02 17:48:44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:49:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 21/02 17:49:04 Timer 9 called 21/02 17:49:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/02 17:49:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 21/02 17:49:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 21/02 17:49:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 21/02 17:49:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 21/02 17:49:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 17:48:41 ========================================================================================= 22/02 17:48:41 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 22/02 17:48:41 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 22/02 17:48:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/02 17:48:41 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 22/02 17:48:41 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/02 17:48:41 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 22/02 17:48:41 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 22/02 17:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/02 17:48:42 Timer 2 called 22/02 17:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 17:48:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/02 17:48:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/02 17:48:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/02 17:48:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/02 17:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 17:48:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 22/02 17:48:44 here! 22/02 17:48:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 22/02 17:48:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 22/02 17:48:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/02 17:48:49 Timer 3 called 22/02 17:48:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 17:48:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/02 17:48:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/02 17:48:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/02 17:48:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/02 17:48:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 17:48:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/02 17:48:54 Timer 12 called 22/02 17:48:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 17:48:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/02 17:48:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/02 17:48:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/02 17:48:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/02 17:48:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 17:49:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 22/02 17:49:14 Timer 9 called 22/02 17:49:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/02 17:49:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 22/02 17:49:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 22/02 17:49:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 22/02 17:49:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 22/02 17:49:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/02 17:47:53 ========================================================================================= 23/02 17:47:53 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 23/02 17:47:53 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 23/02 17:47:53 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/02 17:47:53 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 23/02 17:47:53 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/02 17:47:53 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 23/02 17:47:53 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 23/02 17:47:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/02 17:47:54 Timer 2 called 23/02 17:47:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/02 17:47:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/02 17:47:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/02 17:47:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/02 17:47:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/02 17:47:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/02 17:47:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 23/02 17:47:56 here! 23/02 17:47:56 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 23/02 17:47:56 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 23/02 17:48:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/02 17:48:01 Timer 3 called 23/02 17:48:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/02 17:48:01 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/02 17:48:01 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/02 17:48:01 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/02 17:48:01 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/02 17:48:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/02 17:48:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/02 17:48:06 Timer 12 called 23/02 17:48:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/02 17:48:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/02 17:48:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/02 17:48:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/02 17:48:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/02 17:48:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/02 17:48:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 23/02 17:48:26 Timer 9 called 23/02 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/02 17:48:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 23/02 17:48:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 23/02 17:48:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 23/02 17:48:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 23/02 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/02 17:48:24 ========================================================================================= 26/02 17:48:24 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 26/02 17:48:24 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 26/02 17:48:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/02 17:48:24 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 26/02 17:48:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 26/02 17:48:24 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 26/02 17:48:24 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/02 17:48:25 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/02 17:48:25 Timer 2 called 26/02 17:48:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/02 17:48:25 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/02 17:48:25 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/02 17:48:25 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/02 17:48:25 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/02 17:48:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/02 17:48:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 26/02 17:48:27 here! 26/02 17:48:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 26/02 17:48:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 26/02 17:48:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/02 17:48:32 Timer 3 called 26/02 17:48:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/02 17:48:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/02 17:48:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/02 17:48:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/02 17:48:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/02 17:48:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/02 17:48:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/02 17:48:37 Timer 12 called 26/02 17:48:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/02 17:48:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/02 17:48:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/02 17:48:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/02 17:48:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/02 17:48:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/02 17:48:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/02 17:48:57 Timer 9 called 26/02 17:48:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/02 17:48:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/02 17:48:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/02 17:48:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/02 17:48:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/02 17:48:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/03 17:47:55 ========================================================================================= 01/03 17:47:55 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 01/03 17:47:55 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 01/03 17:47:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/03 17:47:55 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 01/03 17:47:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/03 17:47:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 01/03 17:47:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/03 17:47:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/03 17:47:56 Timer 2 called 01/03 17:47:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/03 17:47:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/03 17:47:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/03 17:47:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/03 17:47:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/03 17:47:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/03 17:47:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 01/03 17:47:59 here! 01/03 17:47:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/03 17:47:59 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 01/03 17:48:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/03 17:48:04 Timer 3 called 01/03 17:48:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/03 17:48:04 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/03 17:48:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/03 17:48:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/03 17:48:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/03 17:48:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/03 17:48:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/03 17:48:09 Timer 12 called 01/03 17:48:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/03 17:48:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/03 17:48:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/03 17:48:09 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/03 17:48:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/03 17:48:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/03 17:48:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/03 17:48:29 Timer 9 called 01/03 17:48:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/03 17:48:29 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/03 17:48:29 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/03 17:48:29 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/03 17:48:29 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/03 17:48:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:48:06 ========================================================================================= 02/03 17:48:06 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/03 17:48:06 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 02/03 17:48:06 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/03 17:48:06 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/03 17:48:06 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/03 17:48:06 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 02/03 17:48:06 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/03 17:48:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/03 17:48:07 Timer 2 called 02/03 17:48:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:48:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/03 17:48:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/03 17:48:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/03 17:48:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/03 17:48:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/03 17:48:10 here! 02/03 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/03 17:48:10 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/03 17:48:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/03 17:48:15 Timer 3 called 02/03 17:48:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:48:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/03 17:48:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/03 17:48:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/03 17:48:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/03 17:48:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:48:20 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/03 17:48:20 Timer 12 called 02/03 17:48:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:48:20 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/03 17:48:20 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/03 17:48:20 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/03 17:48:20 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/03 17:48:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:48:40 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/03 17:48:40 Timer 9 called 02/03 17:48:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/03 17:48:40 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/03 17:48:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 02/03 17:48:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 02/03 17:48:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/03 17:48:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 00:01:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/03 00:01:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 03/03 00:01:53 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 03/03 00:02:09 ========================================================================================= 03/03 00:02:09 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 03/03 00:02:09 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 03/03 00:02:09 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/03 00:02:09 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 03/03 00:02:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/03 00:02:09 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/03 00:02:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/03 00:02:10 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/03 00:02:10 Timer 2 called 03/03 00:02:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 00:02:10 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/03 00:02:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/03 00:02:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/03 00:02:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/03 00:02:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 00:02:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/03 00:02:13 here! 03/03 00:02:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/03 00:02:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/03 00:02:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/03 00:02:18 Timer 3 called 03/03 00:02:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 00:02:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/03 00:02:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/03 00:02:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/03 00:02:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/03 00:02:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 00:02:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/03 00:02:23 Timer 12 called 03/03 00:02:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 00:02:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/03 00:02:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/03 00:02:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/03 00:02:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/03 00:02:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 00:02:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/03 00:02:43 Timer 9 called 03/03 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 00:02:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/03 00:02:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/03 00:02:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/03 00:02:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/03 00:02:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 17:48:17 ========================================================================================= 03/03 17:48:18 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 03/03 17:48:18 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 03/03 17:48:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/03 17:48:18 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 03/03 17:48:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/03 17:48:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 03/03 17:48:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/03 17:48:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/03 17:48:19 Timer 2 called 03/03 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 17:48:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/03 17:48:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/03 17:48:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/03 17:48:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/03 17:48:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/03 17:48:21 here! 03/03 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/03 17:48:21 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/03 17:48:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/03 17:48:26 Timer 3 called 03/03 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 17:48:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/03 17:48:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/03 17:48:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/03 17:48:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/03 17:48:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/03 17:48:31 Timer 12 called 03/03 17:48:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 17:48:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/03 17:48:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/03 17:48:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/03 17:48:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/03 17:48:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 17:48:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/03 17:48:51 Timer 9 called 03/03 17:48:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/03 17:48:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/03 17:48:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 03/03 17:48:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 03/03 17:48:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/03 17:48:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/03 14:59:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/03 14:59:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 14/03 14:59:51 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 14/03 15:00:09 ========================================================================================= 14/03 15:00:10 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 14/03 15:00:10 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 14/03 15:00:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/03 15:00:10 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 14/03 15:00:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/03 15:00:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 14/03 15:00:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 14/03 15:00:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/03 15:00:11 Timer 2 called 14/03 15:00:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/03 15:00:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/03 15:00:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/03 15:00:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/03 15:00:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/03 15:00:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/03 15:00:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 14/03 15:00:13 here! 14/03 15:00:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 14/03 15:00:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 14/03 15:00:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/03 15:00:18 Timer 3 called 14/03 15:00:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/03 15:00:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/03 15:00:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/03 15:00:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/03 15:00:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/03 15:00:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/03 15:00:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/03 15:00:23 Timer 12 called 14/03 15:00:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/03 15:00:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/03 15:00:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/03 15:00:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/03 15:00:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/03 15:00:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/03 15:00:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 14/03 15:00:43 Timer 9 called 14/03 15:00:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/03 15:00:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 14/03 15:00:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 14/03 15:00:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 14/03 15:00:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 14/03 15:00:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:36:43 ========================================================================================= 31/03 11:36:44 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 31/03 11:36:44 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 31/03 11:36:44 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 31/03 11:36:44 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 31/03 11:36:44 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 31/03 11:36:44 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 31/03 11:36:44 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 31/03 11:36:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:36:45 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:36:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:36:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:36:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:36:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:36:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:36:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:37:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 31/03 11:37:43 here! 31/03 11:37:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:37:45 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:37:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:37:45 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:37:45 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:37:45 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:37:45 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:37:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:38:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 31/03 11:38:19 here! 31/03 11:38:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:38:34 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:38:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:38:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:38:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:38:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:38:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:38:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:39:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:39:28 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:39:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:39:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:39:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:39:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:39:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:39:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:40:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:40:34 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:40:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:40:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:40:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:40:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:40:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:40:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:41:28 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:41:28 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:41:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:41:28 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:41:28 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:41:28 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:41:28 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:41:28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:42:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:42:23 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:42:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:42:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:42:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:42:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:42:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:42:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:43:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:43:17 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:43:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:43:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:43:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:43:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:43:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:43:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:44:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:44:11 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:44:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:44:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:44:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:44:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:44:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:44:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:45:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:45:05 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:45:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:45:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:45:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:45:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:45:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:45:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:45:59 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:45:59 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:45:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:45:59 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:45:59 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:45:59 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:45:59 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:45:59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:46:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:46:53 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:46:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:46:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:46:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:46:53 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:46:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:46:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:47:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:47:47 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:47:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:47:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:47:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:47:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:47:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:47:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:48:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:48:42 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:48:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:48:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:48:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:48:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:48:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:49:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:49:36 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:49:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:49:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:49:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:49:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:49:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:49:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:50:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:50:30 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:50:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:50:30 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:50:30 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:50:30 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:50:30 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:50:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:51:24 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:51:24 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:51:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:51:24 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:51:24 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:51:24 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:51:24 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:51:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:52:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:52:18 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:52:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:52:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:52:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:52:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:52:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:52:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:53:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:53:12 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:53:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:53:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:53:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:53:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:53:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:53:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:53:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 31/03 11:53:44 here! 31/03 11:53:45 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 31/03 11:53:45 here! 31/03 11:54:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 31/03 11:54:04 here! 31/03 11:54:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnClose 31/03 11:54:04 OnClose 31/03 11:54:04 CCRAServerDlg::ExitNow 31/03 11:54:04 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 31/03 11:54:04 Waiting LOOP for end 31/03 11:54:05 Waiting LOOP for end 31/03 11:54:14 ========================================================================================= 31/03 11:54:14 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 31/03 11:54:14 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 31/03 11:54:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 31/03 11:54:14 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 31/03 11:54:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 31/03 11:54:14 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 31/03 11:54:14 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 31/03 11:54:15 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:54:15 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:54:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:54:15 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:54:15 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:54:15 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:54:15 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:54:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:55:09 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:55:09 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:55:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:55:09 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:55:09 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:55:09 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:55:09 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:55:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:56:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:56:03 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:56:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:56:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:56:04 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:56:04 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:56:04 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:56:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:56:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 11:56:58 Timer 2 called 31/03 11:56:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 11:56:58 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 11:56:58 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 11:56:58 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 11:56:58 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 11:56:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 12:14:33 ========================================================================================= 31/03 12:14:33 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 31/03 12:14:33 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 31/03 12:14:33 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 31/03 12:14:33 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 31/03 12:14:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 31/03 12:14:33 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 31/03 12:14:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 31/03 12:14:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 12:14:34 Timer 2 called 31/03 12:14:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 12:14:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 12:14:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 12:14:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 12:14:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 12:14:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 12:14:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 31/03 12:14:42 here! 31/03 12:14:42 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 31/03 12:14:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 31/03 12:14:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 12:14:47 Timer 3 called 31/03 12:14:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 12:14:47 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 12:14:47 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 12:14:47 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 12:14:47 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 12:14:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 12:14:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 12:14:52 Timer 12 called 31/03 12:14:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 12:14:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 12:14:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 12:14:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 12:14:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 12:14:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 12:15:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 31/03 12:15:12 Timer 9 called 31/03 12:15:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/03 12:15:12 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 31/03 12:15:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 31/03 12:15:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 31/03 12:15:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 31/03 12:15:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 23:00:49 ========================================================================================= 27/04 23:00:49 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 27/04 23:00:49 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 27/04 23:00:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/04 23:00:49 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 27/04 23:00:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/04 23:00:49 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 27/04 23:00:49 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 27/04 23:00:50 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/04 23:00:50 Timer 2 called 27/04 23:00:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 23:00:50 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/04 23:00:50 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/04 23:00:50 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/04 23:00:50 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/04 23:00:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 23:00:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 27/04 23:00:57 here! 27/04 23:00:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 27/04 23:00:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 27/04 23:01:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/04 23:01:02 Timer 3 called 27/04 23:01:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 23:01:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/04 23:01:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/04 23:01:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/04 23:01:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/04 23:01:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 23:01:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/04 23:01:07 Timer 12 called 27/04 23:01:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 23:01:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/04 23:01:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/04 23:01:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/04 23:01:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/04 23:01:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 23:01:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 27/04 23:01:27 Timer 9 called 27/04 23:01:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/04 23:01:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 27/04 23:01:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 27/04 23:01:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 27/04 23:01:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 27/04 23:01:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/04 05:28:55 ========================================================================================= 29/04 05:28:55 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/04 05:28:55 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/04 05:28:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/04 05:28:55 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/04 05:28:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/04 05:28:55 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/04 05:28:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/04 05:28:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/04 05:28:56 Timer 2 called 29/04 05:28:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/04 05:28:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/04 05:28:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/04 05:28:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/04 05:28:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/04 05:28:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/04 05:29:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/04 05:29:03 here! 29/04 05:29:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/04 05:29:03 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/04 05:29:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/04 05:29:08 Timer 3 called 29/04 05:29:08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/04 05:29:08 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/04 05:29:10 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/04 05:29:10 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/04 05:29:10 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/04 05:29:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/04 05:29:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/04 05:29:13 Timer 12 called 29/04 05:29:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/04 05:29:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/04 05:29:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/04 05:29:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/04 05:29:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/04 05:29:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/04 05:29:33 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/04 05:29:33 Timer 9 called 29/04 05:29:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/04 05:29:33 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/04 05:29:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/04 05:29:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/04 05:29:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/04 05:29:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/05 13:04:09 ========================================================================================= 20/05 13:04:10 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 20/05 13:04:10 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 20/05 13:04:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/05 13:04:10 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 20/05 13:04:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/05 13:04:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/05 13:04:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/05 13:04:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/05 13:04:11 Timer 2 called 20/05 13:04:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/05 13:04:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/05 13:04:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/05 13:04:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/05 13:04:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/05 13:04:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/05 13:04:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 20/05 13:04:16 here! 20/05 13:04:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/05 13:04:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 20/05 13:04:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/05 13:04:21 Timer 3 called 20/05 13:04:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/05 13:04:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/05 13:04:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/05 13:04:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/05 13:04:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/05 13:04:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/05 13:04:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/05 13:04:26 Timer 12 called 20/05 13:04:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/05 13:04:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/05 13:04:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/05 13:04:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/05 13:04:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/05 13:04:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/05 13:04:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/05 13:04:46 Timer 9 called 20/05 13:04:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/05 13:04:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/05 13:04:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/05 13:04:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/05 13:04:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/05 13:04:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 16:18:38 ========================================================================================= 28/07 16:18:38 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/07 16:18:38 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/07 16:18:38 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 16:18:38 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/07 16:18:38 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/07 16:18:38 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/07 16:18:39 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 16:18:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/07 16:18:39 Timer 2 called 28/07 16:18:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 16:18:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/07 16:18:40 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/07 16:18:40 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/07 16:18:40 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/07 16:18:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 16:18:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/07 16:18:57 here! 28/07 16:18:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/07 16:18:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/07 16:19:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/07 16:19:02 Timer 3 called 28/07 16:19:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 16:19:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/07 16:19:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/07 16:19:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/07 16:19:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/07 16:19:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 16:19:07 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/07 16:19:07 Timer 12 called 28/07 16:19:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 16:19:07 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/07 16:19:07 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/07 16:19:07 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/07 16:19:07 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/07 16:19:07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 16:19:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/07 16:19:27 Timer 9 called 28/07 16:19:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 16:19:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/07 16:19:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/07 16:19:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/07 16:19:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/07 16:19:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 17:22:34 ========================================================================================= 28/07 17:22:34 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 28/07 17:22:34 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 28/07 17:22:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:22:34 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 28/07 17:22:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/07 17:22:34 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 28/07 17:22:34 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:22:35 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/07 17:22:35 Timer 2 called 28/07 17:22:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 17:22:35 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/07 17:22:35 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/07 17:22:35 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/07 17:22:35 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/07 17:22:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 17:22:44 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/07 17:22:44 here! 28/07 17:22:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/07 17:22:44 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/07 17:22:49 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/07 17:22:49 Timer 3 called 28/07 17:22:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 17:22:49 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/07 17:22:49 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/07 17:22:49 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/07 17:22:49 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/07 17:22:49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 17:22:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 28/07 17:22:51 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:22:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/07 17:22:51 here! 28/07 17:22:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/07 17:22:51 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/07 17:22:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnCancel 28/07 17:22:52 OnCancel 28/07 17:22:52 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 28/07 17:22:52 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:22:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnCancel 28/07 17:22:53 OnCancel 28/07 17:22:53 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 28/07 17:22:53 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:22:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnCancel 28/07 17:22:53 OnCancel 28/07 17:22:53 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 28/07 17:22:53 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:22:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/07 17:22:54 Timer 12 called 28/07 17:22:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 17:22:54 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/07 17:22:54 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/07 17:22:54 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/07 17:22:54 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/07 17:22:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 17:22:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 28/07 17:22:57 Cancel Dlg by User 28/07 17:22:57 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:22:57 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 28/07 17:22:57 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:22:57 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:22:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/07 17:22:57 here! 28/07 17:22:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/07 17:22:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/07 17:23:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 28/07 17:23:00 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:23:00 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/07 17:23:00 here! 28/07 17:23:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/07 17:23:00 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/07 17:23:01 CCRAServerDlg::OnCancel 28/07 17:23:01 OnCancel 28/07 17:23:01 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 28/07 17:23:01 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:23:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonStart 28/07 17:23:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 28/07 17:23:04 Setting Master successfully updated at ini file. New value: Y 28/07 17:23:04 Setting Backup successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 28/07 17:23:04 Setting EnableSBNClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 28/07 17:23:04 Setting EnableSoftguardClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 28/07 17:23:04 Setting EnableSIMSClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 28/07 17:23:04 Setting EnableManitouClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 28/07 17:23:04 OnBnClickedButtonStart m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE. daview.ini updated 28/07 17:23:04 Setting EnableMASterMindClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 28/07 17:23:04 Setting EnableSIAClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 28/07 17:23:04 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 28/07 17:23:04 CCRAServerDlg::InitActionsOfMaster 28/07 17:23:04 Don't call verified 28/07 17:23:04 Changing Web Service... 28/07 17:23:04 executing: c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ConfigureWebService.bat 21000 C:\Davantis\craserver c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ 28/07 17:23:04 ok! 28/07 17:23:04 CCRAServerDlg::StartDownloadVideos 28/07 17:23:04 Don't use DownloadVideos 28/07 17:23:04 CCRAServerDlg::MoveOldOpenAlarms 28/07 17:23:04 [D] Query(12ms)[0 rows] = SELECT "IDALARMCRA","IDDISPOSITION","IDUSER","IDEVENT","IDSITE","IDALARM","IPORIGIN","PORTORIGIN","CAMCODE","DESCRIPTION","STARTED","ENDED","SEVERITY","STATE","VIDEONAME","SNAPSHOT","IDMACHINE","IDRULE","IDCAMERA","ACK","RESOLUTION","DATEOPEN","DATECLOSE","FEATURES","DATECRAOK","VIDEOFILESIZE","TRANSMSEC","BBOX","IDMAIL","VIDEONAMESUP","MACHINENAMESUP","ACKR","VIDEOFILESIZESUP" FROM "dbo"."ALARMSCRA" WHERE STATE = 'NEW' OR STATE = 'VWD' ORDER BY IDALARMCRA DESC 28/07 17:23:04 0 alarms to be moved from AlarmsCRA to AlarmsOPEN 28/07 17:23:04 CCRAServerDlg::SendCMSInfoToAllSites 28/07 17:23:04 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 28/07 17:23:04 CCRAServerDlg::SendToAllCustomers 28/07 17:23:04 [D] Query(15ms)[1 rows] = SELECT "IDSITE","SITENAME","IP","PORT","MAP","HEARTBEAT","FTPPORT","PASSWORD","MESSAGE","MESSAGESTATE","DATESTART","DATEEND","SITECODE","IDINSTALLER","DNI","ADDRESS","POSTALCODE","CITY","COMMENT","SITESTARTDATE","SITESTOPDATE","LAUNCHEVENT","COMMENTRELE1","COMMENTRELE2","COMMENTRELE3","COMMENTRELE4","EVENTTYPE","COMMENTLIGHT","COMMENTSOUND","COMMENTWATER","COMMENTOTHER","VERSION","VNCPORT","VNCPWD","CONNECTED","EMAIL","WEBLOGIN","WEBPWD","IDSCHEDULER","TYPE","PRODUCT","ENABLE_AGAIN","WNOTARMED","AUDIOPORT","MESSAGEPOPUP","LASTBACKUPTIME","RECORDERHTTP","VIDEOFORMAT","AUTODOWNLOADVIDEOS","UPDATEIP","LASTIPTIME" FROM "dbo"."SITES" WHERE IDSITE <> 0 28/07 17:23:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/07 17:23:04 here! 28/07 17:23:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 28/07 17:23:04 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 28/07 17:23:04 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 28/07 17:23:04 here! 28/07 17:23:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/07 17:23:14 Timer 12 called 28/07 17:23:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 17:23:14 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/07 17:23:14 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/07 17:23:14 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/07 17:23:14 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/07 17:23:14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 17:23:34 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 28/07 17:23:34 Timer 9 called 28/07 17:23:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/07 17:23:34 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 28/07 17:23:34 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 28/07 17:23:34 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 28/07 17:23:34 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 28/07 17:23:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/09 17:48:22 ========================================================================================= 29/09 17:48:22 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/09 17:48:22 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/09 17:48:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/09 17:48:22 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/09 17:48:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/09 17:48:22 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/09 17:48:22 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/09 17:48:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/09 17:48:23 Timer 2 called 29/09 17:48:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/09 17:48:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/09 17:48:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/09 17:48:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/09 17:48:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/09 17:48:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/09 17:48:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/09 17:48:26 here! 29/09 17:48:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/09 17:48:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/09 17:48:31 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/09 17:48:31 Timer 3 called 29/09 17:48:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/09 17:48:31 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/09 17:48:31 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/09 17:48:31 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/09 17:48:31 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/09 17:48:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/09 17:48:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/09 17:48:36 Timer 12 called 29/09 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/09 17:48:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/09 17:48:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/09 17:48:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/09 17:48:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/09 17:48:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/09 17:48:56 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/09 17:48:56 Timer 9 called 29/09 17:48:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/09 17:48:56 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/09 17:48:56 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/09 17:48:56 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/09 17:48:56 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/09 17:48:56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 18:50:37 ========================================================================================= 07/10 18:50:38 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/10 18:50:38 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/10 18:50:38 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/10 18:50:38 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/10 18:50:38 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/10 18:50:38 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/10 18:50:38 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/10 18:50:39 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/10 18:50:39 Timer 2 called 07/10 18:50:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 18:50:39 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/10 18:50:39 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/10 18:50:39 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/10 18:50:39 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/10 18:50:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 18:50:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/10 18:50:43 here! 07/10 18:50:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/10 18:50:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/10 18:50:48 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/10 18:50:48 Timer 3 called 07/10 18:50:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 18:50:48 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/10 18:50:48 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/10 18:50:48 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/10 18:50:48 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/10 18:50:48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 18:50:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/10 18:50:53 Timer 12 called 07/10 18:50:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 18:50:53 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/10 18:50:53 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/10 18:50:53 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/10 18:50:53 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/10 18:50:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 18:51:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/10 18:51:13 Timer 9 called 07/10 18:51:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/10 18:51:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/10 18:51:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/10 18:51:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/10 18:51:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/10 18:51:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 12:55:04 ========================================================================================= 07/11 12:55:04 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/11 12:55:04 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/11 12:55:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/11 12:55:04 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/11 12:55:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/11 12:55:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/11 12:55:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/11 12:55:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/11 12:55:05 Timer 2 called 07/11 12:55:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 12:55:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/11 12:55:05 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/11 12:55:05 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/11 12:55:05 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/11 12:55:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 12:55:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/11 12:55:16 here! 07/11 12:55:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/11 12:55:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/11 12:55:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/11 12:55:21 Timer 3 called 07/11 12:55:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 12:55:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/11 12:55:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/11 12:55:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/11 12:55:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/11 12:55:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 12:55:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/11 12:55:26 Timer 12 called 07/11 12:55:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 12:55:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/11 12:55:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/11 12:55:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/11 12:55:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/11 12:55:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 12:55:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/11 12:55:46 Timer 9 called 07/11 12:55:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 12:55:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/11 12:55:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/11 12:55:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/11 12:55:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/11 12:55:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 13:09:17 ========================================================================================= 07/11 13:09:17 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 07/11 13:09:17 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 07/11 13:09:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/11 13:09:17 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 07/11 13:09:17 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/11 13:09:17 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 07/11 13:09:17 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 07/11 13:09:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/11 13:09:18 Timer 2 called 07/11 13:09:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 13:09:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/11 13:09:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/11 13:09:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/11 13:09:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/11 13:09:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 13:09:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 07/11 13:09:27 here! 07/11 13:09:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 07/11 13:09:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 07/11 13:09:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/11 13:09:32 Timer 3 called 07/11 13:09:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 13:09:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/11 13:09:33 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/11 13:09:33 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/11 13:09:33 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/11 13:09:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 13:09:37 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/11 13:09:37 Timer 12 called 07/11 13:09:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 13:09:37 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/11 13:09:37 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/11 13:09:37 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/11 13:09:37 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/11 13:09:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 13:09:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 07/11 13:09:57 Timer 9 called 07/11 13:09:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/11 13:09:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 07/11 13:09:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 07/11 13:09:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 07/11 13:09:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 07/11 13:09:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 01:00:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 01/12 01:00:43 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/12 01:00:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 01/12 01:00:43 here! 01/12 01:00:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/12 01:00:43 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 01/12 01:00:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonStart 01/12 01:00:52 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 01/12 01:00:52 Setting Master successfully updated at ini file. New value: Y 01/12 01:00:52 Setting Backup successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 01/12 01:00:52 Setting EnableSBNClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 01/12 01:00:52 Setting EnableSoftguardClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 01/12 01:00:52 Setting EnableSIMSClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 01/12 01:00:52 Setting EnableManitouClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 01/12 01:00:52 OnBnClickedButtonStart m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE. daview.ini updated 01/12 01:00:52 Setting EnableMASterMindClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 01/12 01:00:52 Setting EnableSIAClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 01/12 01:00:52 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient successfully updated at ini file. New value: N 01/12 01:00:52 CCRAServerDlg::InitActionsOfMaster 01/12 01:00:52 Don't call verified 01/12 01:00:52 Changing Web Service... 01/12 01:00:52 executing: c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ConfigureWebService.bat 21000 C:\Davantis\craserver c:\Davantis\CRAServer\ 01/12 01:00:52 ok! 01/12 01:00:52 CCRAServerDlg::StartDownloadVideos 01/12 01:00:52 Don't use DownloadVideos 01/12 01:00:52 CCRAServerDlg::MoveOldOpenAlarms 01/12 01:00:52 [D] Query(215ms)[0 rows] = SELECT "IDALARMCRA","IDDISPOSITION","IDUSER","IDEVENT","IDSITE","IDALARM","IPORIGIN","PORTORIGIN","CAMCODE","DESCRIPTION","STARTED","ENDED","SEVERITY","STATE","VIDEONAME","SNAPSHOT","IDMACHINE","IDRULE","IDCAMERA","ACK","RESOLUTION","DATEOPEN","DATECLOSE","FEATURES","DATECRAOK","VIDEOFILESIZE","TRANSMSEC","BBOX","IDMAIL","VIDEONAMESUP","MACHINENAMESUP","ACKR","VIDEOFILESIZESUP" FROM "dbo"."ALARMSCRA" WHERE STATE = 'NEW' OR STATE = 'VWD' ORDER BY IDALARMCRA DESC 01/12 01:00:52 0 alarms to be moved from AlarmsCRA to AlarmsOPEN 01/12 01:00:52 CCRAServerDlg::SendCMSInfoToAllSites 01/12 01:00:52 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 01/12 01:00:52 CCRAServerDlg::SendToAllCustomers 01/12 01:00:52 [D] Query(33ms)[1 rows] = SELECT "IDSITE","SITENAME","IP","PORT","MAP","HEARTBEAT","FTPPORT","PASSWORD","MESSAGE","MESSAGESTATE","DATESTART","DATEEND","SITECODE","IDINSTALLER","DNI","ADDRESS","POSTALCODE","CITY","COMMENT","SITESTARTDATE","SITESTOPDATE","LAUNCHEVENT","COMMENTRELE1","COMMENTRELE2","COMMENTRELE3","COMMENTRELE4","EVENTTYPE","COMMENTLIGHT","COMMENTSOUND","COMMENTWATER","COMMENTOTHER","VERSION","VNCPORT","VNCPWD","CONNECTED","EMAIL","WEBLOGIN","WEBPWD","IDSCHEDULER","TYPE","PRODUCT","ENABLE_AGAIN","WNOTARMED","AUDIOPORT","MESSAGEPOPUP","LASTBACKUPTIME","RECORDERHTTP","VIDEOFORMAT","AUTODOWNLOADVIDEOS","UPDATEIP","LASTIPTIME" FROM "dbo"."SITES" WHERE IDSITE <> 0 01/12 01:00:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 01/12 01:00:53 here! 01/12 01:00:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 01/12 01:00:53 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 01/12 01:00:53 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 01/12 01:00:53 here! 01/12 01:01:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/12 01:01:02 Timer 12 called 01/12 01:01:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 01:01:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/12 01:01:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/12 01:01:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/12 01:01:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/12 01:01:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 01:01:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 01/12 01:01:22 Timer 9 called 01/12 01:01:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/12 01:01:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 01/12 01:01:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 01/12 01:01:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 01/12 01:01:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 01/12 01:01:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 14:37:45 ========================================================================================= 13/12 14:37:45 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 13/12 14:37:45 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 13/12 14:37:45 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/12 14:37:45 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 13/12 14:37:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/12 14:37:45 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 13/12 14:37:45 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 13/12 14:37:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 14:37:46 Timer 2 called 13/12 14:37:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 14:37:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 14:37:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 14:37:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 14:37:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 14:37:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 14:37:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 13/12 14:37:52 here! 13/12 14:37:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 13/12 14:37:52 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 13/12 14:37:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 14:37:57 Timer 3 called 13/12 14:37:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 14:37:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 14:37:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 14:37:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 14:37:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 14:37:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 14:38:02 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 14:38:02 Timer 12 called 13/12 14:38:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 14:38:02 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 14:38:02 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 14:38:02 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 14:38:02 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 14:38:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 14:38:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 13/12 14:38:22 Timer 9 called 13/12 14:38:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/12 14:38:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 13/12 14:38:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 13/12 14:38:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 13/12 14:38:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 13/12 14:38:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/03 05:39:02 ========================================================================================= 26/03 05:39:02 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 26/03 05:39:02 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 26/03 05:39:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/03 05:39:02 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 26/03 05:39:02 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 26/03 05:39:02 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 26/03 05:39:02 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 26/03 05:39:03 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/03 05:39:03 Timer 2 called 26/03 05:39:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/03 05:39:03 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/03 05:39:03 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/03 05:39:03 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/03 05:39:03 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/03 05:39:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/03 05:39:08 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 26/03 05:39:08 here! 26/03 05:39:08 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 26/03 05:39:08 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 26/03 05:39:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/03 05:39:13 Timer 3 called 26/03 05:39:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/03 05:39:13 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/03 05:39:13 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/03 05:39:13 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/03 05:39:13 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/03 05:39:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/03 05:39:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/03 05:39:18 Timer 12 called 26/03 05:39:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/03 05:39:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/03 05:39:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/03 05:39:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/03 05:39:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/03 05:39:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/03 05:39:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 26/03 05:39:38 Timer 9 called 26/03 05:39:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/03 05:39:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 26/03 05:39:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 26/03 05:39:38 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 26/03 05:39:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 26/03 05:39:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 13:59:10 ========================================================================================= 05/07 13:59:10 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 05/07 13:59:10 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 05/07 13:59:10 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/07 13:59:10 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 05/07 13:59:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/07 13:59:10 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/07 13:59:11 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/07 13:59:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/07 13:59:11 Timer 2 called 05/07 13:59:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 13:59:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/07 13:59:12 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/07 13:59:12 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/07 13:59:12 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/07 13:59:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 13:59:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 05/07 13:59:16 here! 05/07 13:59:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 05/07 13:59:16 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 05/07 13:59:21 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/07 13:59:21 Timer 3 called 05/07 13:59:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 13:59:21 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/07 13:59:21 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/07 13:59:21 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/07 13:59:21 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/07 13:59:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 13:59:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/07 13:59:26 Timer 12 called 05/07 13:59:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 13:59:26 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/07 13:59:26 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/07 13:59:26 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/07 13:59:26 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/07 13:59:26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 13:59:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/07 13:59:46 Timer 9 called 05/07 13:59:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 13:59:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/07 13:59:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/07 13:59:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/07 13:59:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/07 13:59:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 14:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 05/07 14:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 05/07 14:02:57 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 05/07 14:03:18 ========================================================================================= 05/07 14:03:18 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 05/07 14:03:18 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 05/07 14:03:18 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/07 14:03:18 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 05/07 14:03:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/07 14:03:18 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 05/07 14:03:19 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 05/07 14:03:19 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/07 14:03:19 Timer 2 called 05/07 14:03:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 14:03:19 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/07 14:03:19 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/07 14:03:19 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/07 14:03:19 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/07 14:03:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 14:03:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 05/07 14:03:22 here! 05/07 14:03:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 05/07 14:03:22 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 05/07 14:03:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/07 14:03:27 Timer 3 called 05/07 14:03:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 14:03:27 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/07 14:03:27 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/07 14:03:27 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/07 14:03:27 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/07 14:03:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 14:03:32 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/07 14:03:32 Timer 12 called 05/07 14:03:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 14:03:32 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/07 14:03:32 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/07 14:03:32 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/07 14:03:32 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/07 14:03:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 14:03:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 05/07 14:03:52 Timer 9 called 05/07 14:03:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/07 14:03:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 05/07 14:03:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 05/07 14:03:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 05/07 14:03:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 05/07 14:03:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 07:59:52 ========================================================================================= 24/07 07:59:54 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 24/07 07:59:54 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 24/07 07:59:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/07 07:59:54 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 24/07 07:59:54 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 24/07 07:59:54 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 24/07 07:59:54 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 24/07 07:59:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/07 07:59:55 Timer 2 called 24/07 07:59:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 07:59:55 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/07 07:59:55 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/07 07:59:55 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/07 07:59:55 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/07 07:59:55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 08:00:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 24/07 08:00:06 here! 24/07 08:00:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 24/07 08:00:06 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 24/07 08:00:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/07 08:00:11 Timer 3 called 24/07 08:00:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 08:00:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/07 08:00:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/07 08:00:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/07 08:00:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/07 08:00:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 08:00:16 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/07 08:00:16 Timer 12 called 24/07 08:00:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 08:00:16 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/07 08:00:16 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/07 08:00:16 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/07 08:00:16 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/07 08:00:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 08:00:36 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 24/07 08:00:36 Timer 9 called 24/07 08:00:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/07 08:00:36 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 24/07 08:00:36 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 24/07 08:00:36 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 24/07 08:00:36 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 24/07 08:00:36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 15:37:42 ========================================================================================= 12/10 15:37:42 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 12/10 15:37:42 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 12/10 15:37:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/10 15:37:42 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 12/10 15:37:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/10 15:37:42 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 12/10 15:37:42 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 12/10 15:37:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/10 15:37:43 Timer 2 called 12/10 15:37:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 15:37:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/10 15:37:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/10 15:37:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/10 15:37:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/10 15:37:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 15:37:47 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 12/10 15:37:47 here! 12/10 15:37:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 12/10 15:37:47 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 12/10 15:37:52 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/10 15:37:52 Timer 3 called 12/10 15:37:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 15:37:52 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/10 15:37:52 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/10 15:37:52 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/10 15:37:52 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/10 15:37:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 15:37:57 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/10 15:37:57 Timer 12 called 12/10 15:37:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 15:37:57 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/10 15:37:57 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/10 15:37:57 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/10 15:37:57 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/10 15:37:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 15:38:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 12/10 15:38:17 Timer 9 called 12/10 15:38:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/10 15:38:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 12/10 15:38:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 12/10 15:38:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 12/10 15:38:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 12/10 15:38:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/03 12:05:27 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/03 12:05:27 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 20/03 12:05:27 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 20/03 12:07:37 ========================================================================================= 20/03 12:07:37 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 20/03 12:07:37 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 20/03 12:07:37 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/03 12:07:37 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 20/03 12:07:37 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/03 12:07:37 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 20/03 12:07:37 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 20/03 12:07:38 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/03 12:07:38 Timer 2 called 20/03 12:07:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/03 12:07:38 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/03 12:07:38 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/03 12:07:38 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/03 12:07:38 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/03 12:07:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/03 12:07:41 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 20/03 12:07:41 here! 20/03 12:07:41 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 20/03 12:07:41 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 20/03 12:07:46 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/03 12:07:46 Timer 3 called 20/03 12:07:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/03 12:07:46 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/03 12:07:46 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/03 12:07:46 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/03 12:07:46 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/03 12:07:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/03 12:07:51 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/03 12:07:51 Timer 12 called 20/03 12:07:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/03 12:07:51 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/03 12:07:51 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/03 12:07:51 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/03 12:07:51 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/03 12:07:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/03 12:08:11 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 20/03 12:08:11 Timer 9 called 20/03 12:08:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/03 12:08:11 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 20/03 12:08:11 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 20/03 12:08:11 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 20/03 12:08:11 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 20/03 12:08:11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/04 09:34:04 ========================================================================================= 30/04 09:34:05 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 30/04 09:34:05 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 30/04 09:34:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/04 09:34:05 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 30/04 09:34:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/04 09:34:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 30/04 09:34:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 30/04 09:34:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/04 09:34:06 Timer 2 called 30/04 09:34:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/04 09:34:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/04 09:34:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/04 09:34:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/04 09:34:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/04 09:34:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/04 09:34:12 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 30/04 09:34:12 here! 30/04 09:34:12 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 30/04 09:34:12 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 30/04 09:34:17 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/04 09:34:17 Timer 3 called 30/04 09:34:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/04 09:34:17 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/04 09:34:17 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/04 09:34:17 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/04 09:34:17 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/04 09:34:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/04 09:34:22 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/04 09:34:22 Timer 12 called 30/04 09:34:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/04 09:34:22 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/04 09:34:22 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/04 09:34:22 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/04 09:34:22 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/04 09:34:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/04 09:34:42 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 30/04 09:34:42 Timer 9 called 30/04 09:34:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/04 09:34:42 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 30/04 09:34:42 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 30/04 09:34:42 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 30/04 09:34:42 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 30/04 09:34:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 08:28:04 ========================================================================================= 29/05 08:28:05 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 29/05 08:28:05 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 29/05 08:28:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/05 08:28:05 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 29/05 08:28:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/05 08:28:05 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 29/05 08:28:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 29/05 08:28:06 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/05 08:28:06 Timer 2 called 29/05 08:28:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 08:28:06 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/05 08:28:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/05 08:28:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/05 08:28:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/05 08:28:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 08:28:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 29/05 08:28:13 here! 29/05 08:28:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 29/05 08:28:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 29/05 08:28:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/05 08:28:18 Timer 3 called 29/05 08:28:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 08:28:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/05 08:28:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/05 08:28:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/05 08:28:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/05 08:28:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 08:28:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/05 08:28:23 Timer 12 called 29/05 08:28:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 08:28:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/05 08:28:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/05 08:28:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/05 08:28:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/05 08:28:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 08:28:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 29/05 08:28:43 Timer 9 called 29/05 08:28:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/05 08:28:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 29/05 08:28:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 29/05 08:28:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 29/05 08:28:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 29/05 08:28:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/07 07:46:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 02/07 07:46:26 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/07 07:46:26 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/07 07:46:26 here! 02/07 07:46:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/07 07:46:26 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/07 07:46:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 02/07 07:46:30 Cancel Dlg by User 02/07 07:46:30 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/07 07:46:30 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 02/07 07:46:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/07 07:46:30 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/07 07:46:30 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/07 07:46:30 here! 02/07 07:46:30 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/07 07:46:30 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/08 07:39:04 ========================================================================================= 19/08 07:39:04 Exception - - CRA Server Started! 19/08 07:39:04 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 19/08 07:39:04 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/08 07:39:04 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 19/08 07:39:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/08 07:39:04 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en 19/08 07:39:05 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 19/08 07:39:05 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/08 07:39:05 Timer 2 called 19/08 07:39:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 07:39:05 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/08 07:39:06 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/08 07:39:06 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/08 07:39:06 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/08 07:39:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 07:39:13 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 19/08 07:39:13 here! 19/08 07:39:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 19/08 07:39:13 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 19/08 07:39:18 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/08 07:39:18 Timer 3 called 19/08 07:39:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 07:39:18 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/08 07:39:18 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/08 07:39:18 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/08 07:39:18 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/08 07:39:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 07:39:23 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/08 07:39:23 Timer 12 called 19/08 07:39:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 07:39:23 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/08 07:39:23 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/08 07:39:23 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/08 07:39:23 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/08 07:39:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 07:39:43 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 19/08 07:39:43 Timer 9 called 19/08 07:39:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/08 07:39:43 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 19/08 07:39:43 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 19/08 07:39:43 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 19/08 07:39:43 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 19/08 07:39:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09 09:19:54 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 02/09 09:19:55 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/09 09:19:55 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/09 09:19:55 here! 02/09 09:19:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/09 09:19:55 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/09 09:19:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 02/09 09:19:58 Cancel Dlg by User 02/09 09:19:58 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/09 09:19:58 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 179 02/09 09:19:58 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/09 09:19:58 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/09 09:19:58 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/09 09:19:58 here! 02/09 09:19:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/09 09:19:58 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/09 09:43:14 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupExit 02/09 09:43:14 OnPopupExit 02/09 09:43:15 CCRAServerDlg::CheckIfWeCanExit 02/09 09:43:15 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/09 09:43:17 CCRAServerDlg::CheckPassword 02/09 09:43:17 Good password 02/09 09:43:17 Setting Master read from section BackupDatabase. Value = Y 02/09 09:43:17 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting Backup read from section BackupDatabase. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableSBNClient read from section SBN. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableSoftguardClient read from section SOFTGUARD. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableSIMSClient read from section SIMS. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableManitouClient read from section MANITOU. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableMASterMindClient read from section MASTERMIND. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableSIAClient read from section SIA. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting EnableAzurSoftClient read from section AZURSOFT. Value = N 02/09 09:43:17 Setting LANG read from section VIEWCLIENT. Value = CA 02/09 09:43:19 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 02/09 09:43:19 Waiting LOOP for end 02/09 09:43:20 Waiting Securize for end 02/09 09:43:21 Waiting Securize for end 02/09 09:43:22 Waiting Securize for end 02/09 09:43:23 Waiting Securize for end 02/09 09:43:24 Waiting Securize for end 02/09 09:43:25 Waiting Securize for end 02/09 09:43:26 Waiting Securize for end 02/09 09:43:27 Waiting Securize for end 02/09 09:43:28 Waiting Securize for end 02/09 09:43:29 CCRAServerDlg::MyEndProcess 02/09 09:43:29 MyEndProcess DOWNLOADVIDEOS 02/09 09:43:29 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread exit code before stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 02/09 09:43:29 MyEndProcess step 0 02/09 09:43:29 End thread signaled 02/09 09:43:29 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread ended smoothly 02/09 09:43:29 thread exit code after stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 02/09 09:43:29 MyEndProcess end 02/09 09:43:29 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/09 09:43:29 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 02/09 09:43:29 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 02/09/24 10:16:39.794 ========================================================================================= 02/09/24 10:16:39.925 CRAServer - Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/09/24 10:16:39.945 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:16:39.946 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/09/24 10:16:39.954 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/09/24 10:16:39.962 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:16:39.963 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:16:40.166 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/09/24 10:16:40.949 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09/24 10:16:40.949 Timer 2 called 02/09/24 10:16:40.954 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:16:40.954 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09/24 10:16:40.956 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:16:40.956 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:16:40.956 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09/24 10:16:40.956 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:16:44.185 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/09/24 10:16:44.185 here! 02/09/24 10:16:44.188 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/09/24 10:16:44.195 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/09/24 10:16:49.182 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09/24 10:16:49.182 Timer 3 called 02/09/24 10:16:49.182 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:16:49.182 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09/24 10:16:49.291 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:16:49.292 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:16:49.292 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09/24 10:16:49.292 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:16:54.182 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09/24 10:16:54.182 Timer 12 called 02/09/24 10:16:54.182 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:16:54.182 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09/24 10:16:54.183 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:16:54.183 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:16:54.183 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09/24 10:16:54.183 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:17:14.183 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09/24 10:17:14.183 Timer 9 called 02/09/24 10:17:14.183 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:17:14.183 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09/24 10:17:14.184 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:17:14.184 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:17:14.184 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09/24 10:17:14.184 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:30:26.472 CCRAServerDlg::OnClose 02/09/24 10:30:26.472 OnClose 02/09/24 10:30:26.474 CCRAServerDlg::ExitNow 02/09/24 10:30:26.476 CCRAServerDlg::CleanCRAServer 02/09/24 10:30:26.476 Waiting LOOP for end 02/09/24 10:30:27.478 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:28.479 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:29.479 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:30.480 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:31.481 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:32.482 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:33.483 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:34.484 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:35.484 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:36.485 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:37.485 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:38.486 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:39.487 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:40.487 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:41.488 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:42.488 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:43.488 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:44.489 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:45.490 Waiting Securize for end 02/09/24 10:30:46.493 CCRAServerDlg::MyEndProcess 02/09/24 10:30:46.498 MyEndProcess DOWNLOADVIDEOS 02/09/24 10:30:46.499 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread exit code before stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 02/09/24 10:30:46.499 MyEndProcess step 0 02/09/24 10:30:46.501 End thread signaled 02/09/24 10:30:46.501 DOWNLOADVIDEOS thread ended smoothly 02/09/24 10:30:46.501 thread exit code after stopping (STILL_ACTIVE=259): 123 02/09/24 10:30:46.501 MyEndProcess end 02/09/24 10:30:46.509 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/09/24 10:30:46.514 CCRAServerDlg::OnDestroy 02/09/24 10:30:46.516 CCRAServerDlg::DeleteTrayIcon 02/09/24 10:30:47.140 ========================================================================================= 02/09/24 10:30:47.238 CRAServer - Exception - - CRA Server Started! 02/09/24 10:30:47.247 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:30:47.247 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/09/24 10:30:47.253 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 02/09/24 10:30:47.260 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:30:47.260 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:30:47.469 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 02/09/24 10:30:48.250 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09/24 10:30:48.250 Timer 2 called 02/09/24 10:30:48.255 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:30:48.255 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09/24 10:30:48.256 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:30:48.257 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:30:48.257 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09/24 10:30:48.257 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:30:51.410 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 02/09/24 10:30:51.410 here! 02/09/24 10:30:51.413 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 02/09/24 10:30:51.419 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 02/09/24 10:30:56.403 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09/24 10:30:56.403 Timer 3 called 02/09/24 10:30:56.403 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:30:56.403 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09/24 10:30:56.409 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:30:56.410 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:30:56.410 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09/24 10:30:56.410 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:31:01.419 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09/24 10:31:01.419 Timer 12 called 02/09/24 10:31:01.419 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:31:01.419 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09/24 10:31:01.420 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:31:01.420 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:31:01.420 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09/24 10:31:01.420 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:31:21.421 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 02/09/24 10:31:21.421 Timer 9 called 02/09/24 10:31:21.421 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02/09/24 10:31:21.421 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 02/09/24 10:31:21.422 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:31:21.422 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 02/09/24 10:31:21.422 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 02/09/24 10:31:21.422 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/09/24 08:16:57.389 ========================================================================================= 03/09/24 08:16:57.503 CRAServer - Exception - - CRA Server Started! 03/09/24 08:16:57.514 Setting WAIT read from section DEBUG. Value = 1000 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 03/09/24 08:16:57.515 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/09/24 08:16:57.522 CCRAServerDlg::LoadMultiLanguageForms 03/09/24 08:16:57.530 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 03/09/24 08:16:57.530 Setting LANG read from section ViewClient. Value = en (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 03/09/24 08:16:57.718 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/09/24 08:16:58.511 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/09/24 08:16:58.512 Timer 2 called 03/09/24 08:16:58.516 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/09/24 08:16:58.516 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/09/24 08:16:58.522 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 03/09/24 08:16:58.522 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 03/09/24 08:16:58.522 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/09/24 08:16:58.522 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/09/24 08:17:01.694 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/09/24 08:17:01.694 here! 03/09/24 08:17:01.697 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/09/24 08:17:01.740 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/09/24 08:17:06.688 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/09/24 08:17:06.688 Timer 3 called 03/09/24 08:17:06.688 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/09/24 08:17:06.688 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/09/24 08:17:06.693 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 03/09/24 08:17:06.693 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 03/09/24 08:17:06.693 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/09/24 08:17:06.693 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/09/24 08:17:11.706 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/09/24 08:17:11.706 Timer 12 called 03/09/24 08:17:11.706 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/09/24 08:17:11.706 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/09/24 08:17:11.707 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 03/09/24 08:17:11.707 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 03/09/24 08:17:11.707 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/09/24 08:17:11.707 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/09/24 08:17:31.694 CCRAServerDlg::OnTimer 03/09/24 08:17:31.694 Timer 9 called 03/09/24 08:17:31.694 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/09/24 08:17:31.694 Starting thread CRASERVERTIMER 03/09/24 08:17:31.695 Setting ALL read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 0 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 03/09/24 08:17:31.695 Setting CRASERVERTIMER read from section DAVIEWLOGMODULES. Value = 1 (c:\Davantis\CRAServer\daview.ini) 03/09/24 08:17:31.695 Thread CRASERVERTIMER started! You can see its log in : "c:\Davantis\CRAServer\Logs\_CRAServerTimer" 03/09/24 08:17:31.695 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/09/24 08:21:47.809 CCRAServerDlg::OnPopupConfiguration 03/09/24 08:21:47.810 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/09/24 08:21:47.810 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/09/24 08:21:47.810 here! 03/09/24 08:21:47.828 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/09/24 08:21:47.839 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton 03/09/24 08:21:51.238 CCRAServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonexit 03/09/24 08:21:51.238 Cancel Dlg by User 03/09/24 08:21:51.238 UpdateAppearance m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/09/24 08:21:51.238 Setting VERSION read from database section CRASERVER. Value = 211 03/09/24 08:21:51.240 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/09/24 08:21:51.240 DoDataExchange m_bEnableManitouClient = FALSE 03/09/24 08:21:51.240 CCRAServerDlg::OnSysCommand 03/09/24 08:21:51.240 here! 03/09/24 08:21:51.269 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTrayIcon 03/09/24 08:21:51.276 CCRAServerDlg::SetupTaskBarButton